THE placid Pug that paces in the Park, Harnessed in silk and led by leathern lead, Lives his dull life, and recks not of the Shark In distant waters. Lapped in sloth and greed, He fails in strenuous life to make a mark, The placid Pug that paces in the park. Round the slow circle of his nights and days His life revolves in calm monotony. Not unsusceptible to casual praise, And mildly moved by the approach of "tea," No forked and jagged lightning leaps and plays Round the slow circle of his nights and days. He scarcely turns his round protuberant eyes, To mark the mood of animals or men. His joy is limited to mild surmise When a new biscuit swims into his ken. And when athwart his gaze a Rabbit flies, He scarcely turns his round protuberant eyes. And all the while the Shark in Southern seas 013m |