
SEEN in the mirror of the poet's dream,

(Exclusively reserved for the "elect"),

Each animal supplies us with a theme

For wondering-admiration and respect.

Thus, to those men who truly modest seem


The Hare.

The Bee performs all sorts of useful things

When she is gathering honey for the hive,

She fertilises flowers and plants, and brings

Food to keep necessary Drones alive.

Unless annoyed she very seldom stings,

Dear me!

The Bee.

The Dove extols and cherishes his mate,

And coos and woos all through the summer day.

H is life is blamelessly immaculate,

And though his wings enable him to stray,

He seldom does. He never comes home late.

By Jove!

The Dove.

The Crow displays a splendid scorn of pelf,

Backed by invulnerable self-restraint.

All specious arts he lays upon the shelf,

And, being free from every primal taint,

He keeps himself entirely to himself.




The Crow!

The Stork compels our admiration, he

Will stand for several hours in the same place

And on one leg, instead of two (or three),

Thus practising economy of space.

A grand example of stability!

Oh Lork!

The Stork.

The self-repressive Cod, on his own beat,

Swims in elaborately-studied curves.

He keeps below, not wishing to compete

With surface-swimming fishes, though his nerves

Are sometimes tried by lack of air, and heat.

Good God!

The Cod.



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