Mrs. Boyd had not stirred. Lilian bent over her and found the breathing very faint. Miss Arran sat by the window and merely glanced up. The girl buried her face in the pillow and heard again the soft, finely modulated voice, the clasp of the hand that meant so much, the promise for tomorrow. “If they were not so rich,” her musings ran, “If I could do something for her. Oh, it seems too much. If we could go away—but to face all the girls, to hear the comments.” “Miss Boyd, can you spare me a few moments,” said Mrs. Dane. “Mrs. Arran will watch.” Lilian followed to Mrs. Dane’s room. “Miss Boyd, I have an apology to make to you, and I am honest enough to confess it. I can’t just tell why, but I did take a dislike to you and your mother. She seemed very weak and as if she was afraid a baleful secret might come to light, and you were the master mind holding some curious power over her.” “And it seemed to me—of course I understand it now, that you held your head quite too high for your mother’s daughter. I was brought up to do my duty in that station of life to which it should please God to call me, and not try to get out of it. You seemed above it—somehow——” “Oh, did I act that way? I was only trying to do my duty to the classes and to Mrs. Barrington. I did not mean to seem above my station,” and there was sob in her voice. “My dear, don’t cry. My apology would not be worth half so much if I held back part of the price. I think I was a little jealous of Mrs. Barrington’s favor for you, as I had a curious suspicion that something not quite orthodox might come out about you, that you really were not her child. You see I was not so far out of the way after all, and that evening I accused you of having gone to the Clairvoyants—we had just heard the death was from malignant scarlet fever. It would have ruined the school for a long while to have “Oh, could you believe that I would have told such a falsehood?” she cried, hurt to the very quick. “We thought it best to take precautions. Then Mrs. Boyd had her stroke and then came her confession and all that has happened since. Your devotion to that poor woman was enough to stamp the nobleness of your character, and it is not because you are Major Crawford’s daughter that I say this—that I am ashamed of my prejudices and beg you to forgive me. Mrs. Barrington was right from the beginning and you are worthy of the best of fortune.” “Oh, Mrs. Dane—” and her voice broke. “I should have felt myself contemptible if I had not made this amends, and now if you will shake hands with me——” “Gladly. And I thank you for the kindliness towards my—yes, she was my mother all these years and the sympathy you showed “And I wish you much joy and happiness, which you will surely have. And you will be fitted to grace any position. You will have one of the loveliest of women for a mother, and two brothers who, so far, have been most exemplary. And that darling, Zay—the whole town loves her.” Lilian wiped her eyes, and pressed Mrs. Dane’s hand fervently. Would Zay proffer her a sister’s love? She went back to Mrs. Boyd, who suddenly opened her eyes and smiled, then the thin lids fell. How she had wasted away! She tried to recount to herself all the kindnesses, the sacrifices Mrs. Boyd had made. And though the boarding house had been of the commonest sort there had never seemed any real pinches. She had even saved up money. It was the long illness and the changes incident to it that had not only reduced their little store, but broken her health and made her fearful of the future. She had taken up the sewing then. Four years there had been of that. Lilian remembered how proud she had been to enter the High School among the best scholars. And some day she would teach. It was such There were other evenings when she overcast long seams and pulled bastings, and the last year she had learned to sew on the machine. With scanty living and steady work, her mother had dropped down and down. But she was glad she had offered to go in the shop. When matters were a little easier she might try night school she had thought. And this beautiful school was like an entrance into a land of romance. The luxurious living, at least it seemed so to her, would soon restore her mother’s health. The duties were light. She had time for reading and oh, the lovely things! She did at times wish there had been some other position for her mother, like that of Miss Arran’s. But she understood that Mrs. Boyd could not fill that. She lacked something, she had no real dignity, no self-assertion. She allowed the girls to order her, and Lilian wondered how these rich girls, who in some respects had polished manners, could be so ill bred. For somehow she understood the difference. And now this wonderful event had come to her and she seemed to understand the thoughts and feelings that had been such a mystery. When she had been clasped to her true mother’s heart, it appeared to her as if a veil had been drawn aside, and she had stepped into a larger room, replete with all she had vaguely dreamed about. That Crawford House was one of the fine old places, she knew, but she never thought of that luxurious living where all the tomorrows had been provided for. She would have gone to the simplest cottage for that mother’s love. Would Zaidee Crawford give her a sister’s warm welcome? She would never grudge her anything money could buy; but she, Lilian, must seem like an interloper to them. And to share her mother’s love with a stranger! Miss Arran entered the room. “You ought to go to bed, Miss Boyd. I will sit here and watch. Your mother seems asleep.” Lilian changed her dress for a comfortable wrapper, kissed her mother’s forehead and It had not been so tranquil at Crawford House. Dinner had been rather quiet; no one seemingly to want to talk at any length. Afterward, Major Crawford had said— “Let us all go up to mother’s room. I have a singular explanation to make to you two children. Aunt Kate has known it these two days.” “There has seemed something mysterious in the air,” exclaimed Willard, “only I am sure nothing worse has happened to mother. She looks so extraordinarily happy, and Zay is about again.” “We must go back to the time of the accident,” began the Major. “We thought we had overlived the sorrow and we had never expected any joy for the outcome.” He paused to steady his voice, then began the story of the other woman, the only passenger who carried an infant, her hours of unconsciousness, her hearing the cry of the child and claiming it and then learning that the woman she believed its mother had been “Oh, you don’t mean she took our baby,” cried Willard passionately, his eyes aflame. “She took our baby. She has cared for it all these years through poverty and failing health and now that she is dying, she thought the child ought to know. They have been at Mrs. Barrington’s since some time in August.” Zaidee sprang up, but her face was ghostly pale and there was a tremulous protest in her voice. “Oh, it is that Mrs. Boyd, the caretaker and her daughter!” she exclaimed, drawing a long strangling breath full of protest. “Our daughter,” said her father with emphasis. Then he went on to relate how the matter had been brought to his notice and his unreasonable anger at first as he could not doubt the story vouched for by Doctor Kendricks, his interview with the child and Mrs. Barrington, Mrs. Crawford’s visit to her yesterday. “What a wonderful story!” Willard sprang “How do we know that she did not?” said Miss Crawford, protestingly. “She was anxious that the girl in some manner might find her father’s people. You see, she was sure the mother was dead. Oh, there is enough to convince you all. Dr. Kendricks and Mr. Ledwith have no doubt of the truth of her story. There is no scheme in it. And it was thought best, in her weakened state, not to try any explanations.” “It was nurse Jane who died, and the dead baby was buried with her. Ah, one glance at the girl would convince you,” said the mother in the tenderest voice. “But—why didn’t she come here at once?” “She was very noble about it. And this is another factor in the story. She would not leave the mother who had worked and toiled for her; so you see she was not tempted by the thought of advancement. She was afraid to believe the outcome of the story at first. Oh, I am proud of her, though at first I was really cruel. I wanted the woman punished.” “After all,” said Willard, “if the baby had been friendless and an orphan it would have been very noble in her.” “And what do you mean to do?” asked Miss Crawford. “It is going to make a great stir for it cannot be kept a secret, and I hate gossip about families.” “Yes, the thing must be explained. I have given what of the story I want known to a reporter this afternoon. After the poor woman has gone, Marguerite will come here to her true home and life.” “Why, Zay, you must have known her at the school,” said Willard. “It seems she was studying——” “Oh, they are all on the other side away from the boarders. She was in the study room an hour in the evening, with the smaller girls. We were all at a different table that we had to ourselves. And—somehow, I never saw much of her. I didn’t have to go to Mrs. Boyd for my mending.” Aunt Kate had put her arm about Zay at the beginning of the story. The mother noted with a pang that there was no real welcome in this daughter’s face. Was it jealousy? Willard stood between his parents and laid a hand on the shoulder of each. He stooped to kiss her. “Oh,” she returned, brokenly, “I want you all to love her, and be patient with Zay. She has always been first so long.” “I think if I was a girl I’d be wild to have a sister to tell things to—the little things a fellow tells his sweetheart, I suppose, when he has one,” laughing. “Vin and I discuss our gettings along and our hopes and some funny scrapes that boys get into. But girls look at the romantic side. And you can’t think—but I’m proud of this romance. Why, it will be something to tell over to our children, and father’s been a trump, but I think it’s a good deal owing to you. Oh, I hope she is like you.” The mother smiled as she kissed him. Zay came to say good-night. Her face had grave lines that were not wont to be there. “Oh, my darling,” the mother said, “this is one of the things that cannot make any “And you will be proud of her again. She is going to be a fine scholar, and I’m just pretty to look at, that’s all! I can’t make myself love anyone all in a moment,” and she gave a little sob. “My child, the love will come if you do not steel your heart against it. Think, Zay, a twin sister——” “But she is larger, different and a sort of story heroine. Everyone will be interested in her and I shall be pushed quite to the wall.” “Oh, Zay, you are a foolish little girl. But you have had all the admiration and love, and we must wait patiently until you understand that love can never be impoverished by giving. Think of this, pray for a generous heart, and let her love you.” Aunt Kate was waiting in her room. And Zay’s overcharged heart gave way to a passion of weeping on the friendly bosom. “Dear, I know how hard it is to be crowded But Zay wept herself to sleep with an ache in her heart that crowded out all tender feelings. After a long while Lilian Boyd fell asleep and there came no disturbance. Just at daylight Miss Arran leaned over the bed and touched the cold face, felt for the heart. “It is much better so. There will be nothing painful to remember,” said that lady. “Mother, mother!” and Lilian roused suddenly. “My dear,” said Miss Arran, “she has gone to her rest in the most peaceful manner. The doctor said it might be so, and you have done your full duty. My dear, you can go to your own mother’s arms with the clearest conscience. I am glad, we are all glad that you elected to stay, though your father, in his first indignation, would have swept you away. I hardly see how you won your way. Come to Mrs. Dane’s room and have a cup of coffee.” She gave one long look at the still face. Oh, how thin and worn it was, yet there was a certain peacefulness that comforted the girl. Mrs. Harrington came in and kissed her tenderly. “It is all as we would have it,” she said. “And whatever mistake Mrs. Boyd might have made must be balanced by the thought that if there had been no one, as she believed, she would have taken you to her heart just as gladly, done for you with the same cheerfulness. “Oh, Mrs. Barrington, I think there will be enough. She still had some of her insurance money that she had used only in emergencies. And we have needed so little here. Oh, you have all been so kind,” in her grateful, broken voice. Then Dr. Kendricks was announced. “I supposed it would be that way,” he said. “Shall I make arrangements for the funeral. There is no one, I suppose——” “It is too far away from her old friends for any of them to come, and I am sure Lilian would like it as simple and quiet as possible. I should say tomorrow morning. No one will go out of curiosity.” “Then I will see about it at once. The Major is all impatience to have his daughter.” “You must come and share my room,” Mrs. Barrington said to Lilian. “Oh, she really doesn’t seem any different to me,” the girl returned. “She has slept so much the last few days, and it is what we have expected. God has taken her in His keeping and she will have those belonging to her. It is a blessed thought.” “It is your brother,” announced Mrs. Barrington. “Oh, do try and see him. Your mother wishes it so much.” Lilian went down and was clasped to her mother’s heart and held there many seconds. “This is your brother Willard, who is soon to leave for Washington and he begged so much to see a little of you. His will be a three years’ cruise, and I am doubly glad to have found another child in view of his long absence.” Lilian glanced up. It was such a frank, kindly face, too young yet for any of his father’s sternness. “Oh, my dear, I wonder if you will ever understand how precious you are going to be to us all. It is like one raised from the dead. I shall go away with a lighter heart, seeing that mother and father have you. We boys have been so much to the house with our stirring interests; now it will be you and Zaidee. I shall think of you so often. Why, I can readily believe any fairy story, and it almost breaks “And to know that you were loved all these years,” said the mother holding out her arms, and both children went to them. “And that you never really suffered for anything. Sometimes I hardly dare believe in and accept this great blessing.” “Oh, I hope I will prove a blessing,” Lilian said, with a great tremble in her voice. “You are so good to take me in, to love and trust me, knowing so little about me.” For of late she had been learning how much children could be to parents. “But I think Mrs. Barrington had opportunities of knowing,” returned her mother with a warm pressure, and fond smile. Willard had been studying her. “There’s something about her like you, mother, and something that recalls Vincent. Oh, won’t he be surprised! He will want to fly home again. Oh, you will not mind if Zaidee carries off the family beauty. She is such a dear! “I am glad, and I thought her lovely at the first glance. Why, the girls are quite wild about her. I shall not mind anything so long as you all love me. Oh, I will try to deserve it.” There were tears in her eyes and her mother kissed her tenderly. Then they talked about her coming home which could not be until her whole duty was performed and there was no omission to think of. Yet they went lingeringly, loth to leave her. “She has a great deal of character;” said Willard. “She seems more mature than Zay. I am glad they are not alike, though it seems rather out of the order for twins. Oh, mother, I can foresee that she will be a great deal to you in a womanly way. We can never thank God enough for her.” “And all these years, amid the suffering, I have always thought if I had left my darling at home. I was so proud of her I wanted your father to see her. Zaidee was not such a fine looking baby. We had both so ardently desired a daughter; indeed we had often said two boys and two girls was an ideal family.” “And I wouldn’t give up Vin—boys have a “No. So we must make allowance for both of them until they reach the true level of birthright. Marguerite is very proud and has unusually well defined ideas of duty, while we have never put anything but love before Zay. I expect we have spoiled her.” Mount Morris was startled in the midst of its Christmas festivities by the remarkable announcement that Marguerite, the twin baby of Major and Mrs. Crawford, had been miraculously saved from the wreck, where the nurse and several others had perished. Another passenger whose baby had been killed, thinking the nurse was the true mother of the child, had taken it to her heart out of pity for the helpless little creature, and gone farther westward before real inquiries could be made as to whether there were any relatives living. Mrs. Crawford had insisted upon softening what her husband had considered a crime on the part of Mrs. Boyd. So it was represented that Mrs. Boyd had taken the position at Mrs. Barrington’s that her adopted child might be better educated as her own health was failing, which after all was the truth, though Lilian’s pleading had been a special factor. The poor woman’s burial had been quiet, in the early morning. Mrs. Barrington and Miss Arran had gone with Lilian whose great regret had been that there was not sufficient money to send her to Laconia to sleep beside her husband and her little son, but she gave thanks that there was no need of benevolence though Mrs. Barrington had insisted she should supply any need. She had begged that she might be left at the school over Sunday, and Mrs. Crawford found herself so shaken by all the excitement that she assented the more readily. Zaidee “It really would be the part of wisdom to go to the city if you felt well enough,” Aunt Kate said to her sister-in-law. “Of course there will be a good deal of talk, and it is but natural that our friends should desire to see the new daughter of the house. It is a most excellent thing that Dr. Kendricks has been mixed up with it all and can vouch for the truth. And the child might get some training to fit her for her new position.” “Mrs. Barrington has had her in training for some time, and from the very first was attracted by her natural grace and dignity; and her strength of character,” was the reply, “and her father found resemblances to me in the first interview!” “But the years before would naturally leave some impress. Mrs. Boyd, it seems, had not much education, and they must have lived in the commoner streets with all kinds of people. I feel something as brother does, that I can hardly forgive her for robbing the Mrs. Crawford winced and flushed a little. Her last remembrance of the smiling, cooing baby, bright eyed and full of health and sweetness, never faded from her mind, and she fancied now she should have the same instinctive impressions that had puzzled Mrs. Barrington. Aunt Kate might be rather captious at first, but she could pardon it and understand it as well, for she had been a most devoted mother to Zaidee. Then, too, school would begin so soon and all these little breaks would bring about the finer claims of relationship. No one went to church on Sunday. Mrs. Crawford was not quite up to the mark, and Aunt Kate declared she could not face the curious eyes or answer a question. The Major longed to go over to Mrs. Barrington’s but some feeling of delicacy restrained him. Lilian had come home from the lonely burial like one in a strange dream. The brief illness, the excitement of the confession, the quiet passing out of existence had transpired so rapidly that she could hardly make it real. She almost expected to find Mrs. Oh, why had not God given this poor starved life its rightful surroundings? If Mrs. Boyd had lived! If there had been a number of merry, satisfied children going cheerfully to work in shops and factories when school days were over, having lovers, marrying and repeating their mother’s life! For the world was full of ordinary happy people with no high ideals. Was there something in heredity? |