Albatross, 174, 175 Wandering, 174 American Bald Eagle, 149 American House Wren, 156 Arcadian Flycatcher, 160 Avocet, 168 Baltimore Oriole, 177 Bank Swallow, 153 Belted Kingfisher, 153 Bewick's Wren, 156 Bittern, 166 Black and White Warbler, 157, 177 Blackbirds, 157 Red-winged, 157, 177 Black Duck, 172 Bluebird, 157, 177 Blue Jay, 160, 161, 177 Bobolink, 158, 177 Bobwhite, 165 Brown Pelican, 172 Butcher Bird, 160 Buzzards, 150 Common, 150 Turkey, 147, 148 Canada Goose, 171 Canvasback Duck, 172 Cardinal, 162, 177 Carolina Wren, 156 Carrion Crow, 148 Catbird, 158 Cedar Waxwing, 162 Chimney Swift, 153 Common Buzzard, 150 Coot, 168 Cormorant, 173, 174 Cowbird, 158, 177 Crane, 166 Crossbill, 161 Crow, 160, 177 Carrion, 148 Curlew, 168 Doves, 164 Mourning, 165 Downy Woodpecker, 164, 177 Ducks, 171, 172 Black, 172 Canvasback, 172 Mallard, 171 Red-head, 172 Eagles, 148, 149 American Bald, 164 Wood Thrush, 157 Wood Pewee, 160 Wrens, 156 American House, 156 Bewick's, 156 Carolina, 156 European, 156 House, 156 Marsh, 156 Winter, 156 Yellow Warbler, 157, 177 THE Campfire and Trail Series
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