

Let us now bear the conclusion of the whole matter, which takes us straight back to where we started, and we again repeat if you want to become an engineer make up your mind that you will be a good one or none at all.

We have examined the locomotive inside and out, underneath and on top, even peering down the smoke-stack, crawling into the fire-box, and learning the true science of shoveling coal.

What then remains to be told?

Nothing that can be remembered long enough to be of any practical use.

There are matters—dozens of them—connected with locomotive engineering which we have not even alluded to, but they are for the most part such as must be learned by actual every day experience to be of any use.

We might, perhaps, under three heads speak a few closing words. First let us take up


and post ourselves a bit on that most important subject.

The greater part of an engineer's time while on his engine must be spent in the lookout for signals.

Upon this depends not only the safety of every soul on the train but his own as well.

Never jump at conclusions in the matter of signals.

Never assume that because a "distant" signal and all the other signals are off the line is clear.

Every engineer should, as far as possible, not only see that each signal is off, but he should also cast his eye over the road in front of him to see whether it should be off. At night caution in the matter of signals is even more necessary than in daylight. Then the only safety lies in keeping a constant lookout.

You must know your road. It is not enough to know where the up grades lie and where the downs. You must know just how steep the grades are and their length.

Often signals are badly placed and cannot be seen until the engine is close upon them.

With this you have nothing to do. Engineers do not place signals. Doubtless if they did they would alter the position of many of them. All you have to do is to heed the signals, no matter how well or how badly they are placed.

To enter into a detailed description of signals until some universal system of signaling is adopted, would be but a waste of time.

You will have to learn all these things during your apprenticeship; they are matters upon which books can give you little help.

Presence of mind you must always have if you expect to become a good engineer, and courage, too—plenty of it. This brings us to our second head, which we will write

"Broke Down."

What to do when the engine has broken down?

There comes the tug of war, the time when it will be definitely decided whether the engineer is good, bad or indifferent.

Hundreds of lives may depend upon prompt action, thousands of dollars' worth of property are in the engineer's hands, either to waste or save when the moment of the break down comes.

In Mr. S. A. Alexander's excellent treatise entitled "Broke Down" is placed in red letters over every page, "Protect Yourself from Approaching Trains."

When a break-down occurs, this is the first thought which should enter the engineer's mind, and the first act should be to carry it out.

There are many causes of a break-down, too many to enumerate. In the roundhouse is the place to study break-downs, for here, daily, every variety is open to inspection—broken crank-shafts, broken eccentric-rods, eccentric-straps and sheaves, broken motion and broken springs.

Of course an engine may be broken, and yet able to run its train through. This is an important consideration. Some engineers hardly know when they are beaten.

It is a matter of record that a certain engineer, known as "Hell-fire Jack," ran his train over a bridge after one side had been washed away by a raging flood. Thousands of such daring deeds have been accomplished by engineers, but "Cautious Jacks" will be better appreciated by the company than "Hell-fire Jacks" every time.

Real heroism lies in good judgment and a cool head. Suppose that the right hand back gear eccentric-rod breaks. "Can I get along in forward gear, after having disconnected the rod and the strap?" is the question. The answer is yes, and it should be prompt, as all such answers should be when the engine breaks down.

It is such readiness as this that makes break-downs but a matter of a few moments.

It is also highly necessary that the engineer should ask himself "What tools have I upon the engine? What can I do with them? Can I find them in the dark? If I run off the track in what condition is my screw jack? Will it work properly? Have I a ratchet or bar to work it with?"

These are things which should be continually kept in mind.

Air Brakes.

The air-brake has changed engine driving materially in the last few years, and a word or two concerning it should be said.

The air-brake consists briefly of an air cylinder placed beneath each car, which can be operated by the engineer from the foot plate, the pressure of the air controlling the action of the brakes.

There are two valves to an air-brake, one for ordinary stops and the other for sudden stops in case of emergency.

In the first only partial pressure of the confined air is used, in the latter the full pressure is employed and the brakes brought against the wheels with all force at once.

One of the most important duties of an engineer is to be well assured that the air-brakes are in proper working order.

After the call for hand brakes has been given, the air brakes must not be applied until the hand brakes are released. Air and hand brakes should never be used at the same time on a car.

When cars having different air pressures are coupled together the brakes will work first on that having the highest pressure.

Special instruction is needed to fully comprehend the working of air brakes.

Here is a speed table which may be useful. We have taken the liberty of extracting it from Alexander's "Ready-reference for Locomotive Engineers," an excellent hand-book with which all candidates for the foot-plate should provide themselves. Published by the author, S. A. Alexander, York, Pa.

Time and Speed Tables.

Key: M = Minutes.
S = Seconds.
T = 10th of a Second.

10 miles per hour is 6. 00 to 1 mile
11 " " " " 5. 27 " 1 "
12 " " " " 5. 90 " 1 "
13 " " " " 4. 37 " 1 "
14 " " " " 4. 17 " 1 "
15 " " " " 4. 00 " 1 "
16 " " " " 3. 45 " 1 "
17 " " " " 3. 32 " 1 "
18 " " " " 3. 20 " 1 "
19 " " " " 3. 09. 5 " 1 "
20 " " " " 3. 00 " 1 "
21 " " " " 2. 51. 5 " 1 "
22 " " " " 2. 43. 5 " 1 "
23 " " " " 2. 36. 5 " 1 "
24 " " " " 2. 30 " 1 "
25 " " " " 2. 24 " 1 "
26 " " " " 2. 18. 6 " 1 "
27 " " " " 2. 13. 3 " 1 "
28 " " " " 2. 08. 5 " 1 "
29 " " " " 2. 04 " 1 "
30 " " " " 2. 00 " 1 "
31 " " " " 1. 56 " 1 "
32 " " " " 1. 52. 5 " 1 "
33 " " " " 1. 49 " 1 "
34 " " " " 1. 45. 6 " 1 "
35 " " " " 1. 42. 6 " 1 "
36 " " " " 1. 40 " 1 "
37 " " " " 1. 37. 3 " 1 "
38 " " " " 1. 34. 7 " 1 "
39 " " " " 1. 32. 3 " 1 "
40 " " " " 1. 30. 0 " 1 "
41 " " " " 1. 27. 7 " 1 "
42 " " " " 1. 25. 7 " 1 "
43 " " " " 1. 23. 5 " 1 "
44 " " " " 1. 21. 7 " 1 "
45 " " " " 1. 20. 0 " 1 "
46 " " " " 1. 18. 2 " 1 "
47 " " " " 1. 16. 6 " 1 "
48 " " " " 1. 15. 0 " 1 "
49 " " " " 1. 13. 5 " 1 "
50 " " " " 1. 12. 0 " 1 "
51 " " " " 1. 10. 6 " 1 "
52 " " " " 1. 09. 4 " 1 "
53 " " " " 1. 07. 9 " 1 "
54 " " " " 1. 06. 6 " 1 "
55 " " " " 1. 05. 4 " 1 "
56 " " " " 1. 04. 3 " 1 "
57 " " " " 1. 03. 2 " 1 "
58 " " " " 1. 02. 2 " 1 "
60 " " " " 1. 00. 0 " 1 "
65 " " " " 0. 55. 3 " 1 "
70 " " " " 0. 51. 4 " 1 "
75 " " " " 0. 48. 0 " 1 "
80 " " " " 0. 45. 0 " 1 "
85 " " " " 0. 42. 3 " 1 "
90 " " " " 0. 40. 0 " 1 "
95 " " " " 0. 37. 9 " 1 "
100 " " " " 0. 36. 0 " 1 "

The boy who aims to become an engineer should not waste his school hours in idle dreaming or in too much sport.

Improve every moment you can spare from other duties or needed exercise in studying arithmetic, geometry, algebra and mechanical engineering. A little knowledge as a draughtsman will also be a great help.

Above all, get some larger manual on locomotive engineering and read and re-read it until you know its contents by heart.

Remember that there is no limit to knowledge in any direction.

The time can never come to any engineer when he can truthfully say to himself, "I know it all," and to his life-long study write


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