Scene 1. Page 276. Aar. And faster bound to Aaron's charming eyes. He is not here commending the beauty of his eyes, but adverting to their power of fascination. This was anciently supposed a peculiar quality of the eye, and many remedies or amulets were used to charm away its power. Scene 3. Page 287. Tam. While hounds, and horns, and sweet melodious birds, Be unto us, as is a nurse's song Of lullaby, to bring her babe asleep. We have here a curious lullaby note, which, as well as the present, may possibly have a drowsy effect on all readers but staunch antiquaries and etymologists. For the benefit therefore of the latter it may be observed, that Dr. Johnson is probably mistaken in supposing that the nurse's word by signifies sleep, otherwise than as a contraction of lullaby. It is to be wished that Mr. Holt White had favoured us with some proof that to lull originally signified to sleep, and that its present sense, to compose to sleep by a pleasing sound, is but a secondary one, retained after the primitive import had become obsolete. The same ingenious critic proceeds to state that by means house, and therefore lullaby is to go to house or cradle. There is so much plausibility in this conjecture that it is almost a pity to be obliged to dissent from it. Though it cannot be disputed that by signifies a dwelling, it is presumed that this sense is as unconnected with the word in "che song a slepe wt. her lullynge here dere sone our savyoure." In another old ballad printed by Mr. Ritson in his Ancient songs, p. 198, the burden is "lully, lully, lullaby, lullyby, sweete baby, &c.;" from which it seems probable that lullaby is only a comparatively modern contraction of lully baby, the first word being the legitimate offspring of the Roman lalla. In another of these pieces still more ancient, and printed in the same collection, we have, "lullay, lullow, lully, bewy, lulla baw baw." The welsh appear to have been famous for their lullaby songs. Jones, in his Arte and science of preserving bodie and soule, 1579, 4to, says, "The best nurses, but especially the trim and skilfull Welch women, doe use to sing some preaty sonets, wherwith their copious tong is plentifully stoared of divers pretie tunes and pleasaunt ditties, that the children disquieted might be brought to reste: but translated never so well, they want their grace in Englishe, for lacke of proper words: so that I will omit them, as I wishe they would theyr lascivious Dymes, wanton Lullies, and amorous Englins." Mr. White, in reviewing his opinion of the etymology of good-by, will perhaps incline to think it a contraction, when To add to the stock of our old lullaby songs, two are here subjoined. The first is from a pageant of The slaughter of the innocents, acted at Coventry in the reign of Henry the Eighth, by the taylors and shearers of that city, and most obligingly communicated by Mr. Sharpe. The other is from the curious volume of songs mentioned before in p. 262. Both exhibit the simplicity of ancient manners. "Lully, lulla, thou littell tine childe, By by lully lullay, Lully lullay thou littell tyne child, By by lully lullay. O sisters too, how may we do, For to preserve this day This pore yongling, for whom we do singe By by lully lullay. Herod the king, in his raging, Chargid he hath this day; His men of might, in his owne sight, All yonge children to slay. That wo is me, pore child for thee, And ever morne and say; For thi parting, nether say nor sing, By by lully lullay." ***** "By by lullaby Rockyd I my chyld In a dre late as I lay Me thought I hard a maydyn say And spak thes wordys mylde, My lytil sone with the I play And ever she song by lullay. Thus rockyd she hyr chyld By by lullabi, Rockid I my child by by. Then merveld I ryght sore of thys A mayde to have a chyld I wys, By by lullay. Thus rockyd she her chyld By by lullaby, rockyd I my chyld." Finis. Scene 3. Page 290. Tam. O'ercome with moss and baleful misletoe. This epithet is extremely appropriate either conformably to an ancient, but erroneous, opinion, that the berries of the misletoe were poisonous; or on account of the use made of this plant by the Druids during their detestable human sacrifices. ACT III.Scene 1. Page 305. Tit. Speak my Lavinia, what accursed hand Hath made thee handless in thy father's sight? Dr. Warburton says, "we should read spight;" but there is no reason for a change for the worse. Titus had made no attempt to prevent the mutilation of his unhappy daughter, nor had it taken place in despite, i. e. contempt or hatred of him. ACT IV.Scene 3. Page 338. Tit. And sith there is no justice in earth nor hell, We will solicit heaven, and move the Gods. Notwithstanding the difference in arrangement, it will hardly be questioned that the author is here indebted to Virgil's "Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo." This may be added to the list of classical allusions at the end of the play. ACT V.Scene 1. Page 351. Aar. An idiot holds his bauble for a God, And keeps the oath which by that God he swears. Even though the bauble here mentioned had been actually Scene 2. Page 363. Tit. So, now bring them in, for I will play the cook. This redundant line ought to be thus arranged and printed: So, Now bring them in, for I will play the cook. Scene 3. Page 364. Mar. Rome's emperor, and nephew, break the parle. Dr. Johnson makes the sense "begin the parley." Is it not rather "break off this sort of discourse!"? for Lucius and Saturninus had already begun the parley by sparring language: to prevent the continuance of it Marcus interferes, by declaring that their quarrels must be adjusted by gentle words. Throughout this play the name Andronicus is improperly accented. It should have been Andronicus. THE CLOWN.He is nothing more than a shrewd rustic, performing the office of a messenger. |