Let us sing the praise of Love— Holy Spirit! Heavenly Dove! Bringing on its blessÉd wings Life to all created things. Wheresoe’er its light is shed, Sorrow lifts its drooping head, And the tears of grief that start Turn to sunshine in the heart. Love divine, All things are thine! Every creature seeks thy shrine. And thy boundless blessings fall With an equal love on all. Let us sing the praise of Love, Everywhere—around, above; Watching with its starry eyes, From the blue of boundless skies, Heeding when the lowly call, Mindful of a sparrow’s fall, “God is love, and love is God.” Love divine, All things are thine! Every creature seeks thy shrine! And thy boundless blessings fall With an equal love on all. Let us sing the praise of Love— Fairest of all things above. How its blessÉd sunshine lies In the light of loving eyes! And when words are all too weak, How its deeds of mercy speak! They who learn to love aright, Pass from darkness into light. Love divine, All things are thine! Every creature seeks thy shrine! And thy boundless blessings fall With an equal love on all. Let us sing the praise of Love— Shepherd of the lambs above, Nothing can forbid, that we Come in trusting love to Thee. Make us of Thyself a part; All the heaven our souls have known, We have found in Thee alone. Love divine, All things are thine! Every creature seeks thy shrine! And thy boundless blessings fall With an equal love on all. |