| Accouchement among the Omahas | 263 | Adoption of children among the Omahas | 265, 281 | Adultery among the Omahas | 364 | Affinities in Omaha kinship | 255 | Age, Omaha life in old | 274 | Agriculture among the Omahas | 302 | Amusements of the Omahas | 334-342 | ; Cards | 341 | ; Children's | 341 | ; Diving | 341 | ; Hitting the stone | 339 | ; Plumstone shooting | 334 | ; Shooting at the rolling-wheel | 335 | ; Stick and ring | 337 | ; Stick counting | 338 | ; Women's game of ball | 338 | Animals, how divided among Omaha hunters | 300 | Anba-Hebe cited on tradition of the pipes | 222 | Archery, Omaha skill in | 291 | Arrows, Each Omaha has his own set of | 291 | Assembly, The Omaha tribal | 361 | gentile | 362 | Attack in war, Omaha preparation for making | 326 | receiving | 313 | | | Bags, Ordeal of the sacred | 328 | Ball, Omaha woman's game of | 338 | Bashfulness of Omahas | 262 | Bandolier, A.T., on Cochiti Indian weaving | 361 | Bathing among Omahas | 269 | Beans as a food among Omahas | 308 | Begging dance | 355 | Berries as a food among Omahas | 306 | Birth, Omaha ceremony on the fifth day after | 245 | Birthnames, Omaha | 227, 231, 232, 236, 237, 239, 240, 243, 244, 245, 248 | Black Shoulder gens of Omahas | 228-233 | ; Birthnames | 231 | ; Myth of creation. | 229 | ; Mythical origin of | 229 | ; Names | 231 | ; Style of wearing the hair. | 342 | , Witcita | 349 | , wolf | 348 | Death, Omaha ceremonies at | 229, 233 | Deer Head gens, The Omaha | 245 | Differentiation of organs in the State | 216 | Diseases of Omaha children | 265 | Distribution of parts of animals | 300 | Diving, Omaha | 341 | Domestic etiquette among Omahas | 262 | Domestic life among the Omahas | 258-275 | Dorsey, Rev. J. Owen, Omaha Sociology | 205-370 | Dougherty on Omaha child-bearing age | 267 | games with cards | 341 | killickinnick | 310 | marriage customs | 259, 263 | number of children | 264 | plumstone shooting | 334 | Dress of Omaha dancers | 344, 348, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353 | Drinks of Omahas | 309 | Drunkenness broken up among Omahas | 370 | | | Early migration of ?egiha tribes | 211-213 | Elections of Omaha chiefs | 358 | Elk gens, The | 225-228 | ; Names | 227 | ; Scouts | 226 | ; Style of wearing the hair | 225 | ; Taboo | 225 | ; The sacred tent | 226 | ; Worship of thunder | 227 | Elopement, Omaha marriage by | 260 | Etiquette, Omaha domestic | 262 | | | Falsehood detected among Omahas by ordeal | 328, 370 | Fasting in sun-dance | 272 | Feasting societies, Omaha | 342 | Feasts | 270, 272 | Feasts after return from war | 331, 332 | at election of chiefs | 361 | , Calumet | 279 | preliminary | 252 | , consanguineous | 253 | , partial | 252-258 | , peculiarities of | 254 | | | Law among Omahas | 364-370 | as to maiming | 365 | quarreling and fighting | 364 | social vices | 364-365 | witchcraft | 364 | ; Corporation | 367 | for membership of gens | 225 | Government | 367 | , International | 368 | , Marriage | 255-258 | , Military | 368 | , National | 367 | , Personal | 304-365 | , Property | 366 | , Religious | 368 | Life of Omahas, Domestic | 258-275 | | | Make-no-fight dance, The Omaha | 352 | MaÑ¢iÑka-gaxe gens, The Omaha | 242 | Mandan dance, The | 332 | feast, The | 273 | Marriage, Age for Omaha | 259 | ; Celibacy among Omahas | 269 | customs among Omahas | 259 | feasts | 260 | laws of Omahas | 255-258 | , Permissive | 257 | , Prohibitory | 256 | ; Remarriage | 258 | ; Rights of parents | 268 | ; Widowers | 268 | ; Widows | 267 | among Omahas, permanence of | 261 | Meals, Omaha | 271-273 | Meat as food among Omahas | 303 | Medicines or fetiches carried on journeys by Omahas | 276 | Melons as food among Omahas | 306 | Membership of gens among Omahas, Law of | 225 | Migration of ?egiha tribes | 211-213 | the Omahas | 213-214 |
g@html@files@46487@46487-h@46487-h-2.htm.html#Page_245" class="pginternal">245, 248, 249 | , Importance of the | 258 | , Referred to in Anba-Hebe's tradition | 222, 223 | , Sections of | 215, 237, 239, 240 | , Subsections of | 239 | Sun-dance, The | 297, 298, 355 | , Fasting in | 272 | System of kinship, Omaha | 252-255 | | | Taboos of the Omaha gentes | 225, 230, 231, 235, 237,238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 248 | Tents, Powers of the keepers of the sacred | 362 | , Rules for pitching | 220-221 | , The sacred | 221, 226, 233 | Thanksgiving before return from hunt, Omaha | 293 | Theft among Omahas | 367 | Thunder bird myth, Worship of | 227 | Tobacco of the Omahas | 309 | Tradition of the pipes, Omaha | 222 | sacred pole, Omaha | 234 | , Ponka | 234 | Trapping, Omaha | 301 | Traps, Omaha fish | 302 | Tribal circles, Omaha | 219, 220, 286 | council, The Omaha | 361 | Tukala dance obtained from the Dakotas, The | 354 | Two Crows cited in Omaha Sociology passim | 205-370 | | | Vices, Omaha social | 364 | Visiting customs, Omaha | 276-282 | Visitors' dance of relating exploits, Omaha | 352 | | | Wacicka dance, The | 342 | War customs of the Omahas: In defensive | 312-314 | In preparation for defensive | |