Accouchement among the Omahas 263
Adoption of children among the Omahas 265, 281
Adultery among the Omahas 364
Affinities in Omaha kinship 255
Age, Omaha life in old 274
Agriculture among the Omahas 302
Amusements of the Omahas 334-342
; Cards 341
; Children's 341
; Diving 341
; Hitting the stone 339
; Plumstone shooting 334
; Shooting at the rolling-wheel 335
; Stick and ring 337
; Stick counting 338
; Women's game of ball 338
Animals, how divided among Omaha hunters 300
Anba-Hebe cited on tradition of the pipes 222
Archery, Omaha skill in 291
Arrows, Each Omaha has his own set of 291
Assembly, The Omaha tribal 361
gentile 362
Attack in war, Omaha preparation for making 326
receiving 313
Bags, Ordeal of the sacred 328
Ball, Omaha woman's game of 338
Bashfulness of Omahas 262
Bandolier, A.T., on Cochiti Indian weaving 361
Bathing among Omahas 269
Beans as a food among Omahas 308
Begging dance 355
Berries as a food among Omahas 306
Birth, Omaha ceremony on the fifth day after 245
Birthnames, Omaha 227, 231, 232, 236, 237, 239, 240, 243, 244, 245, 248
Black Shoulder gens of Omahas 228-233
; Birthnames 231
; Myth of creation. 229
; Mythical origin of 229
; Names 231
; Style of wearing the hair. 342
, Witcita 349
, wolf 348
Death, Omaha ceremonies at 229, 233
Deer Head gens, The Omaha 245
Differentiation of organs in the State 216
Diseases of Omaha children 265
Distribution of parts of animals 300
Diving, Omaha 341
Domestic etiquette among Omahas 262
Domestic life among the Omahas 258-275
Dorsey, Rev. J. Owen, Omaha Sociology 205-370
Dougherty on Omaha child-bearing age 267
games with cards 341
killickinnick 310
marriage customs 259, 263
number of children 264
plumstone shooting 334
Dress of Omaha dancers 344, 348, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353
Drinks of Omahas 309
Drunkenness broken up among Omahas 370
Early migration of ?egiha tribes 211-213
Elections of Omaha chiefs 358
Elk gens, The 225-228
; Names 227
; Scouts 226
; Style of wearing the hair 225
; Taboo 225
; The sacred tent 226
; Worship of thunder 227
Elopement, Omaha marriage by 260
Etiquette, Omaha domestic 262
Falsehood detected among Omahas by ordeal 328, 370
Fasting in sun-dance 272
Feasting societies, Omaha 342
Feasts 270, 272
Feasts after return from war 331, 332
at election of chiefs 361
, Calumet 279
preliminary 252
, consanguineous 253
, partial 252-258
, peculiarities of 254
Law among Omahas 364-370
as to maiming 365
quarreling and fighting 364
social vices 364-365
witchcraft 364
; Corporation 367
for membership of gens 225
Government 367
, International 368
, Marriage 255-258
, Military 368
, National 367
, Personal 304-365
, Property 366
, Religious 368
Life of Omahas, Domestic 258-275
Make-no-fight dance, The Omaha 352
MaÑ¢iÑka-gaxe gens, The Omaha 242
Mandan dance, The 332
feast, The 273
Marriage, Age for Omaha 259
; Celibacy among Omahas 269
customs among Omahas 259
feasts 260
laws of Omahas 255-258
, Permissive 257
, Prohibitory 256
; Remarriage 258
; Rights of parents 268
; Widowers 268
; Widows 267
among Omahas, permanence of 261
Meals, Omaha 271-273
Meat as food among Omahas 303
Medicines or fetiches carried on journeys by Omahas 276
Melons as food among Omahas 306
Membership of gens among Omahas, Law of 225
Migration of ?egiha tribes 211-213
the Omahas 213-214
g@html@files@46487@46487-h@46487-h-2.htm.html#Page_245" class="pginternal">245, 248, 249
, Importance of the 258
, Referred to in Anba-Hebe's tradition 222, 223
, Sections of 215, 237, 239, 240
, Subsections of 239
Sun-dance, The 297, 298, 355
, Fasting in 272
System of kinship, Omaha 252-255
Taboos of the Omaha gentes 225, 230, 231, 235, 237,238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 248
Tents, Powers of the keepers of the sacred 362
, Rules for pitching 220-221
, The sacred 221, 226, 233
Thanksgiving before return from hunt, Omaha 293
Theft among Omahas 367
Thunder bird myth, Worship of 227
Tobacco of the Omahas 309
Tradition of the pipes, Omaha 222
sacred pole, Omaha 234
, Ponka 234
Trapping, Omaha 301
Traps, Omaha fish 302
Tribal circles, Omaha 219, 220, 286
council, The Omaha 361
Tukala dance obtained from the Dakotas, The 354
Two Crows cited in Omaha Sociology passim 205-370
Vices, Omaha social 364
Visiting customs, Omaha 276-282
Visitors' dance of relating exploits, Omaha 352
Wacicka dance, The 342
War customs of the Omahas: In defensive 312-314
In preparation for defensive

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