Fig. 306. Yellow Smoke's earth lodge 270
307. Ground plan of Osage lodge 271
308. Omaha tent 272
309. Exterior parts of an Omaha tent 273
310. [P]ejequde's tent 274
311. Omaha cradle—plan 276
312. Omaha cradle—side view 276
313. Omaha mortar 277
314. Omaha pestle 277
315. Omaha calumet 279
316. Omaha pipe used on ordinary occasions 280
317. Skin drum 282
318. Box drum 282
319. Omaha large flute 283
320. Omaha club (jan-[p]a+na) 283
321. Omaha club (jan-[p]aa+na) 283
322. Omaha club (weaq++ade) 284
323. Omaha bow (zanzi-mand-) 285
324. Omaha bow (-a-Pan-mand-) 285
325. Omaha hunting arrow 286
326. Omaha war arrow 286
327. Omaha style of hidÉ--Áce 286


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