THINGS TO THINK ABOUT If the animals went away in search of shelter from the storms, do you think the Cave-men would know where they went? What do you think they would say when they noticed that the animals had gone? image Two views of a curved bone tool used by the Cave-men in polishing skins. How did the Cave-men learn what they knew? Why did they make more mistakes than people do to-day? What changes did the Cave-men see take place in the buds? in seeds? in eggs? When they found shells in the hard rocks instead of in the water, what do you suppose they would think? Have you ever heard any one say “It rained angleworms?” Have you ever heard any one say that cheese or meat had “changed to maggots?” Can you tell what really happened in each of these cases? Can you see how stories of animals that turned into men could be started? Is there anything that we can learn from these stories? How Flaker Became a Priest and a Medicine Man The winter was long and stormy. Wild animals found little food. Herds of horses and reindeer went to the lowland forests. Game was scarce on the wooded hills. Few horses or reindeer were seen near the caves. The trails were filled with snow and everything seemed to tell of the coming of a famine. The people ate the frozen meat that was left near the caves, and when they found they could get no more they began to pray to their gods. “O, Big Bear,” they prayed, “send us thine aid. Help us now or we die. Drive the horses and reindeer out of thy caverns. Send them back to our hunting grounds.” When the first rumor of famine came, Fleetfoot took down his drum. And he set out over the hills to call a meeting of the brotherhood. At the first sound of the drumbeat, the people knew what it meant. Everybody felt a gleam of hope. The young men passed the signal along and fresh courage came to the hearts of the people in the neighboring clans. Buckling their hunger-straps around them, the young men started at Fleetfoot’s call. They met near the Bison clan’s cave. There they told of the heavy snowstorms and the disappearance of the herds. They told of the beginnings of famine and considered ways of finding food. Others said, “No, let us dwell together and let each clan keep its own hunting ground.” “But how can we dwell together,” said one, “when there is not food enough for all?” image A Cave-man’s engraving of two herds of wild horses. The silence which followed the young man’s question showed that no one could reply. It was then that Fleetfoot turned to Flaker and asked him to speak what was in his mind. And Flaker arose, and turning his eyes toward the heavens, he raised his baton, whereupon all the young men were silent. Then he turned to the young men and said, “The gods will surely provide food for the hungry Cave-men.” “But the people need food and game is scarce,” said one of the brave young men. “How can we prevent the famine? How can we make the gods understand?” “Remember the Big Bear,” said Flaker. “He heard our prayer when we made his likeness on stone. Let us make likenesses of the animals. The gods will then understand our prayers and send many herds to our hunting grounds.” Saying this, Flaker picked up a flint point and a flat piece of stone and quickly engraved two herds of wild horses. The young men believed in the power of magic. And when they saw Flaker engraving the image A Cave-man’s carving of horses’ heads. When they had made offerings to the gods, the young men were ready to go out to hunt. Flaker stayed at the cave, but it was he who directed them in the right way. He remembered all that the Cave-men had said about the reindeer and the wild horses. And so when they started Flaker said, “Follow the trail to the dense forests.” It so happened that just as the young men were starting to hunt, the herds were coming back from the forests. And so the young men had great success, and soon all the Cave-men had plenty of food. image A Cave-man’s engraving of a reindeer. When the young men returned to their homes, they had strange stories to tell. They said that Flaker had brought back the herds by his wonderful magic. They showed the engravings they had made and told of their magical power. And so wherever stories of Fleetfoot’s bravery went, stories of Flaker’s magic were told. And just as Fleetfoot worked to learn all the arts of the hunter, so Flaker worked to learn the arts which made him both a priest and a medicine man. Flaker listened to all the stories that were told by the best hunters. He questioned And so when the fame of Flaker was noised about among all the clans, people came from near and from far to make gifts and to get his advice. THINGS TO DO Find soft wood or stone and see if you can engrave some animal on it. Find a stick with branches and carve the head of some animal upon the end of the short branches. Dramatize this story. Draw one of these pictures:— |