THINGS TO THINK ABOUT What do you think Flaker will do while Fleetfoot is gone? What do you think the Bison clan will do when Fleetfoot returns? Which do you think will be the greater man—Fleetfoot or Flaker? What things do you think Fleetfoot will do? What do you think Flaker will do? Fleetfoot’s Return image A fragment of a Cave-man’s baton, engraved with the heads of bison. Flaker missed Fleetfoot more than he could tell. Awake, he thought of his dangerous journey. Asleep, he was with him in his dreams. Many, many times each day he prayed for Fleetfoot’s safe return. Ever since the strangers had camped on their lands, the Bison clan had been anxious. When questioned about it, Greybeard was sad and Bighorn shook his head. So the women were trying to arouse their courage, and Flaker was carving prayers. When Fleetfoot announced his return, it was Flaker Fleetfoot and his companions had halted on a hillside not far from the cave. It was from this hill that Fleetfoot whistled so as to announce his return. Here his companions waited, while Fleetfoot advanced alone. While Fleetfoot greeted his friends and showed them his wonderful necklace, his companions chanted his brave deeds in a victory song. It was thus that the Bison clan learned of Fleetfoot’s brave deeds. It was thus that they learned of his courage which came from fasting and prayer. When the song was ended, Bighorn advanced with Fleetfoot, and together they escorted the brave young men to the cave of the Bison clan. There they feasted, and rested, and played games until it was time for Fleetfoot’s last test. Meanwhile the young men became acquainted with Flaker. Fleetfoot had told them about him. He had shown them the dagger Flaker made and the engraving of the Big Bear. And so the young men were glad to see him and make him one of their brotherhood. When the time came for Fleetfoot’s last test, he asked permission to speak. And when Bighorn nodded his head, Fleetfoot told the people the story of how he and Flaker had worked and played together. He told of Flaker’s bravery the day he was hurt by the bison. He told of Flaker’s poniard which he used to Then he said that the people of the Bison clan had taught them to worship the gods. He said that Flaker had the favor of the gods and that his prayers would bring success. And he urged the Cave-men, on account of these things, to forget that Flaker was lame, and to admit him into the ranks of the full-grown men. The Cave-men listened to what Fleetfoot said and they all gave assent. And when they made ready to receive Fleetfoot, Flaker was brought forward. The nose of each of the boys was pierced and they were given nose ornaments. On account of his bravery Fleetfoot was given a baton which showed that he might lead the men. And Flaker, too, received a baton, but his was to show that he could lead in the worship of the gods. image A Cave-man’s baton engraved with wild horses. And so every one knew that Fleetfoot and Flaker were brave young men. They had passed the tests that had been given for courage, and patience, and self-control. Fleetfoot’s companions stayed at the cave until the ceremonies were ended. Then they renewed their vows to help one another and took leave of the Bison clan. And Fleetfoot, having done his duty, was free to return to Willow-grouse. THINGS TO DO See if you can make such a victory song as you think the young men sang. See if you can make the speech which Fleetfoot made for Flaker. Dramatize this lesson, and then draw a picture of the part you like the best. See if you can make a baton. |