THINGS TO THINK ABOUT What do you think the people will do with Fleetfoot? Can you think of any way that Fleetfoot might prevent them from attacking the Bison clan? What Happened when the Clans Found Fleetfoot While Chew-chew and Eagle-eye were attending to Scarface, others took care of Fleetfoot. They knew nothing about him except that he had saved Scarface’s life. Everybody wanted to see him; and so a great crowd gathered around. People looked at the strange young man as he lay pale and still on the ground. They looked and looked again, then said, “How like he is to Scarface.” Eagle-eye had not forgotten Fleetfoot. She never spoke of him, but she still hoped that he was alive and And so when Eagle-eye heard what the people said, she pushed her way through the crowd. The moment she saw him, she cried, “Fleetfoot!” and then bent over his lifeless form. Chew-chew, hearing Eagle-eye’s cry, hurried to the spot. She knelt by his side and murmured his name, and thought of Scarface when he was young. Those who stood near turned and asked, “Who is Fleetfoot?” Many of the people had never heard of him. Others had heard of Eagle-eye’s boy. All were curious to know more about the strange young man. All were anxious to know if he was dead or alive. Fleetfoot was not dead. He was only stunned by the tiger’s blow. When Eagle-eye bathed him with cold water, he began to show signs of life. When at length he opened his eyes, he knew that he was recognized. When those who stood near found out who the young man was, they shouted the tidings to those who were farther away. Then the people rejoiced and thanked the gods for thus befriending them. Before Fleetfoot slept that night, he wondered how the meeting would end. He wondered if he could find a way to prevent an attack upon the Bison clan. And, turning once more to the Big Bear, he soon fell asleep. Next morning the people caught salmon just below the rapids. They feasted a while and then played games in which Fleetfoot took part. But he took two spearheads in his hand, just as he had held them when he saw the tiger. He threw one at a mark and the spear went with such force that the young men shouted for joy. Then they all practiced throwing until they could throw in the same way. It was in this way that people learned to hurl weapons with a throwing-stick. Instead of hurling one spear by resting the butt against the barb of another, as Fleetfoot had done when he threw at the tiger, they learned to shape sticks for throwing spears, and they called them “throwing-sticks.” image A throwing-stick. The older men watched as Fleetfoot showed the young men how he threw spears and harpoons. And soon they all agreed to ask Fleetfoot to lead in the dance that night. Scarface invited him to lead, and Fleetfoot accepted. He was glad to lead in a real hunting dance, but he was still more glad to have a chance to prevent an attack upon the Bison clan. And so he resolved to plan a dance which would make them forget their plan. When the time came to begin the dance, Fleetfoot image An Irish deer. A few days later he went with the people to these very grounds. There they hunted the bison herds and the Irish deer. And when each of the clans had chosen a place to camp, Fleetfoot bade them farewell. Then it was that the bravest young men came forward and said that they would follow him. And so the young men agreed to be brothers and to help one another in times of need. They agreed upon signs which they should use when they wanted to meet. And when Fleetfoot started homeward, the young men escorted him. Of the adventures on the way to the Bison clan’s cave there is little time to tell. All the young men were faithful. And as they journeyed on their way, they recalled Fleetfoot’s brave deeds in a victory song. THINGS TO DO Show how the people acted from the time Fleetfoot threw his spear until they knew who he was. Draw pictures which will illustrate the story. Name all the running games you know. Tell how you play one of them. Draw a picture of the Cave-men playing games. Make a throwing-stick. Look at the picture of the Irish deer and tell how it appears to differ from other deer you know. For what do you think it uses its large and heavy antlers? |