THINGS TO THINK ABOUT If you were to hunt bison, what would you want to know about them? In what ways can bison notice signs of danger? In what ways can they help one another? Watch animals, and see if they give signs to one another. What weapons do you think the Cave-men would take when they went to hunt the bison? How could the Cave-men help one another in hunting? How might one man hinder the others? image “At the close of the day there was not a little valley in the surrounding country that did not have a herd of two or three hundred bison.” The First Bison Hunt of the Season And now the great herd of bison had come, and the Cave-men were eager to hunt them. While they were getting ready to start they kept up this merry song:— The bison have come; When Scarface climbed the cliff he saw three herds of bison. The first was feeding in an open space; the second was on a hillside, and the third was in a narrow valley close by a deep and hidden ravine. This was a place where the Cave-men liked to hunt. So they agreed to follow Scarface through the hidden ravine. Scarface led the way, and all the men followed. Not a leaf rustled beneath their tread. Not a twig broke as they crept up the side of the deep ravine and looked out at the herd. Everybody wanted to get the yearlings or young cows, for their flesh was tender and sweet. But the cows and young bison were in the center of the herd. They were guarded by the sentinels, whose flesh was hard and tough. And so the Cave-men wondered how to get a young bison. They wondered if the vigilant leader was more image “With a quick snort he turned and charged.” At last the Cave-men decided to attack the leader first. They waited till he was not more than a stone’s throw away. Then Scarface gave the signal and the men made a bold attack. Straightshaft hurled his spear with all his might, then turned to give place to the others. The leader was taken by surprise. The men had crept up so quietly that not till the spear whizzed through the air did he suspect danger. With a quick snort he turned and charged. Straightshaft ran, but the others met the charge. They hurled their spears and dealt heavy blows with their stone axes. Before the leader could give the alarm he lay stretched out on the ground. The sentinels looked for a signal. Meanwhile the cows and yearlings tried to make their escape. Then each of several sentinels tried to lead. But the frightened herd did not know which one to follow. Some of the bison rushed one way and some rushed another. Then there was a general stampede. They gored one another with their sharp horns. They trampled one another under their feet. They were too frightened to know what they were doing. It was then that the Cave-men singled out the young bison. When they had secured them for their prize, they started toward the cave, singing— To-day we went hunting. Perhaps one of the sentinels became leader of the herd that very day. Perhaps several battles were fought to see which sentinel was the strongest. For bison never follow a leader that is not stronger and wiser than themselves. THINGS TO DO Show in your sand-box where each of the three herds was feeding. Make a plan for hunting the herd that was feeding in an open space. Draw one of these pictures:— Make a song to sing in getting ready to hunt the way you have planned. Make a song to sing on your return. Model a large, strong bison. |