
Why would the Cave-men not be so likely to attack a mammoth as a cave-bear?

Why would they want to kill a mammoth?

Do you think the mammoth would be afraid of the Cave-men’s weapons? What was the mammoth afraid of?

A Mammoth Hunt

One day Strongarm saw a herd of mammoths grazing near the edge of a cliff.

He had often wished to capture a mammoth, but had never had such a chance before.

He blew his bone whistle.

All who heard it called to others farther away.

Soon all the men from the wooded hills came running to the spot.

They wanted to attack the mammoths, but Strongarm would not let them.

bone with hole in it
A bone whistle

He knew that their weapons were not strong enough, so he showed them what to do.

Then they all hunted for good sticks to make into torches.

When the torches were made, the Cave-men formed a line from one edge of the cliff to the other.

They crept up through the low bushes until they were only a few steps from the herd.

The mammoths did not see the men until Strongarm gave the signal to charge.

Then they started to run.

But the Cave-men chased them, waving their torches in the air.

The Cave-men pressed close after the mammoths until they came to the edge of the cliff.

They filled the air with their loud cries.

When the mammoths saw the trap they were in, they turned and faced the men.

One mammoth was crowded over the edge of the cliff.

hunting mammoth
A mammoth hunt

When the Cave-men saw the mammoth fall, they broke the line and let the herd escape.

Then they hurried down by a well-known path to the spot where the mammoth lay.

He had been killed by the fall.

The Cave-men seldom got such a large creature as the mammoth.

Everybody was glad, so Strongarm sent messengers to all the caves to call the women and children to a feast.


Show how the Cave-men hunted the mammoth.

Model a mammoth in clay.

When you go to a museum, inquire if there is a skeleton of a mammoth there.


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