
Do you know why we have Thanksgiving Day?

How would the Cave-men show that they were thankful?

The Thanksgiving Feast

How thankful the Cave-men were to have fire again!

They wanted the fire god to know it.

They wanted their neighbors to have fire, too.

So they sent a messenger with a firebrand to invite them to a feast.

As the messenger neared the cave where they dwelt, he heard the people wailing.

He hurried on with the glad tidings.

When the people saw him, they ran to meet him and lighted firebrands of their own.

Their sadness was turned to joy.

They told the messenger that their bravest man had been killed that very day.

He had been carried away by a tiger while standing near the cave.

person in cave by fire
They shouted praises to the fire god

They feared that the tiger would return, and that they all would be killed.

But now that they had fire again, they began to feel more safe.

The messenger told them what Strongarm had done, while they stared with open mouth and eyes.

When the messenger invited them to the feast, they quickly made ready to start.

The feast was ready when they reached the cave.

The Cave-men were filled with joy.

They gathered around the fireplace.

Everybody was silent while Strongarm gave some of the choicest meat as an offering to the fire god.

Then they all began to eat.

They feasted and talked a long time.

They shouted praises to the fire god.

They were thankful to have him with them again.

All the people were happy once more.


Play some game where you all join hands and dance around in a circle. Draw a picture of it.

How many ring games do you know how to play?

Play that you are having a thanksgiving feast.



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