What do you think the Cave-men did when they saw Strongarm coming with fire? Do you think he told them how he got it? Did you ever have a secret? What kind of things do you wish to keep secret? Can you think why Strongarm might wish to keep his discovery a secret? How the Cave-men Received Strongarm How glad all the Cave-men were when they saw Strongarm coming with fire! They ran out to meet him and shouted for joy. Firekeeper lighted a fire, and the women brought branches to make it blaze. The wild animals sniffed it and ran away. The Cave-men joined hands and danced around the fire. dancing around fire “The Cave-men joined hands and danced around the fire” They danced until they could dance no more, and then sat down on the ground to rest. They asked where Strongarm found the fire, but he did not tell them then. Some of the Cave-men were very selfish. They cared more for themselves than they did for the clan. Some of the men had already left. Others were thinking of going away. Strongarm wanted to teach them to help one another. So he told them only part of the truth. He said nothing about the fire drill, but he told them about his prayer. He said that the fire god came when he called him. At this the Cave-men were filled with fear. They looked upon Strongarm in wonder. After that they treated him with great respect. When they needed a chief, he led them. He was the greatest man of the time. THINGS TO DOShow how the Cave-men rejoiced when Strongarm came with his burning torch. Draw the picture. Show what you think they did when they were told that the fire god came at Strongarm’s command. |