Can you think what kind of a place the fire country is? Can you tell where we get oil and gas to burn? If a natural oil well should take fire, what would happen? Have you ever seen a volcano? The Stranger That Came Toward the Cave Many days passed, and each day the Cave-men missed the fire more and more. They missed the old man and Sharpeyes. They hoped they would soon come home. But as the days went by and they did not come, the Cave-men feared they would never return. One day about sunset they went into the cave. As Firekeeper was fastening the door of the cave, she saw a stranger coming. She called the others to look. They hoped they would see their friends, but this man seemed a stranger. He was hardly able to walk. His garments were torn and tattered. His limbs were bruised and bleeding. As the Cave-men looked in silence, he sank exhausted to the ground. Then the Cave-men gathered around him. They raised him up and looked into his face. They could scarcely believe what they saw. It was Sharpeyes. No wonder they did not know him. He had been one of their bravest hunters. He had left them young and happy, but now he looked old and haggard. He seemed to be crushed with sorrow. They carried him into the cave and bathed his tired feet. They dressed his wounds. At last he moved, and they spoke to him. They asked about the old man. They asked if he had found fire. But Sharpeyes could not answer. He fell into a deep sleep, and he was still sleeping long after the morning sun arose. “They carried him into the cave” THINGS TO DOShow how the Cave-men acted when they saw the stranger coming toward the cave. Show how they helped Sharpeyes to the cave. Draw a picture showing the part that you like best. |