Do you know what kind of weapons the fire clan had at this time? Why would it not be safe for the fire clan to attack Sabre-tooth with such weapons? What kinds of weapons can you make of stones and sticks? What do you think the fire clan will do to get rid of Sabre-tooth? Do you think that the fire clan ate three meals together each day as we do? How the Fire Clan Got Rid of Sabre-tooth As soon as the sun was up, messengers started from the cave to ask the people on the hills for help. Nobody stopped to eat breakfast. The Cave-men never ate breakfast together. Each ate by himself such food as he could find. Everybody was watching for Sabre-tooth. Soon Sharpeyes saw him crawl into a thicket, where he laid himself down and went to sleep. arrowhead A flint point Then the messengers returned with the people from the hills. They went to the thicket to see Sabre-tooth, but they did not dare attack him. another arrowhead Opposite side of flint point They had learned to put handles on their flint points, so as to make good hunting-knives. But the handles were short, and it was not safe to attack Sabre-tooth with such weapons. Their axes and hammers were larger and stronger, but they were afraid to use them now. While they were all wondering what to do, Strongarm went to look at Sabre-tooth again. stone knife A hunting-knife The creature had feasted all night long and was sleeping heavily. He was lying just under a strong spreading branch of an old oak. When Strongarm noticed this his eyes brightened. He motioned to an old man to come to him. After a few minutes they went back to the other men. All crowded around, for they felt sure that Strongarm had thought of a new plan. Then Strongarm showed the people what he wanted them to do. Everybody was eager to help. The women brought out all the skins that they had. Strongarm laid the strongest skin aside and told the women to cut the others into straps. Some of the men began to work upon large flint points. Others cut a tough branch of oak and made it into a large shaft. When all had finished their work, they brought what they had to Strongarm. He selected the largest and strongest flint point and bound it to the end of the shaft. He folded the skin so as to make a bag. "Strongarm fastened the shaft to the spreading branch of the oak" Then he tied the skin bag to the shaft. The boys brought stones to fill the bag and laid them on the ground. Everything was now ready, so Strongarm took the new weapon over his shoulder and climbed into the oak tree. Others followed with stones and straps. Strongarm quickly fastened the upper end of the shaft to the spreading branch of the oak. Then he carefully filled the skin bag with stones and let the weighted spear hang over Sabre-tooth. He motioned to the men to go back to the cave, and was soon all alone with Sabre-tooth. He did not stop to think what might happen. He grasped his stone knife and began to cut the heavy strap. When he had cut almost through the strap, it snapped. spear with bag of rocks tied to it spearing striped sabertooth tiger “The spear fell with its heavy weight” The spear fell with its heavy weight and pinned Sabre-tooth to the ground. Sabre-tooth made one desperate effort to escape. Then he lay perfectly still on the ground. How thankful the Cave-men were! They had one less creature to fear. They now felt that they would be able to keep the cave for a home. THINGS TO DONotice how gracefully the cat moves. Notice how it gets ready to spring. Think of an animal many times larger than the cat and see if you can model Sabre-tooth in clay. See if you can find good stones for hunting-knives and spears. Name a tool or a machine that you have seen in which a weight is used. Draw a picture of it. |