Illustrations with seated cave person over word
A map of the Cave-men’s country Frontispiece
They wished they might have his cave for a home 14
Sabre-tooth was going away 19
She stood trembling so that she could hardly speak 22
The Feast 37
The Flood 76
The old man arose in the silence, and thus he spoke to his people 84
Then the old man and Sharpeyes took leave of their kinfolk and started out on the long journey
They rushed upon him with their knives and spears 98
They carried him into the cave 102
They watched the fire dart up toward the sky 105
They shouted praises to the fire god 119
They broke off slender branches 124
Making splints for baskets 127
They rested the strap upon the forehead 141
A mammoth hunt 145
It was here that he showed Firekeeper how to make fire 151
Firekeeper carrying wood 25
A flint point 28
A hunting knife 28
Fastening the shaft to a branch 30
Sabre-tooth pinned to the ground 31
The two large sabre teeth 33
A stone hammer and stone ax 34
A gourd 36
A marrow spoon 38
Children carrying moss and leaves 42
Strongarm 45
A weighted strap drill 48
A bow drill 49
Making bones into weapons 51
Chipping the stones 52
A hammer stone, with bone handle 52
Putting handles on the spearheads 53
A hammer made by Sharpeyes 53
A handle made of a forked branch 54
The women dressing skins 55
Two sides of a scraper 56
A bone awl 59
A buckle

two cave people looking at something out of frame
They wished they might have his cave for a home


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