What happens to the trees and plants just before winter? What do the animals that you know do before the winter comes? Do you know what people do to get ready for winter? How the Fire Clan Got a Cave Summer was almost gone. The oak and the birch trees were dropping their leaves, and all the plants were showing signs of the frost. tiger by cave “Sabre-tooth was going away” The wild animals were getting ready for winter. Some of them were crawling into their holes. Others were starting for the south. The fire clan hoped that in a few days Sabre-tooth would go. They wanted his cave for the winter, so they kept watch of all that he did. They knew that he slept in his cave all the day and seldom left it except at night. One morning Strongarm saw him come out of the cave and start off toward the south. He believed that Sabre-tooth was going away, so he hurried and told his people. How glad they were to hear such news! How excited they were as they took their firebrands and followed Strongarm to the cave! When they reached the cave they paused a moment, while Strongarm crept in through the mouth. When he was sure that it was safe for them to follow, he beckoned to them with his hand. One by one they crept through the mouth of the cave, their firebrands lighting the dark way. It seemed strange to be in such a dark place, but they knew that it was safe and warm. They all wanted to keep it for a home, but they knew that wild animals would try to get it. So the women gathered armfuls of branches and started a fire just outside the mouth. As the fire began to flame up toward the sky, the men gathered around and watched it blaze. The children played beside the fire or watched their mothers gather branches. All the people were near the fire when, suddenly, they were startled by a shriek of terror. Mothers clasped their children to their breasts, and fathers grasped their knives to be ready to fight. All eyes were soon fixed upon Firekeeper. Three people in cave opening “She stood trembling so that she could hardly speak” She stood trembling so that she could hardly speak, but she pointed toward a thicket. The men stepped cautiously toward it, but Firekeeper pulled them back. Then she told them what she had seen. It was Sabre-tooth trying to come back to the cave. When the fire clan heard this, they were filled with terror. They huddled around the fire. Nobody knew what to do. Yet everybody knew that something must be done, for their lives were not safe as long as Sabre-tooth was near. THINGS TO DOShow how the Cave-men kept watch of the caves of the wild animals. Show how Strongarm led the fire clan into Sabre-tooth’s cave. Draw a picture of the people marching to the cave. Show how the women broke branches of wood and carried them to the fire. Draw a picture of the women and children gathering wood for the fire. |