CONTENTS with crossed hammers underneath
Dedication 7
Preface 8
Contents 12
Illustrations 13
Why People Wanted to Live in Caves 15
How the Fire Clan Got a Cave 18
The First Night in the Cave 24
How the Fire Clan Got Rid of Sabre-tooth 27
Preparations for the Feast 32
The Feast 35
How the Cave was Made Ready for a Winter Home 40
How the Cave-men Bored Holes Through Their Trophies 43
Making New Weapons 50
How the Women Dressed Sabre-tooth’s Skin 55
How the Cave-men Made Clothing 58
The Fire Clan 60
How the Cave-men Spent the Winter 64
What the Cave-men Got from the Birch Trees 66
The Flood 71
What the Cave-men Lost in the Flood 79
The Council 82
The Way to the Fire Country 88
How Firekeeper Made the Skin Water Bag 92
Why Firekeeper Made a Door 96
The Stranger that Came Toward the Cave 100
The Journey to the Fire Country 103
The Return from the Fire Country 107
Strongarm Makes a Great Discovery 112
How the Cave-men Received Strongarm 115
The Thanksgiving Feast 118
What the Women Got from Spruce Trees 121
How the Women Made Splints for Baskets 126
How the Women Wove Splints 130
How the Women Colored their Baskets 134
How the Cave-men Carried their Burdens 139
A Mammoth Hunt 143
How the Cave-men Divided the Mammoth 147
Strongarm Tells Firekeeper His Secret 150
How People Know What the Cave-men Did 155
Suggestions to Teachers 159


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