Abbe, Prof. Ernst, 412, 473.
Abbott Museum, N.Y., 242.
Abrading machines, 332.
Acetylene, 70, 456.
Accumulators, 177.
Achromatic lens, 410.
Acoustics, 406.
Addressing machines, 285.
Aeolipile, 74.
Affixers, 285.
African inventions, 340, 476.
Agriculture, Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Agricultural chemistry, 64.
Agricultural societies, 16.
Aeronautics. (See Air Ships and Balloons, 169, 445, 448.)
Air Atomizers, 467.
Air brakes, 89, 108, 193.
Air Brushes, 195, 418.
Air Compressors and propellers, 195.
Air Drills, 194.
Air Engines, 89, 193, 194.
Air propellers. (See Pneumatics.)
Air Pumps, 55, 113, 194, 195, 196, 197, 404.
Air Ships, 446, 449.
Airy, 410.
"Alabama," The, 261.
Alarm Locks. (See Locks.)
Alchemistry and alchemists. (See Chemistry.)
Alcohol, 65.
Alfred the Great, 386, 457.
Alembert, D., 167.
Alhambra, 373.
Allen, Horatio, 83.
Allen, Dr. John, 168.
Allotropic phosphorus. (See Matches.)
Allen and Yates. (See Puddling.)
Alloys, 237, 238.
Altiscope, 413.
Aluminium, 238.
Amalgamators, 380.
American Inventions, 341.
Ammonia, 191, 215.
Ammoniacal gas engines, 191.
AmpÈre, 122, 130.
Amontons air engines, 193.
Ancient smelting. (See Metallurgy.)
AnÆsthetics, 2, 71.
Aniline dyes, 69.
Annealing and tempering, 248.
Antiseptics, 2, 72.
Antwerp, Siege of, 261. (See Ordnance.)
Aoisseau, Chas., 466.
Apollo, 400.
Applegath, 283, 284.
Aqueducts, 93, 166, 167.
Arabs, 253, 274.
Arabic notation, 2.
Arago, 122, 410, 411, 416.
Arc Lamps, 137.
Archimedes, 9, 165, 185, 442.
Aristotle, 58.
Argand burner, 456.
Arkwright, Richard, 42, 296, 298, 301.
Arlberg tunnel, 107.
Armor, plate, 262, 264, 265, 266.
Arnold, Asa, 301.
Arnold, watchmaker, 389.
Armstrong, Sir William G., 176, 263, 264.
Arquebus. (See Ordnance.)
Artesian Wells, 38.
Artificial Stone. (See Pottery.)
Artificial Silk. (See Glass.)
Arts, Fine, 197, 347, 353, 371, 400, 414, 418.
Art, Scientific, 228.
Artificial Teeth. (See Dentistry.)
Artillery. (See Ordnance.)
Asbestos, 421.
Assembling machines and system. (See Sewing machines, Watch, and Ordnance.)
Assyrians, 24.
Astronomical inventions, 390. (See Horology and Optics.)
Athens. (See Greece.)
Athanor, Alchemist's stone. (See Chemistry.)
Atmospheric and Gas pressure, 194.
Atoms—atomic theory, 59, 60, 453.
Atomizer, 197, 467.
Attraction of Gravitation, 2.
Augurs, 348, 349.
Auricular instruments, 406.
Australia, 40.
Austria, 24, 50, 358.
Autoharps, 405.
Automobiles, 89, 435.
Axes, 340.
Babbitt, Isaac, metal, 237.
Babylonians, 384.
Bach. (See Pianos.)
Bacon, Roger, 214.
Bacteria, 213.
Bailey, 1822; 37.
Bain, Alex., 147.
Baling and Bale ties, 51, 52, 53.
Balloons, 169, 446.
Band Saw, 348.
Barber, John, 185.
Barker's Mill, 171.
Barlow looms, 305.
Barlow, Prof., 123.
Barrel making. (See Wood Working.)
Bartholdi, 105.
Bastie, 473.
Batcheller, 318.
Baths—closets, 178.
Bath system, Porcelain, 466.
Battam, Thomas, artificial marble, 466.
Baude, Peter, 224.
Beadlestone, metallurgist, 231.
Bean, B. W., 318.
Beaulieu, Col. (Ordnance), 264.
Beating engines. (See Paper.)
Becher, 58.
Bechler, 413.
Becquerel, 44.
Beds, 355.
Bed—printing, 282.
Beer. (See Chemistry.)
Bellaert, Jacob, 280.
Bell, Alex. Graham, 140, 141, 142, 407, 414.
Bell, C. A., 408.
Bell, Sir L., metallurgy, 223.
Bell's history of metallurgy, 223.
Bell, Rev. Patrick, 36, 38.
Bells and Bell making—Metallurgy.
Bending wood, 349, 357. (See Woodworking.)
Bennett, Richard, 46.
Bentham, Sir Sam'l, 242, 342, 349, 374.
Bergman, 61.
Berliner, Emile, 408.
Bernoulli, D., 167.
Berthollet, 64, 454.
Berzelius, 60.
Bessemer, Henry, and process, 176, 232, 233.
Besson, Prof. J., 75, 242.
Bicheroux, potter, 465.
Bicycles, 431.
Bigelow, E. B., 305.
Billings, Dr., 210.
Binding books. (See Printing.)
Binders, grain and twine, 39.
Bicycles, 431 to 435.
Bischof, Simon, 191.
Blacksmithing. (See Metallurgy.)
Blaew of Amsterdam, 281.
Black, chemist, 58.
Blair, iron and steel, 234.
Blakely Gun. (See Ordnance.)
Blake, Eli. W., Blake crusher, 376, 377.
Blanchard, Thos., 268, 343, 344, 350, 356, 369.
Blasting, 107.
Blast, steel. (See Bessemer.)
Blauofen furnace. (See Metallurgy.)
Bleaching and Dyeing, 69.
Blenkinsop, 82.
Blithe, Walter, 14.
Block Printing. (See Printing.)
Blodgett & Lerow, sewing machines, 318.
Bloomaries. (See Metallurgy.)
Blunderbuss, 257.
Bobbins—spinning, 302.
Boerhaave, 58.
Boetius, 365.
Bohemia, 357.
Boilers. (See Steam Engineering.)
"Boke of Husbandry," 1523, 14.
Bollman bridge, 103.
Bolting. (See Milling.)
Bolt making. (See Metal Working.)
Bombards, 254.
Bombs. (See Ordnance.)
Bomford, Col., 260.
Bonaparte, 89, 90, 256.
Bonnets and ladies' hats, 324.
Bonjeau, M., 325.
Bonelli, M., 305.
Book making and binding, 287, 288.
Boots and shoes, 366 to 371.
Boring machines, 345, 348.
Boring square holes, 346.
Bormann, Genl., 259.
Bottle stoppers, 358.
Boulton and Watt, 84, 452.
Bouton, 415.
Bourseuil, Chas., 407.
Boyce, 1799, 35.
Boyle, Robert, 58, 184, 193, 194.
Box making. (See Woodworking Machinery.)
Braiding. (See Sewing Machines.)
Braithwaite, 83.
Brakes, bicycle, 433-436.
Brakes, steam, Railway and Electric, 87, 436.
Brakes and gins, 297.
Bramah, Jos., 82, 154, 170, 242, 244, 342, 349, 424.
Branch, 342.
Branco, 75.
Brahe, Tycho, 183, 388.
Brass, 219.
Brayton, G. H., 190.
Brazil, 281, 476, 477.
Breech-loaders, 257, 263, 264, 265, 269. (See Ordnance.)
Brewster, Sir David, 410.
Brickmaking machines, kilns and processes, 457, 464.
Bridges and Bridge Building, 93 to 104, 197.
Bright, John, 138.
Broadwood piano, 403.
Bronsen, 412.
Broom-making, 328, 329.
Brot, 411.
Brothers of the Bridge, 94.
Bronze, 218, 219.
Brooklyn bridge, 98, 99.
Brown, Sir Saml., 95, 56, 57.
Cincinnati Bridge. (See Engineering.)
Cincinnatus, 17, 31.
Circulation of blood, 2.
Civil Engineering, 93-110.
Clark, Alvan, 412.
Clavichord, 402.
Clayton, Dr., 1688, 451.
Clay, Treatment of. (See Brick and Pottery making.)
Cleaning grain, etc. (See Mills.)
Clement, metal worker, 244.
Clementi, pianist, 403.
Clepsydra, 384, 385, 386.
"Clermont." (See Steam Ships.)
Clippers, Ships, 439.
Clocks, 384. (See Horology.)
Clocks, Essential parts of, 386.
Closets. (See Baths.)
Cloth, Making, Finishing, 306;
Drying, 306;
Printing, 306;
Creasing and pressing, 306;
Cutting, 306-324;
Fancy woven, 205-306.
Clothes. (See Garments.)
Clover Header, 32.
Clutches, 161-162.
Clymer, of Philadelphia, press, 282.
Coaches, stages, mail, etc., 428-431.
Coach lace, 306.
Coal, 225, 378, 380;
Coal breakers and cleaners, 378-380.
Coal gas, 450;
Coal tar colors. (See Chemistry.)
Coal mining. (See Ores.)
Coaling Ships, 110.
Coehorn, shell, 255.
Coffin, journalist, 25.
Coke. (See Metallurgy.)
Cold metal punching, working and rolling, 246-247.
Colding of Denmark, 63.
Collards, pianos, 403.
Collen, Henry, 417.
Collins line. (See Steam Ships.)
Collinge, 430.
Coloring cloth, 325.
Colors and coloring, 464-467.
Color process. (See Photography, 417, Printing, 290.)
Colt, revolvers, 260, 267, 322.
Columbiad, 261.
Colossus of Rhodes, 34.
Comminges of France, 255.
Comminuting machines. (See Grinding.)
Compartment vessels, 442.
Compass, 2.
Compensating devices, 391.
Compound engines, 87-89.
Compressed air drills, 376.
Compressed air and steam, 193, 194, 378.
Compressed air ordnance, 265, 269.
Condensers, 87.
Condamine, 477.
Conservation of forces, 2.
Constitution, U.S., 8.
Convertibility of forces, 2.
Containers, 175.
Conveyors, transportation, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160.
Cook, Telegraphy, 127, 146.
Cooke, Prof. J. P., 59.
Cooke, James, 25.
Cooking. (See Stoves.)
Cooper, Peter, 84.
Coopering. (See Wood Working.)
Copernicus, 183.
Copper, 218, 219, etc.
Corliss, 88.
Cultivators, 29-30;
Mills, 46;
Planters, 28.
Correlation of forces, 2.
Cort, Henry, 226-231.
Corundum, 70, 334.
Coster, 280.
Cotton, 42, 43;
Gin, 42, 43, 297;
Harvester, 40.
Cotton seed oil, 69.
Cotton and wool machinery, 298. (See Textiles.)
"Counterblast to Tobacco," 155.
Couplers, 437.
Cowper, 31.
Cowper, printer, 283.
Cowley, 77.
Cradle, grain, 33.
Cranes and derricks, 110, 152, 153, 171.
Crecy, (1346). (See Ordnance.)
Cristofori, pianist, 402.
Crompton, Saml., 42, 297, 298, 301.
Crompton, George, 305.
Crookes, Prof. Wm., 149.
Crooke tubes, 149.
Cros, Charles, 407.
Crushers, stone and ore, 376.
Crystal Palace, 470.
Ctesibius, 74, 165, 168, 385.
Cultivators, 29, 30.
Curtet, 121.
Cugnot, 1769, 81.
Culverin. (See Cannon.)
Cunard line, 86.
Cuneus, 115.
Curtains Shades and Screens, 356.
Cyanide. Cyanide process, 236.
Cyclometers, 396.
Daguerre, 415-416.
Daguerreotype, 415.
Dahlgren, Cannon, 264.
Danks, Rotary puddler, 231.
Dalton, John, 59-60, 186, 194, 453.
Damascus Steel, 221. (See Metallurgy.)
Dana, Prof., 126.
Daniell's battery, 119, 126.
Darby, Abraham, 1777, 95, 225.
Darwin, Dr., 18th cent., 73.
Davy, Humphry, Sir, 16, 63, 64, 70, 118, 122, 125, 188, 209, 236, 415.
David's harp, 6.
Decker, piano, 403.
Delinter, 43.
Dentistry, 72.
Dental Chairs, 72, 358;
Drills, 72;
Engines, 72;
Hammers, 72;
Pluggers, 72.
Deoville, St. Clair, 238.
Derricks, 110.
"Deutschland," The, 445.
Desks, 355.
De Susine, 192.
Dewar, Prof., 216.
Dial Telegraphs. (See Telegraphy.)
Diamonds. (See Milling; Polishing; Artificial, 70.)
Diamond Drill, 375.
Diana, Temple of, 34.
Diastase, 54.
Didot, Francois, 1800, 276.
Dickenson, 277.
Digesters. (See Chemistry.)
Differential motion, 301.
Dioptric Lens, 410.
Diorama, 415.
Direct Acting Engines, 88.
Direct Feed Engines, 88.
Discoveries, distinct from inventions, 1, 2.
Disk Plows, 21, 30.
Distaff and Spindle. (See Textiles, 292.)
Dodge, James M., 159.
Doffers, 301.
Dog Carts. (See Carriages.)
Dollond, John, 410.
Donkin, 277.
Donovan, 454.
Don Quixote, 222.
Douglass, Nicholas, 105.
Draining, 105, 106, 107.
Drags and Drays. (See Waggons, 430-431.)
Drais, Baron Von, 432.
Drake, E. S., Col., 382.
Draper, J. W., Prof., 412, 416, 450.
Drawing Machines, Spinning, 296, 298, 301.
Dredging, 105, 106, 107.
of thread and cloths, 299, 302;
of skins. (See Leather.)
Drills, seeders, 20, 27.
Drills, stone ore and iron, 375, 378.
Drying apparatus. (See Kilns.)
Dreyse, 266.
Dualine, 270.
Duboscq, 137.
Dudley, Dud, 224.
Duncan, John, 311.
Dundas, Charlotte, 84.
Dundonald, Lord, 451.
Dundas, Lord, 83, 440.
Dunlop, J. B., Bicycles, 433.
Duplex Engines, 88.
Dulcimer. (See Music.)
Dust Explosions and Collectors, 50.
Dutch Paper, 277;
Printing, 280.
Dutch Canals, 107.
Dutch Clocks, 388, 391.
Dutch Furnaces and Stoves, 203.
Dutch Locks, 424.
Dutch Ships, 439.
Dutch Ware, 459.
Dutton, Maj. C. E., 261.
Dynamometer, 187, 398.
Dynamite, 270.
Dynamo Electric Machines, 130, 134, 251.
Eads, James B., 102.
Eames of U. S., 234.
East River Bridge, 98, 99.
Eddystone Lighthouse, 105.
Edison, 137, 144, 145, 148, 407, 408.
Egyptian agriculture, arts and inventions, 5, 13, 42, 45, 58, 164, 184, 220, 241, 273, 292, 340, 354, 400, 402, 423, 457, 460, 470.
Eiffel, M., 105.
Electricity, 5, 111-151.
Electric Alarms. (See Locks.)
Electric Batteries, 117-132.
Electric Cable, 138.
Electric Heating, 213.
Electric Lighting, 108, 119, 121 to 137, 360, 456.
171, 172.
Forsythe, Rev. Mr., 259, 260.
Foucault, 137.
Fourcroy, 64.
Fourdrinier, 277. (See Paper making.)
Frackelton, Susan, portable kiln, 465.
France, 63, 203, 253, 274, 275, 313.
Francis, S. W., 286.
Frank, pottery, 463.
Franklin, Benj., 5, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 121, 125, 168, 203, 281, 446.
Franklin Institute, 455.
Fraunhofer, von, Jos., 61, 412.
Frederick, Henry, 255.
Freiberg Mining Academy, Metallurgy, 223.
Fresnel, 410.
Frictional Electricity, 111.
Frieburg Bridge. (See Bridges.)
Frogs, R. R., 108.
Flintlock, firearms, 258.
Froment, 146.
Frontinus, on Roman aqueducts, 166.
Fruits, Preparation of, 51, 53.
Fruit jars, 359.
Fry, Laura, 467.
Fulton, Robt., 84-85.
Furnaces, hot air; hot water, 206, 207.
Furniture, 351, 354, 359.
Furniture machinery, 351, 352.
Fuses, 259.
Gaffield, Thos., glass, 472.
Gale, Prof., 126.
Galileo, 1, 166, 183, 388, 409.
Gally, self-playing pianos, 406.
Galton, Capt. Douglas, 205.
Galvani, 5, 117, 118, 125.
Galvanism, 112,121.
Galvanic batteries, 121, 122.
Galvanic music, 148, 406.
Galvanometer, 122, 139.
Gamble, 277.
Garay, Blasco de, 75.
Garments, 310-327.
Gas, 450;
illuminating, 69, 185, 450-456.
Gases, motors, 188, 190.
Gas checks, 266.
Gas engines, 76, 18, 184-194.
Gasoline and stoves, 213.
Gas pumps, 190.
Gatling, Dr., gun, 269.
Gaul, 32, 33.
Gauss, 126.
Gay-Lussac, 60, 185, 194, 209.
Ged, Wm., 281.
Geissler tubes, 135, 149.
Generator, Electric, 113.
Gentleman Farmer, 1768, 20.
George III., 389.
German inventions, 50, 203, 255, 313, 387, 391, 430, 473.
Germ theory, 67.
German clock and watch making, 387.
Gibraltar, 253.
Giffard-injector, 173.
Gilbert, Dr., 1600, 5, 113.
Gill, J. G., 268.
Giers, 234, 250.
Gin-cotton, 297.
Gladstone, inventor, 1806, 35.
Glass, 469, 474.
Glass, wool, and silk, 474, 480.
Glazes, 475. (See Porcelain.)
Glauber, 58.
Glycerine, 69.
Gold. (See Metallurgy.)
Goodyear, Chas., 434, 476, 478, 479, 480.
Googe, Barnaby, 14.
Gompertz, 432.
Gordon, 82.
Gothic architecture, 373.
Governors, 87.
Graham (chemist), 391.
Graham. (See Horology.)
Grain Binder. (See Harvesters.)
Grain cradles, drills, and seeders. (See Agriculture.)
Grain elevator, 110.
Grain Separators, 49.
Gramme, Z., 134, 136, 137.
Gramophone, 406, 408.
Graphophone, 406, 408.
Grass burning stoves, 211.
Gray, Elisha. (See Electricity.)
Gray, S., 1729, 114, 125.
"Great Britain," The, 440.
"Great Republic," The, 439.
Great Urgroez, 357.
Greece and Greek antiquities and inventions, 9, 13, 18, 45, 74, 113, 164, 182, 218, 257, 340, 386, 457, 459.
Grenades, 255.
Green, N. W., driven well, 383.
Greenough, J. J., 318.
Gribeauval, 256.
Griffith, Julius, 82.
Griffiths of U. S., 234.
Grinding by stones, 45 to 49.
Grinding glass, 475.
Grindstones, 375.
Grossat, 477.
Grover and Baker sewing mach., 320.
Grooving, 245.
Grove, Sir Wm. Robert, 119.
Gruner, 234.
Gun carriages. (See Ordnance.)
Gun cotton, 270.
Gun making, 345.
Gunpowder, 253, 262, 263, 270.
Gunpowder eng., 192.
Gun-stock, 345.
Guericke, Otto von, 113, 183, 193.
Guillaume, Puy, 253.
Gurney, 82.
Guttenberg, John, 280.
Hales, Dr., 451.
Hall, John H., 267.
Hall safes, 422.
Hamberg, 58.
Hamblet, 146.
Hamilton (stove inventor), 212.
Hammers, steam and air, 88, 244.
Hanckwitz, Godfrey, 1680, 199.
Hancock, Walter, 82.
Handel, 402.
Hanging Gardens, 34.
Hardening metals, 249.
Hardware. (See Metal Working.)
Hargreaves, Jas., 42, 294, 297.
Harnesses, 431.
Harp, The, and the Harpsichord, 6, 402.
Harvesters, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 322.
Hartshorn, spring roller shades, 356.
Harveyized steel, 234, 249.
Harrows, 22, 28.
Hautefeuille, 77.
Hauteville, AbbÉ, 185, 389.
Hat making, 325.
Haydn, 402.
Hay, rakes and tedders, 15, 40.
Headers, 32.
Heat as power, 186, 187.
Heating, 86, 199, 210.
Hebrews, 45, 362, 423.
Hele, P., 388.
Helmont, J. van, 58, 184.
Hell Gate, 107.
Helmholtz, 66, 131, 141, 403, 406, 407, 411, 417.
Hendley, Wm., 82.
Henry, Joseph, 63, 123, 124, 126, 131, 146, 210.
Henry, rifle, 267.
Henry, Wm., 78.
Herissent, M., 477.
Hermetical sealing, 359.
Herodotus, 362.
Hero of Alexander, 5, 9, 74, 76, 87, 89, 165, 171, 404.
Herring, safes, 421.
Herschel, 228, 412.
Hides, treatment of. (See Leather.)
Hide mills, 364.
High and low pressure engines, 87, 88.
Hindoos, 220, 241, 254, 273, 292, 340, 384.
Hodges, James, of Montreal, 101.
Hoe, Robert, and son, R. M., 284.
Hoe drill-seeders, 27.
Hoes, 29, 30.
Hoffman, Dr., 464.
Hoisting, conveying, and storing, 152-163.
Holland, 18, 255, 257, 275.
Holley, A. L., 232.
Holtzapffel, J., 241.
Homer, 459.
Hooke, Dr., 388, 389.
Hoopes and Townsend, 247.
Hoppers. (See Mills.)
Hopper boy. (See Mills.)
Hoosac tunnel, 107.
Hornblower, 1781, 359, 450.
Lancaster, cannon, 263.
Land reclamation, 107.
Lane, 1828, 37.
Lane-Fox light, 137.
Langen and Otto. (See Gas Engine.)
Langley, Prof., 4.
L'Hommedieu, 348.
Lapping-cotton, 299, 300.
Lasts, making of, 344, 345.
Lathes, 241-243, 340, 345, 349;
for turning irregular forms of wood, 344.
Lattice work bridges, 103.
Laundry, 335.
Lavoisier, 58, 60, 63.
Lawn mowers, 40.
Lazy tongs mechanism, 160.
Le Bon, 1801, 185, 452.
Leaching, 236.
Lead, 219. (See Metallurgy.)
Leather, 361-372.
Leeuwenhoek of Holland, 65.
Leeu, 280.
Leckie, 41.
Le Conte, 63.
Lefaucheux, M., 267.
Leibnitz, 183.
Lenoir, 189.
Lesage, 121.
Lescatello, 1662, 24.
Leyden jar, 114.
Libavius, 58.
Liebig, 64.
Lieberkulm, Dr., 409.
Light, 2.
Lighting. (See Lamps and Gas.)
Light Houses, illumination, 105, 410.
Linotype, 288, 289, 290.
Linville bridge, 103.
Lippersheim, 409.
Liquid air, 216, 217.
Livingstone, Dr., 221.
Livingston, Robt., 84, 85.
Lixiviation, 236.
Locks, 420-427.
Locomotives, 82, 83, 84, 88.
Looms, 293, 297, 302. (See Textiles.)
Loomis, Mahlen, 150.
"London Engineering," 288.
London exhibition, 1851, 470.
London Times, 283, 285.
Lontin regulator, 137.
Lost arts, 219.
Louis XI., XIV., 254, 255.
Lowell, Francis C., 298.
Lowe, T. S. C., gas, 454, 455.
Lubricants, 237.
Lyall, James, 306.
Lyttleton, 442.
MacArthur-Forrest, cyanide process, 236.
Macaulay, Lord, 10.
Mackintosh, of Glasgow, 477.
Machine guns, 269.
Madersperger, Jos., 312.
Magdeburg, 193.
Magic lantern. (See Optics.)
Magnets and Magnetic Electricity, 112, 122, 123, 124, 130, 133.
Mail bags and locks, 427.
Mail service, 427.
Mail marking, 285.
Majolica. (See Pottery.)
Malt, 65, 66.
Man a tool-using animal, 310.
Manning, 1831, 37.
Marble, artificial, 468, 469.
Marine propulsion, 442.
Marconi, 151.
Mariotte's law of gases, 184, 194.
Markers and cutters, 324.
Markham, 30.
Marsland, looms, 301.
Marr, Wm., 421.
Martin, Prof., 63.
Marvin's safes, 421.
McClure's Magazine, 445, 447.
McCormick reaper, 37, 38.
McCallum bridge, 103.
McKay, ships, 439.
McKay, shoe machines, 369.
McMillan bicycle, 433.
Mary, Queen, 402.
Mason, Prof. O. T., 458.
Massachusetts, mills, 298, 369.
Massachusetts, shoe making, 370.
Master locks, 423, 426.
Matches, 199, 200, 201.
Matting, 309, 312.
Maudsley, Henry, 243, 349.
Maurice of Nassau, 255.
Maurice, Peter, 167.
Mauser rifle, 269.
Mausoleum, 34.
Maxim electric light, 137.
Maxwell, 417.
Mayer, Prof., 404.
Meares, 1800, 35.
Meat, Preparation of, 55.
Mechanical powers, 4.
Medicine and surgery, 70, 71, 72.
Meigs, General M. C., 102.
Meikle, 1786, 41.
Megaphone, 407.
Melville, David, 452.
Menai Straits bridges, 96.
Mendeljeff, 2.
Menzies of Scotland, 41.
Mergenthaler, 288.
Merrimac and Monitor, 268, 441.
Metals and Metallurgy, 218-239.
Metal founding, 249.
Metal working and turning, 240;
boring, planing, 251;
hammering, shaping, 240;
modern metal working plant, 250.
Metal, personal ware, buckles, clasps, hooks, buttons, etc., 250.
Meters, gas and water, 178.
Mexico, 281, 292.
Microphone, 148.
Microscope, 409.
Middlings purifier, 49, 50.
Milk, milkers, 54, 55.
Millet, 30.
Mills, 45 to 51.
Milling, high, low, 49.
Miller, wood working, 342.
Miller and Taylor, 81.
Millwright, The Young, 47.
Milton, 105, 218.
Mineral wool, minerals and mining, 373-383.
Minneapolis mills, 50.
Mitrailleuses, 269.
Modern machinery, its commencement, 364.
Mohl, von, Hugo, 67.
Moigno, AbbÉ, 411.
Mold, aging. (See Chemistry.)
Moulding. (See Wood-working and Glass making.)
Monks, 387.
"Monitor," The, 268, 441.
Montgolfier, 169.
Moody, Paul, 298.
Moors, 253.
Morin, Genl., 209, 238.
Morland, Sir Sam'l, 77.
Morrison, Chas., 115.
Morse, S. B. F., 126, 127, 128, 129.
Mortars, 253.
Mortise making, 345.
Morton, Dr. W. T. G., 71.
Motor vehicles, 435.
Mont Cenis Tunnel, 107.
Mowers, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.
Moxon, Jos., 242.
Mozart, 402.
Murdock, Wm., 185, 452.
Music, 400-406.
Musical instruments, 6, 400.
Musical electrical apparatus, 406.
Muschenbroeck, Prof., 1745, 114, 115.
Mushet, iron and steel, 234.
Muskets. (See Ordnance.)
Muzzle loaders, 263, 264.
National Assembly, France, 9.
Napoleon. (See Bonaparte.)
Naphtha, 454.
Nasmyth, 243, 245.
Needle, 310, 313.
Needle gun, 266.
Niedringhaus, 468.
Netting. (See Spinning.)
Newcomen, 5, 77, 78, 79, 167, 187.
Newbold, Chas., 19.
Newbury, Wm., 348.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 9, 11, 61, 114, 167, 183, 414.
Niagara bridges, 97, 98, 104.
Niagara power, 171, 172.
Nicholson and Carlisle, 118.
Nicholson, Wm., of England, 282.
Nickel. (See Metallurgy.)
Niepce, Jas. N., 415.
Nitro-glycerine, 270.
Noah's Ark, 438.
Nobel, A., 192.
Nollet, Prof., 132.
Noria, The, 165.
Norway, 266, 430, 439.
Nozzles, flexible, 174;
water, 179.
Oersted, 121, 130.
Ogle, 1822, 36.
Ohm, G. S., 125.
Oils and fats, 69.
Oil cloth, 306.
Oil lamps, 359.
Oil stoves and furnaces, 190, 212.
Oiling waves, 446.
Oil wells, 190, 382.
Omnibus. (See Stages and Carriers.)
Opening and blowing machines, cotton, 299.
Opthalmoscope, 411.
Optical instruments, 409-412.
Ordnance, arms, explosives, 252 to 272.
Ores, treatment of, 229, 250, 251, 373 to 380.
Ore separators, 379. (See Metallurgy.)
Organs, 404.
Ornamental iron work. (See Metal Working.)
Ornamental wood work. (See Wood Working.)
Oscillating engines. (See Steam.)
Osmund furnaces. (See Metallurgy.)
Otis elevators, 155.
Otto, Nicolaus A., Otto engine, 190, 191.
Oxygen, 58, 453. (See Priestley.)
Paddle wheels and vessels, 51, 52, 53.
Priestley, 58, 453, 477.
"Princeton," The, 443.
Printing press, 2, 6, 273-291.
Prince of Orange, 255.
Projectiles, 253-270.
Prometheus, 199, 200.
Protoplasm, 67.
Prussia, 266.
Providence, R. I., Tool Co., 322.
Psalteries, 401.
Ptah, 241.
Puckle's patent breech loader, 258, 259.
Puddling, 226, 227, 231.
Pug mills, 461.
Pullman car, 107.
Pulp, 275-279.
Pumps, 187.
Ptolemy, 428.
Puillet, 411.
Puy Guillaume, battle of, 1338, 253.
Pyramids, 34, 93.
Quadruplex telegraphy. (See Telegraphy.)
"Queen Ann's Pocket Piece," 256.
Queen of Sheba, 326.
Quern, 45.
Quilting machine, 324.
Radcliffe, 305.
Radiation and radiators, 205, 206.
Railways, rails and tracks, 106, 108;
cars, 108, 109;
frogs, 108.
Railway cars, 436, 437.
Rakes. (See Agriculture.)
Ramage Press, 281.
Ramseye, David, 1630, 76.
Ramelli, Cardan, 75.
Ramsey, David, 1738, 168, 389.
Ram, water. (See Pumps.)
Randolph, David M., 367.
Randolph, Elder and Co., 440.
Ranges. (See Stoves.)
Range finder, 413.
Raphael, 418.
Rawhides. (See Leather.)
Read, Nathan, 1791, 87.
Reapers. (See Harvesters, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38.)
Reichenbach, 382.
Reis, Prof., 141, 407.
Refining metals, 227.
Refrigeration, 213, 214, 216.
Regenerators, 465.
Regenerative furnace. (See Metallurgy, also, 464.)
Registers, 395.
Regulators, Electric, 137;
time, 137.
Rennie, 244.
Repeating watches, 389.
Reservoirs, 166, 180.
Resonators, 404.
Revault, 1605, 75.
Revolvers. (See Fire Arms.)
Rhode Island, 298.
Ribbon making, 306.
Rickel, Dr., 451.
Rider bridge, 103.
Riehle, testing mach., 398.
Rifles, 258, 259, 260.
Rifled cannon, 262, 263.
Ring frame-spinning, 302.
Ritter, 118, 121.
Riveting, 176.
Road carriage, steam, 83.
Roads, 106, 107.
Road making, 106.
Robia, Luca della, 459.
Robert, Louis, 276.
Roberts, 244.
Rock drilling, 107.
Rockers, ore, 235.
Rockets, 253.
Rodman, General, gun, 264.
Roebling, John A., engineer, 98, 99.
Roebling, Washington, 98, 100.
Roentgen, X rays, 149.
Rohes, M. Beau de, 189.
Rogers, Saml. B., metallurgist, 229, 230.
Rogers, type maker, 289.
Roller press, 283, 284.
Roman arts, inventions, etc., 10, 13, 14, 45, 93, 164, 166, 178, 202, 274, 457, 459.
Rookwood pottery, 467.
Romagnosi, G. D., 121.
Roscoe, Prof. (See Chemistry.)
Rose, H., 238.
Rotary engines. (See Steam.)
Rotary printing press, 284. (See Printing.)
Rotary pumps. (See Water and Steam Eng.)
Roving, spinning, 298, 299.
Rubber, 69, 434.
Ruhmkorff coil, 132.
Rumford, Count, 63.
Rumsey, James, 81, 168.
Russia, 40, 254, 430.
Russian leather, 362.
Rust, Saml., 282.
Ruth, 16.
Sabot, projectiles, 262, 263.
Safes and locks, 420-427.
Safety valves, 87.
Saint, Thomas, sewing machine, 311.
Salman, scales maker, 396.
Salonen, 1807, mower, 36.
Samians and Samos, 459.
Sand blast, 332, 334, 475.
Sand filters. (See Filters.)
Sandwich, Earl, 1699, 25.
Saracens, 274.
Sarnstrom, Prof., 234.
Savery, Thos., 5, 77.
Saws, 340, 341, 342, 348, 351.
Saw mills, 341, 342.
Saxton, Jos., 131.
Scales, 395.
Scaliger, 183.
Scandinavians, 363.
Scarborough, 85.
Schilling, Baron, 126.
SchÖnbein, 270.
Schapper, Hartman, 241.
Schoeffer, Peter, 270.
Schreiber, 403.
Schrotter (matches), 200.
Schweigger, S. C., 126.
Scoops, 178.
Scotland, 19, 20, 33.
Scott, phonautograph, 141, 407.
Scott, Sir Walter, 45, 80.
Scott, Gen. W., 260.
Scott, Rich'd, 420.
Scouring machines. (See Leather and Cloth, and Grain.)
Screw, Archimedean. (See Ships and Propeller.)
Screw, press, 52.
Screw propeller, 85, 443.
Screw making, 245, 246.
Scythians, 362, 428.
Scythes, 32, 33, 35.
Seed drills, 24, 25, 26, 27.
Seely, F. A., 3.
Self-playing Instruments, 406.
Seguin, 83.
Sellers, Wm., 234, 247.
Separators, Grain, 48, 49;
milk, 54;
ore, 379. (See Mills.)
Seppings, Sir Robert, 440.
Serrin, 137.
Serviere, 166.
Seward, Wm. H., 3.
Seven Wonders, The, 34, 35.
Sewing machines, 311-323.
Sewer construction, 107.
Shades and screens, 356.
Shaping machines, 245.
Sharp's carbine, 267.
Shaw, Joshua, 260.
Sheele, 415.
Sheet metal ware, 250.
Shells, 264.
Shingle making, 350.
Shinar, Brick making in, 457.
Ships, war, and others, 261, 343, 438-449.
Shoes and machinery, 365-371.
Sholes, inventor, type writing, 286.
Shrapnel, 259.
Shuttles, 293. (See Textiles.)
Sickle, 32, 33.
Side wheel steamboats, 85.
Siemens, Dr. Werner, 133.
Siemens, Wm., Sir., 144, 171.
Siemens and Halske, 144, 146.
Siemens, C. L., 147, 234, 465.
Silk making. (See Spinning.)
Silk, artificial. (See Glass.)
Silver, 219.
Singer, sewing machine, 319, 320.
Sinking shafts, Mode of, 106, 107.
Skiving. (See Leather.)
Slade, J. T., 155.
Slater, Thomas, 298.
Slaughtering, 55.
Sleighs, 430, 431.
Slide, rest, 243, 349.
Slotting machines, 245.
Small arms, 266. (See Ordnance.)
Small, Jas., 1784, 18.
Smeaton, 87, 105.
Smelting, 220. (See Metallurgy.)
Smiles, Self Help, 95.
Smith & Wesson, revolvers, 269.
Snellus, 234.
Snow ploughs, 109.
Soda, pulp, 278.
Solarmeter, 413.
Solomon's temple, 242.
Somerset, Marquis of Worcester. (See Steam.)
Sound, 406. (See Acoustics.)
Sowing, 23.
Spanish inventions, 25, 75, 253, 274, 280, 292.
Spectacles. (See Optics.)
Spectrum, analysis, 60, 61, 62, 63, 412.
Spectroscope, 2, 412.
Speed Indicators, 396.
Spencer, gun, 267.
Spencer, metal coating, 249.
Spinet, 402.
Spinning, 6, 292, 296, 300. (See Textiles.)
"Spinning Jenny," 339.
Torpedo vessels, 271, 445.
Torpedoes, 271.
Torricelli, 166, 183.
Tour, Cagniard de la, 65.
Towne's lattice bridge, 103.
Traction railways and engines, 436.
Transplanters, 29.
Transportation, 107, 109.
Treadwell, Daniel, 284.
Tresca, M., 247.
Trevithick, Richard, 81, 82.
Tripler, C. E., liquid air, 216.
Trolley lines. (See Electric, etc.)
Trough batteries. (See Electricity.)
Truss bridges, 102, 103.
Tubal Cain, 218, 239.
Tubes and tubing, making, 248.
Tubular bridges, 100, 102.
Tull, Jethro, 1680-1740, 14, 25.
Tungsten. (See Metals.)
Tunnels, 106, 107.
Turbines, 89, 168, 171, 172.
Turning, Art of, 242, 339, 344.
Tusser, Thomas, 14.
Tweddle, 176.
Twine binders. (See Harvesters.)
Twinings (inventor, refrigerator), 215.
Tympanum, 164.
Tyndall, John, 411, 412.
Type, 280, 281.
Type Distributor, 279.
Type setter, 278, 279.
Type writers, 6, 286.
Vail, Alfred, 126.
Valerius, 388.
Valves, valve gear, 87, 89.
Vapor engines, 190-192.
Vapor stoves, 200-206, 212.
Varley, Alfred, 133.
Varro, 32.
Vegetable cutters, 51.
Velocipedes, 431.
Venetians, 280.
Ventilation, 209.
Veneering, 351.
Vestibule cars, 437.
Vick, Henry de, clockmaker, 387.
Victoria bridge. (See Bridges.)
Vienna, 38.
Vienna exposition, 348.
Vince, Leonardo de, 75.
Virgil, 32.
Virginal, 6, 402.
Vitruvius, 227.
Volta, voltaic electricity, 112, 117, 118, 112 to 120, 125, 133, 134, 249.
Von Alteneck, H., 138.
Von Drais, 432.
Vortex theory, 2;
Vortex wheel, 171.
Voting machines, 395.
Vulcan, 246.
Vulcanisation. (See Rubber.)
Waggons, 431.
Walker, John (matches), 200.
Walker, Joseph, 367.
Wales, Thos. C., 477.
Wallace and Maxim, 137.
Wall paper, 275, 279.
Walter, John, 285.
Watches, 391. (See Clocks.)
Waltham watches, 393.
War, effect on by inventions, 271, 272.
Washington, 15, 16.
Washing and ironing machines, 335-338.
Wasp, first paper maker, 273.
Watches. (See Horology.)
Water. (See Hydraulics.)
Water clocks, 385, 386.
Water closets, 178.
Water distribution, 167, 178;
gas, 454.
Water wheels, 165;
mills, 167;
engines, 178.
Water frame. (See Spinning.)
Water metres, 178;
scoops, 178.
Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, 59.
Watt, James, 5, 8, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 154, 167, 170, 176, 182, 203, 206, 296, 341, 460.
Watson, Bishop, 451.
Weaving, 6, 292, 304. (See Textiles.)
Weaver's shuttle, 307.
Weber piano, 403.
Webster, Daniel, 91.
Wedgwood, 459, 460, 464.
Weeks, Jos., 364.
Weighing, scales, etc., 396, 397, 398.
Weisenthal, C. F., 310, 312.
Welding, 248.
Wellington, Duke of, 83.
Wells, making and boring of, 373, 379-383;
driven, 382;
Artesian, 381.
Welsbach lamp, 456.
Westinghouse, electric light, 137, 138.
Weston, Sir Richard, 14.
Weston, electrician, 137.
West (destroyer of bacteria), 213.
Whaleback ships, 438.
Wheat, its cultivation, 25, 26.
Wheatstone, Chas., 127, 133, 146, 147, 410.
Wheeler and Wilson, 319.
Wheelbarrow, seeder, 24.
Whewell, 166.
Whitehurst, Geo., 168.
Whitney, Eli, cotton gin, 42, 43, 297.
Whitworth, Sir J., 244, 246, 263.
Wilde, electric magnet, 133.
Wilder, safes, 421.
Wilkes, 277.
William of Malmesbury, 75.
Wilson, A. B., sewing machinery, 319.
Wilson, Genl. John M., 180.
Winchester rifle, 267.
Wind mills, wheels, etc., 404. (See Mills.)
Window glass, window screens, 359.
Wine making. (See Chemistry.)
Winter, Sir John, 225.
Wire working, 250.
Wire wound gun, 263.
Wireless telegraphy, 150, 151.
Wolf, aeronaut, 447.
WÖhler, chemist, 238.
Wollaston, 60, 249, 412.
Woodbridge, Dr. W. E., 262, 263.
Woodbury, Oscar D. and E. C., 330.
Woodworth, Wm., planing machinery, 349.
Wood, lathe turning, 344.
Wood, bending and trenting of, 347, 352, 356.
Wood working machinery, 242, 339, 352, 369.
Woods, variety and beauty, 352.
Wood carving, 346.
Wool. (See Spinning, Weaving, Textiles.)
Wool, mineral, 474, 480.
Wooden shoes, making of, 367.
Worcester, Marquis of, 5, 75, 77, 81.
Work shop, a modern, 251.
World's fair, 1851, 36, 38.
Woven goods, variety of, 308, 309.
Wright (gas engine), 188.
Wren, architect, 209.
Wyatt of Lichfield, 294, 295.
X rays, 149, 150.
Xyloplasty, 347.
Yale, Linus, Jr., locks, 425.
Yankee clippers, 438.
Yarn. (See Weaving, etc.)
Yeast, 65.
York, Duke of, 124, 125.
Young of America, 63, 417.
Young, Arthur, 1741-1800, 14, <