Austin’s Observation Blanks in Mineralogy. Detailed studies of 35 minerals. 35 cents. Bailey’s Grammar School Physics. Practical lessons with simple experiments that may be performed in the ordinary schoolroom. 50 cents. Ballard’s The World of Matter. Simple studies in chemistry and mineralogy; for use as a text-book or as a guide to the teacher in giving object lessons. $1.00. Brown’s Good Health for Girls and Boys. Physiology and hygiene for intermediate grades. Illustrated. 45 cents. Brown’s Health in the Home. Illustrated. 50 cents. Clark’s Practical Methods in Microscopy. Gives in detail descriptions of methods that will lead the careful worker to successful results. Illus. $1.00 Clarke’s Astronomical Lantern. Intended to familiarize students with the constellations by comparing them with facsimiles on the lantern face. With seventeen slides, giving twenty-two constellations. $4.50. Clarke’s How to Find the Stars. Accompanies the above and helps to an acquaintance with the constellations. Paper. 15 cents. Colton’s Elementary Physiology and Hygiene. For grammar grades. 317 pages. Illustrated. 60 cents. Eckstorm’s The Bird Book. The natural history of birds, with directions for observation and suggestions for study. 301 pages. Illustrated. 60 cents. Guides for Science Teaching. Teachers’ aids for instruction in Natural History.
Hoag’s Health Studies. Practical hygiene for grammar grades. Cloth. Illustrated. 75 cents. Rice’s Science Teaching in the School. With a course of instruction in science for the lower grades. 46 pages. Paper. 25 cents. Ricks’s Natural History Object Lessons. Information on plants and their products, on animals and their uses, and gives specimen lessons. $1.50. Ricks’s Object Lessons and How to Give Them.—Vol. II. Lessons on elementary science for grammar and intermediate grades. 90 cents. Scott’s Nature Study and the Child. A manual for teachers with outlines of lessons and courses, detailed studies of animal and plant life, and chapters on methods and the relation of nature study to expression. $1.50. Sever’s Elements of Agriculture. For grammar grades. Illustrated. 50 cents. Shaler’s First Book in Geology. A helpful introduction to the study of modern text-books in geography. Illustrated. Cloth, 60 cents. Boards, 45 cents. Spear’s Leaves and Flowers. An elementary botany for pupils under twelve. Illustrated. 25 cents. Weed’s Farm Friends and Farm Foes. An elementary text-book on weeds and insects. Cloth. Illustrated. 90 cents. Wright’s Seaside and Wayside Nature Reader, No. 4. Elementary lessons in geology, astronomy, world life, etc. Illustrated. 50 cents. See also our list of books in Science. D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago Science.Barto’s Agriculture. Studies in soils and crop production. 50 cents. Baskerville’s General Inorganic Chemistry. For colleges. $1.50. Baskerville and Estabrooke’s Chemistry Problems. 90 cents. Benton’s Guide to General Chemistry. A manual for the laboratory. 40 cents. Boyer’s Laboratory Manual in Biology. Treats of both animals and plants. 80 cts. Boynton, Morse and Watson’s Laboratory Manual in Chemistry. 50 cents. Burrage and Bailey’s School Sanitation and Decoration. Illustrated. $1.50. Cheston, Gibson and Timmerman’s Physics. Theoretical and descriptive. $1.25. Chute’s Physical Laboratory Manual. Revised edition. Illustrated. 80 cents. Chute’s Practical Physics. For schools and colleges. $1.15. Clark’s Methods in Microscopy. Detailed descriptions of successful methods, $1.60. Coit’s Chemical Arithmetic. With a short system of analysis. 50 cents. Coleman’s Elements of Physics. For secondary schools. $1.25. Colton’s Physiology: Practical and Descriptive. Illustrated. $1.40. Colton’s Physiology: Briefer Course. For high schools. Illustrated. 90 cents. Colton’s Practical Physiology. A laboratory course. 60 cents. Colton’s Zoology: Descriptive and Experimental. Illustrated. $1.50. Part I, Descriptive, $1.00. Part II, Experimental. 60 cents. Ebbinghaus’s Psychology. A resume of modern psychology. $1.25. Fisher and Patterson’s Elements of Physics. 60 cents. Hyatt’s Insecta. A practical manual for students and teachers. Illustrated. $1.25. Linebarger’s Text-Book of Physics. With industrial applications. $1.25. Miller’s Progressive Problems in Physics. 60 cents. Newell’s Descriptive Chemistry. Illustrated. $1.20. Part I, Without experiments. $1.00. Part II, Experiments. 40 cents. Newell’s Experimental Chemistry. For high schools and colleges. $1.10. Newell’s Inorganic Chemistry for Colleges. $2.00. Orndorff’s Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry. Boards. 40 cents. Palmer’s Questions and Problems in Chemistry. 20 cents. Pepoon, Mitchell and Maxwell’s Plant Life. A laboratory guide. 50 cents. Remsen’s Organic Chemistry. Revised edition. $1.25. Roberts’s Stereo-Chemistry. Its development and present aspects, $3.00. Sanford’s Experimental Psychology. Part I. Sensation and perception. $1.50. Shaler’s First Book in Geology. Cloth, 60 cents. Boards. 45 cents. Shepard’s Inorganic Chemistry. Descriptive and qualitative. $1.15. Shepard’s Briefer Course in Chemistry, with chapter on Organic Chemistry. 80 cts. Shepard’s Laboratory Note-Book. Boards. 35 cents. Spalding’s Botany. Practical exercises in the study of plants. 80 cents. Stevens’s Introduction to Botany. Illustrated, $1.25. Key and Flora, 40 cents. Botany, with Key and Flora. $1.50. Venable’s Short History of Chemistry. For students and the general reader. $1.00. Walters’s Physiology and Hygiene. For secondary schools. $1.20. Weed’s Farm Friends and Farm Foes. Weeds and insects. 90 cents. Weed and Crossman’s Laboratory Guide in Zoology. Emphasises essentials. 60c. Whiting’s Mathematical and Physical Tables. Paper. 50 cents. For elementary works see our list of books in Elementary Science. D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago Mathematics.Anthony and Ashley’s Descriptive Geometry. $2.00. Barton’s Plane Surveying. With complete tables. $1.50. Barton’s Theory Of Equations. A treatise for college classes. $1.50. Bauer and Brooke’s Trigonometry. Plane and spherical. $1.50. Bowser’s College Algebra. A full treatment of elementary and advanced topics. $1.50. Bowser’s Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 90 cts.; with tables, $1.40. Bowser’s Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. $1.50. Bowser’s Five-Place Logarithmic Tables. 50 cts. Candy’s Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry. $1.50. With supplement, $2.00. Cohen’s Differential Equations. $2.00. Cohen’s Introduction to the Lie Theory. $2.00. Fine’s Number System in Algebra. Theoretical and historical. $1.00. Gilbert’s Algebra Lessons. Three numbers: No. 1, to Fractional Equations; No. 2, through Quadratic Equations; No. 3, Higher Algebra. Each number, per dozen, $1.44. Hopkins’s Plane Geometry. Follows the inductive method. 75 cts. Lyman’s Geometry Exercises. Supplementary work for drill. Per dozen, $1.60. McCurdy’s Exercise Book in Algebra. A thorough drill book. 60 cts. Nichols’s Analytic Geometry. A treatise for college courses. $1.25. Nichols’s Calculus. Differential and Integral. $2.00. Osborne’s Differential and Integral Calculus. Revised. $2.00. Peterson and Baldwin’s Problems in Algebra. For texts and reviews. 30 cts. Robbins’s Surveying and Navigation. A brief and practical treatise. 50 cts. Waldo’s Descriptive Geometry. Contains a large number of problems. 80 cts. Well’s Academic Arithmetic. With or without answers. $1.00. Wells and Hart’s First Year Algebra. 90 cts. Wells’s Algebra for Secondary Schools. $1.20. Wells’s Text-Book in Algebra. A maximum elementary course. $1.40. Wells’s Essentials of Algebra. For secondary schools. $1.10. Wells’s Academic Algebra. With or without answers. $1.08. Wells’s New Higher Algebra. For schools and colleges. $1.32. Wells’s University Algebra. Octavo. $1.50. Wells’s College Algebra. $1.50. Part II, beginning with quadratics. $1.32. Wells’s Advanced Course in Algebra. $1.50. Wells’s New Geometry. $1.25. Plane, 75 cts. Solid, 75 cts. Wells’s Essentials of Geometry. $1.25. Plane, 75 cts. Solid, 75 cts. Wells’s New Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. For colleges and technical schools. $1.00. With six-place tables, $1.25. With Robbins’s Surveying and Navigation, $1.50. Wells’s Complete Trigonometry. Plane and Spherical. 90 cts. With tables, $1.08. Plane, bound separately, 75 cts. Wells’s New Six-Place Logarithmic Tables. 60 cts. Wells’s Four-Place Tables. 25 cts. Wright’s Exercises in Concrete Geometry. 35 cts. For Arithmetics see our list of books in Elementary Mathematics. D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago Drawing and Manual Training.Thompson’s New Short Course in Drawing. A practical, well-balanced system, based on correct principles. Can be taught by the ordinary teacher and learned by the ordinary pupil. Books I-IV, 6×9 inches, per dozen, $1.20. Books V-VIII, 9×12 inches, per dozen, $1.75. Manual to Books I-IV, 40 cts. Manual to Books V-VIII, 40 cts. Two-Book Course: Book A, per dozen, $1.20; Book B, per dozen, $1.75; Manual, 40 cts. Thompson’s Æsthetic Series of Drawing. This series includes the study of Historical Ornament and Decorative Design. Book I treats of Egyptian art; Book II, Greek; Book III, Roman; Book IV, Byzantine; Book V, Moorish; Book VI, Gothic. Per dozen, $1.50. Manual, 60 cents. Thompson’s Educational and Industrial Drawing. Primary Free-Hand Series (Nos. 1-4). Each No., per doz., $1.00. Manual, 40 cts. Advanced Free-Hand Series (Nos. 5-8.) Each No., per doz., $1.50. Model and Object Series (Nos. 1-3). Each No., per doz., $1.75. Manual, 35 cts. Mechanical Series (Nos. 1-6). Each No., per doz., $2.00. Manual, 75 cts. Thompson’s Manual Training No. 1. Clay modeling, stick laying, paper folding, color and construction of geometrical solids. Illus. 66 pp. 25 cts. Thompson’s Manual Training No. 2. Mechanical drawing, clay modeling, color, wood carving. Illus. 70 pp. 25 cts. Thompson’s Drawing Tablets. Four Tablets, with drawing exercises and practice paper, for use in the earlier grades. Each No., per doz., $1.20. Drawing Models. Individual sets and class sets of models are made to accompany several of the different series in the Thompson Drawing Courses. Descriptive circulars free on request. Anthony’s Mechanical Drawing. 98 pages of text, and 32 folding plates, $1.50. Anthony’s Machine Drawing. 65 pages of text, and 18 folding plates. $1.50. Anthony’s Essentials of Gearing. 84 pages of text, and 15 folding plates, $1.50. Daniels’s Freehand Lettering. 34 pages of text, and 13 folding plates. 75 cts. Johnson’s Lessons in Needlework. Gives, with illustrations, full directions for work during six grades. 117 pages. Square 8vo. Cloth, $1.00. Boards, 60 cts. Lunt’s Brushwork for Kindergarten and Primary Schools. Eighteen lesson cards in colors, with teacher’s pamphlet, in envelope. 25 cts. Seidel’s Industrial Instruction (Smith). A refutation of all objections raised against industrial instruction. 170 pages, 90 cents. Waldo’s Descriptive Geometry. A large number of problems systematically arranged, with suggestions. 85 pages. 80 cents. Whitaker’s How to use Woodworking Tools. Lessons in the uses of the hammer, knife, plane, rule, square, gauge, chisel, saw and auger. 104 pages. 60 cents. Woodward’s Manual Training School. Its aims, methods and results; with detailed courses of instruction in shop-work. Illustrated. 374 pages. Octavo. $2.00. Sent postpaid by mail on receipt of price. D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago Higher English.Bray’s History of English Critical Terms. A vocabulary of 1400 critical terms used in literature and art, with critical and historical data for their study, $1.00. Cook’s Judith. With introduction, translation and glossary. Octavo. 170 pages. $1.00. Espenshade’s Essentials of Composition and Rhetoric. A working text-book for higher schools and colleges. $1.00. Hall’s Beowulf. A metrical translation of this ancient epic. Octavo. Cloth, 75 cents. Paper, 30 cents. Kluge and Lutz’s English Etymology. A select glossary for use in the study of historical grammar. 75 cents. Lewis’s Inductive Rhetoric. For schools and colleges. 90 cents. MacEwan’s The Essentials of Argumentation. A systematic discussion of principles, with illustrative extracts; full analysis of several masterpieces, and a list of propositions for debate. $1.12. MacEwan’s The Essentials of the English Sentence. Presents a review of the essentials of grammar and bridges the transition to rhetoric. 75 cents. Meiklejohn’s The English Language. Part I—English Grammar; Part II—Composition and Versification; Part III—History of the English Language; Part IV—History of English Literature. $1.25. Meiklejohn’s English Grammar. Contains Parts I and II of Meiklejohn’s The English Language, with exercises. 80 cents. O’Conor’s Rhetoric and Oratory. A manual of precepts and principles, with masterpieces for analysis and study. $1.15. Pearson’s The Principles of Composition. Begins with the composition as a whole. Paragraphs, sentences and words are treated later, and in this order. 50 cents. Smith’s The Writing of the Short Story. An analytical study. 25 cents. Strang’s Exercises in English. Examples in Syntax, Accidence, and Style, for criticism and correction. New edition, revised and enlarged. 45 cents. Whitcomb’s The Study Of a Novel. Analytic and synthetic work for college classes. William’s Composition and Rhetoric. Concise, practical, and thorough, with little theory and much practice. 90 cents. Monographs on English.
See also our list of books in Elementary English, English Literature and English Classics. D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago Heath’s English Classics.Addison’s Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Edited by W. H. Hudson. Cloth. 232 pages. Nine full-page illustrations and two maps. 35 cents. Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with America. Edited by A. J. George, Master in the Newton (Mass.) High School. Cloth. 119 pages. 20 cents. Carlyle’s Essay on Burns. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Andrew J. George. Cloth. 159 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Edited by Andrew J. George. Cloth. 96 pages. Illustrated. 20 cents. Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans. Edited by J. G. Wight, Principal Girls’ High School, New York City. Cloth. Illustrated. 659 pages. 50 cents. De Quincey’s Flight of a Tartar Tribe. Edited by G. A. Wauchope, Professor in the University of South Carolina. Cloth. 112 pages. 25 cents. Dryden’s Palamon and Arcite. Edited by William H. Crawshaw, Professor in Colgate University. Cloth. 158 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. George Eliot’s Silas Marner. Edited by G. A. Wauchope, Professor in the University of South Carolina. Cloth. 288 pages. Illustrated. 35 cents. Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. With introduction and notes by W. H. Hudson. Cloth. 300 pages. Seventeen illustrations by C. E. Brock. 50 cents. Irving’s Life of Goldsmith. Edited by H. E. Coblentz, South Division High School, Milwaukee. Cloth. 328 pages. Maps and illustrations. 35 cents. Macaulay’s Essay on Milton. Edited by Albert Perry Walker, Master in the English High School, Boston. Cloth. 146 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Macaulay’s Essay on Addison. Edited by Albert Perry Walker. Cloth. 192 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Macaulay’s Life of Johnson. Edited by Albert Perry Walker. Cloth. 122 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Milton’s Paradise Lost. Books i and ii. Edited by Albert Perry Walker. Cloth. 188 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Milton’s Minor Poems. Edited by Albert Perry Walker. Cloth. 190 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Pope’s Translation Of the Iliad. Books i, vi, xxii, and xxiv. Edited by Paul Shorey, Professor in the Univ. of Chicago. Cloth. 172 pages. Illus. 25 cents. Scott’s Ivanhoe. Edited by Porter Lander MacClintock. Cloth. 556 pages. Seventeen full-page illustrations by C. E Brock. 50 cents. Scott’s Lady of the Lake. Edited by L. Dupont Syle, Professor in the University of California. Cloth. 216 pages. Illus. and map. 35 cents. Shakespeare. See the Arden Shakespeare. Per vol., 25 cents. Tennyson’s Enoch Arden, and the two Locksley Halls. Edited by Calvin S. Brown, University of Colorado. Cloth. 168 pages. 25 cents. Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Four idylls, edited by Arthur Beatty, University of Wisconsin. Cloth. 190 pages. Illus. and map. 25 cents. Tennyson’s The Princess. With introduction and notes by Andrew J. George. Cloth. 148 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents. Webster’s First Bunker Hill Oration. With introduction and notes by Andrew J. George. Cloth. 55 pages. 20 cents. D. C. HEATH & CO., Boston, New York, Chicago Transcriber's Note Minor typographic errors and hyphenation and accent inconsistencies have been corrected without note. Some illustrations have been moved so that they are not mid-paragraph; where these were full page illustrations and it has had an effect on the page numbering, the actual start point of the page is included as a comment in the source of the html. A to Z links have been added to the Index for ease of navigation. The footnote marker on page 267 was originally located next to the EXPERIMENTS heading, but the footnote itself referred to a dissecting pin. The marker has been moved next to the reference to a dissecting pin in the text. The experiments are consecutively numbered, and Experiment Nos. 28 and 29 are missing. There do not appear to be any missing pages—the page numbering has no gaps, and Experiment No. 27 runs across a page boundary, and is then followed immediately by Experiment 30. It is possible that the two missing experiments were deliberately omitted from this edition by the author. The index entry for Berber originally read Beiber. The entry has been corrected, and moved to the correct place in the index. The page number in the index entry for Silk, finishing has been amended from 217 to 218. The index entry for Zephyr wool had no printed page number; from the text content, the best match appears to be a reference on page 49, which has been added to the index entry. ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. |