OR MARRIAGE SONGS. An Epithalamion, Or mariage Song on the Lady Elizabeth, I.HAILE Bishop Valentine, whose day this is, All the Aire is thy Diocis, And all the chirping Choristers And other birds are thy Parishioners, 5Thou marryest every yeare The Lirique Larke, and the grave whispering Dove, The Sparrow that neglects his life for love, The household Bird, with the red stomacher, Thou mak'st the black bird speed as soone, 10As doth the Goldfinch, or the Halcyon; The husband cocke lookes out, and straight is sped, And meets his wife, which brings her feather-bed. This day more cheerfully then ever shine, This day, which might enflame thy self, Old Valentine. II.15Till now, Thou warmd'st with multiplying loves Two larkes, two sparrowes, or two Doves, All that is nothing unto this, For thou this day couplest two Phoenixes; Thou mak'st a Taper see 20What the sunne never saw, and what the Arke (Which was of soules, and beasts, the cage, and park,) Did not containe, one bed containes, through Thee, Two Phoenixes, whose joyned breasts Are unto one another mutuall nests, 25Where motion kindles such fires, as shall give Yong Phoenixes, and yet the old shall live. Whose love and courage never shall decline, But make the whole year through, thy day, O Valentine. III.Up then faire Phoenix Bride, frustrate the Sunne, 30Thy selfe from thine affection Takest warmth enough, and from thine eye All lesser birds will take their Jollitie. Up, up, faire Bride, and call, Thy starres, from out their severall boxes, take 35Thy Rubies, Pearles, and Diamonds forth, and make Thy selfe a constellation, of them All, And by their blazing, signifie, That a Great Princess falls, but doth not die; Bee thou a new starre, that to us portends 40Ends of much wonder; And be Thou those ends. Since thou dost this day in new glory shine, May all men date Records, from this thy Valentine. IIII.Come forth, come forth, and as one glorious flame Meeting Another, growes the same, 45So meet thy Fredericke, and so To an unseparable union growe. Since separation Falls not on such things as are infinite, Nor things which are but one, can disunite, 50You'are twice inseparable, great, and one; Goe then to where the Bishop staies, To make you one, his way, which divers waies Must be effected; and when all is past, And that you'are one, by hearts and hands made fast, 55You two have one way left, your selves to'entwine, Besides this Bishops knot, or Bishop Valentine. V.But oh, what ailes the Sunne, that here he staies, Longer to day, then other daies? Staies he new light from these to get? 60And finding here such store, is loth to set? And why doe you two walke, So slowly pac'd in this procession? Is all your care but to be look'd upon, And be to others spectacle, and talke? 65The feast, with gluttonous delaies, Is eaten, and too long their meat they praise, The masquers come too late, and'I thinke, will stay, Like Fairies, till the Cock crow them away. Alas, did not Antiquity assigne 70A night, as well as day, to thee, O Valentine? VI.They did, and night is come; and yet wee see Formalities retarding thee. What meane these Ladies, which (as though They were to take a clock in peeces,) goe 75So nicely about the Bride; A Bride, before a good night could be said, Should vanish from her cloathes, into her bed, As Soules from bodies steale, and are not spy'd. But now she is laid; What though shee bee? 80Yet there are more delayes, For, where is he? He comes, and passes through Spheare after Spheare, First her sheetes, then her Armes, then any where. Let not this day, then, but this night be thine, Thy day was but the eve to this, O Valentine. VII.85Here lyes a shee Sunne, and a hee Moone here, She gives the best light to his Spheare, Or each is both, and all, and so They unto one another nothing owe, And yet they doe, but are 90So just and rich in that coyne which they pay, That neither would, nor needs forbeare, nor stay; Neither desires to be spar'd, nor to spare, They quickly pay their debt, and then Take no acquittances, but pay again; 95They pay, they give, they lend, and so let fall No such occasion to be liberall. More truth, more courage in these two do shine, Then all thy turtles have, and sparrows, Valentine. VIII.And by this act of these two Phenixes 100Nature againe restored is, For since these two are two no more, Ther's but one Phenix still, as was before. Rest now at last, and wee As Satyres watch the Sunnes uprise, will stay 105Waiting, when your eyes opened, let out day, Onely desir'd, because your face wee see; Others neare you shall whispering speake, And wagers lay, at which side day will breake, And win by'observing, then, whose hand it is 110That opens first a curtaine, hers or his; This will be tryed to morrow after nine, Till which houre, wee thy day enlarge, O Valentine. Epithalamions, &c. 1635-69: no general title, 1633. An Epithalamion, &c. 1633-69, A25, B, C, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, P, S96, TCD (most of the MSS. have the full title but with slight verbal variations) 13 shine, Ed: shine. 1633-69 14 enflame] enflÃe 1633 18 Phoenixes; Ed: Phoenixes, 1633: Phoenixes. 1635-69 21 foules, 1633: fowle, 1635-69 22 Thee, 1633, 1650-69: Thee: 1635-39 37 their blazing 1633-69, D, Lec: this blazing A25, B, H49, JC, N, O'F (altered to their), P, TCD 40 ends. 1635-69: ends, 1633 42 this thy 1633-54, B, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, P, S96, TCD: this day 1669, A25, JC, Chambers 46 growe. A25, B, D, H49, JC, N, O'F, P, S96, TCD: goe, 1633-69, Lec 49 disunite, Grolier: disunite. 1633-69 and Chambers 56 Bishops knot, or Bishop Valentine. A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P (our), S96, TC Bishops knot, O Bishop Valentine. 1633-54: Bishops knot of Bishop Valentine. 1669: Bishops knot, of Bishop Valentine. Chambers 60 store, 1633, A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, P, S96, TCD: starres, 1635-69, O'F, Chambers 67 come too late, 1633: come late, 1635-69 70 O Valentine? 1633-54, A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, O'F, P, S96, TCD: old Valentine? 1669 81 passes 1633-39: passeth 1650-69 Spheare, Ed: Spheare. 1633: Spheare: 1635-69 82 where. 1650-69: where, 1633-39 85 here, 1633-39, A25, B, D, H49, JC, Lec, N, TCD: there, 1650-69, O'F, P, S96 91 stay;] stay, 1633 92 spare, 1633-54: spare. 1669 94 acquittances, 1635-69: acquittance, 1633 96 such] om. 1669 104 As ... uprise,] brackets 1650-69 105 day,] day. 1633 ECCLOGUE. 1613. December 26. Allophanes finding Idios in the country in Christmastime, Allophanes. VNSEASONABLE man, statue of ice, What could to countries solitude entice Thee, in this yeares cold and decrepit time? Natures instinct drawes to the warmer clime 5Even small birds, who by that courage dare, In numerous fleets, saile through their Sea, the aire. What delicacie can in fields appeare, Whil'st Flora'herselfe doth a freeze jerkin weare? Whil'st windes do all the trees and hedges strip 10Of leafes, to furnish roddes enough to whip Thy madnesse from thee; and all springs by frost Have taken cold, and their sweet murmure lost; If thou thy faults or fortunes would'st lament With just solemnity, do it in Lent; 15At Court the spring already advanced is, The Sunne stayes longer up; and yet not his The glory is, farre other, other fires. First, zeale to Prince and State; then loves desires Burne in one brest, and like heavens two great lights, 20The first doth governe dayes, the other nights. And then that early light, which did appeare Before the Sunne and Moone created were, The Princes favour is defus'd o'r all, From which all Fortunes, Names, and Natures fall; 25Then from those wombes of starres, the Brides bright eyes, At every glance, a constellation flyes, And sowes the Court with starres, and doth prevent In light and power, the all-ey'd firmament; First her eyes kindle other Ladies eyes, 30Then from their beames their jewels lusters rise, And from their jewels torches do take fire, And all is warmth, and light, and good desire; Most other Courts, alas, are like to hell, Where in darke plotts, fire without light doth dwell: 35Or but like Stoves, for lust and envy get Continuall, but artificiall heat; Here zeale and love growne one, all clouds disgest, And make our Court an everlasting East. And can'st thou be from thence? Idios. No, I am there. 40As heaven, to men dispos'd, is every where, So are those Courts, whose Princes animate, Not onely all their house, but all their State. Let no man thinke, because he is full, he hath all, Kings (as their patterne, God) are liberall 45Not onely in fulnesse, but capacitie, Enlarging narrow men, to feele and see, And comprehend the blessings they bestow. So, reclus'd hermits often times do know More of heavens glory, then a worldling can. 50As man is of the world, the heart of man, Is an epitome of Gods great booke Of creatures, and man need no farther looke; So is the Country of Courts, where sweet peace doth, As their one common soule, give life to both, I am not then from Court. Allophanes. 55Dreamer, thou art. Think'st thou fantastique that thou hast a part In the East-Indian fleet, because thou hast A little spice, or Amber in thy taste? Because thou art not frozen, art thou warme? 60Seest thou all good because thou seest no harme? The earth doth in her inward bowels hold Stuffe well dispos'd, and which would faine be gold, But never shall, except it chance to lye, So upward, that heaven gild it with his eye; 65As, for divine things, faith comes from above, So, for best civill use, all tinctures move From higher powers; From God religion springs, Wisdome, and honour from the use of Kings. Then unbeguile thy selfe, and know with mee, 70That Angels, though on earth employd they bee, Are still in heav'n, so is hee still at home That doth, abroad, to honest actions come. Chide thy selfe then, O foole, which yesterday Might'st have read more then all thy books bewray; 75Hast thou a history, which doth present A Court, where all affections do assent Unto the Kings, and that, that Kings are just? And where it is no levity to trust? Where there is no ambition, but to'obey, 80Where men need whisper nothing, and yet may; Where the Kings favours are so plac'd, that all Finde that the King therein is liberall To them, in him, because his favours bend To vertue, to the which they all pretend? 85Thou hast no such; yet here was this, and more, An earnest lover, wise then, and before. Our little Cupid hath sued Livery, And is no more in his minority, Hee is admitted now into that brest 90Where the Kings Counsells and his secrets rest. What hast thou lost, O ignorant man? Idios. I knew All this, and onely therefore I withdrew. To know and feele all this, and not to have Words to expresse it, makes a man a grave 95Of his owne thoughts; I would not therefore stay At a great feast, having no Grace to say. And yet I scap'd not here; for being come Full of the common joy, I utter'd some; Reade then this nuptiall song, which was not made 100Either the Court or mens hearts to invade, But since I'am dead, and buried, I could frame No Epitaph, which might advance my fame So much as this poore song, which testifies I did unto that day some sacrifice. ECCLOGUE. &c. 1633-69: similarly, A18, A23, B, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, S96, TCC, TCD his absence thence. 1633, Lec: his Actions there. 1635-69, A18, H49, N, O'F, TC: his absence then. D, S96 2 countries] country A18, N, TC 4 clime 1633-39: clime: 1650-69: clime. D 5 small 1633, A18, B, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, TC: smaller 1635-69, Chambers 12 Have 1633: Having 1635-69 murmure A18, A23, B, D, H49, N, O'F, TC: murmures 1633-69 22 were, Ed: were; 1633-69 29 kindle] kindles 1633 34 plotts, 1635-69, A18, B, D, H49, N, O'F, S96, TC: places, 1633, 1669, Lec 37 disgest, 1633-39: digest, 1650-69 39 there. D: there 1633-69 40 where, 1633: where: 1635-69, owing to the dropping of stop in previous line 42 State.] State, 1633 54 one 1633, A18, D, H49, N, O'F, TC: own 1635-69, Lec 55 I am ... Court. 1633, A18, B, D, H49, N, S96, TC: And am I then from Court? 1635-69 art. 1650-69: art, 1633-39 57 East-Indian A18, A23, B, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, S96, TC: Indian 1633-69 61 inward A18, A23, B, D, H49, Lec, N, O'F, S96, TC: inner 1633-69 75 present] represent A18, N, TC 78 trust? Ed: trust. 1633-39: trust, 1650-69 84 pretend? Ed: pretend. 1633-69 85 more, 1633: more. 1635-69 86 before. 1633-69: before, Chambers. See note 92 withdrew.] withdrew 1633 96 say. 1635-69: say, 1633 98 joy, ... some; Ed: joy; ... some, 1633: joy; ... some. 1635-69 EPITHALAMION. I.The time of the Mariage. 105THOU art repriv'd old yeare, thou shalt not die, Though thou upon thy death bed lye, And should'st within five dayes expire, Yet thou art rescu'd by a mightier fire, Then thy old Soule, the Sunne, 110When he doth in his largest circle runne. The passage of the West or East would thaw, And open wide their easie liquid jawe To all our ships, could a Promethean art Either unto the Northerne Pole impart 115The fire of these inflaming eyes, or of this loving heart. II.Equality of persons. But undiscerning Muse, which heart, which eyes, In this new couple, dost thou prize, When his eye as inflaming is As hers, and her heart loves as well as his? 120Be tryed by beauty, and than The bridegroome is a maid, and not a man. If by that manly courage they be tryed, Which scornes unjust opinion; then the bride Becomes a man. Should chance or envies Art 125Divide these two, whom nature scarce did part? Since both have both th'enflaming eyes, and both the loving heart. III.Raysing of the Bridegroome. Though it be some divorce to thinke of you Singly, so much one are you two, Yet let me here contemplate thee, 130First, cheerfull Bridegroome, and first let mee see, How thou prevent'st the Sunne, And his red foming horses dost outrunne, How, having laid downe in thy Soveraignes brest All businesses, from thence to reinvest 135Them, when these triumphs cease, thou forward art To shew to her, who doth the like impart, The fire of thy inflaming eyes, and of thy loving heart. IIII.Raising of the Bride. But now, to Thee, faire Bride, it is some wrong, To thinke thou wert in Bed so long, 140Since Soone thou lyest downe first, tis fit Thou in first rising should'st allow for it. Pouder thy Radiant haire, Which if without such ashes thou would'st weare, Thou, which to all which come to looke upon, 145Art meant for Phoebus, would'st be PhaËton. For our ease, give thine eyes th'unusual part Of joy, a Teare; so quencht, thou maist impart, To us that come, thy inflaming eyes, to him, thy loving heart. V.Her Apparrelling. Thus thou descend'st to our infirmitie, 150Who can the Sun in water see. Soe dost thou, when in silke and gold, Thou cloudst thy selfe; since wee which doe behold, Are dust, and wormes, 'tis just Our objects be the fruits of wormes and dust; 155Let every Jewell be a glorious starre, Yet starres are not so pure, as their spheares are. And though thou stoope, to'appeare to us in part, Still in that Picture thou intirely art, Which thy inflaming eyes have made within his loving heart. VI.Going to the Chappell. 160Now from your Easts you issue forth, and wee, As men which through a Cipres see The rising sun, doe thinke it two, Soe, as you goe to Church, doe thinke of you, But that vaile being gone, 165By the Church rites you are from thenceforth one. The Church Triumphant made this match before, And now the Militant doth strive no more; Then, reverend Priest, who Gods Recorder art, Doe, from his Dictates, to these two impart 170All blessings, which are seene, or thought, by Angels eye or heart. VII.The Benediction. Blest payre of Swans, Oh may you interbring Daily new joyes, and never sing, Live, till all grounds of wishes faile, Till honor, yea till wisedome grow so stale, 175That, new great heights to trie, It must serve your ambition, to die; Raise heires, and may here, to the worlds end, live Heires from this King, to take thankes, you, to give, Nature and grace doe all, and nothing Art. 180May never age, or error overthwart With any West, these radiant eyes, with any North, this heart. VIII.Feasts and Revells. But you are over-blest. Plenty this day Injures; it causeth time to stay; The tables groane, as though this feast 185Would, as the flood, destroy all fowle and beast. And were the doctrine new That the earth mov'd, this day would make it true; For every part to dance and revell goes. They tread the ayre, and fal not where they rose. 190Though six houres since, the Sunne to bed did part, The masks and banquets will not yet impart A sunset to these weary eyes, A Center to this heart. IX.The Brides going to bed. What mean'st thou Bride, this companie to keep? To sit up, till thou faine wouldst sleep? 195Thou maist not, when thou art laid, doe so. Thy selfe must to him a new banquet grow, And you must entertaine And doe all this daies dances o'r againe. Know that if Sun and Moone together doe 200Rise in one point, they doe not set so too; Therefore thou maist, faire Bride, to bed depart, Thou art not gone, being gone; where e'r thou art, Thou leav'st in him thy watchfull eyes, in him thy loving heart. X.The Bridegroomes comming. As he that sees a starre fall, runs apace, 205And findes a gellie in the place, So doth the Bridegroome hast as much, Being told this starre is falne, and findes her such. And as friends may looke strange, By a new fashion, or apparrells change, 210Their soules, though long acquainted they had beene, These clothes, their bodies, never yet had seene; Therefore at first shee modestly might start, But must forthwith surrender every part, As freely, as each to each before, gave either eye or heart. XI.The good-night. 215Now, as in Tullias tombe, one lampe burnt cleare, Unchang'd for fifteene hundred yeare, May these love-lamps we here enshrine, In warmth, light, lasting, equall the divine. Fire ever doth aspire, 220And makes all like it selfe, turnes all to fire, But ends in ashes, which these cannot doe, For none of these is fuell, but fire too. This is joyes bonfire, then, where loves strong Arts Make of so noble individuall parts 225One fire of foure inflaming eyes, and of two loving hearts. Idios. As I have brought this song, that I may doe A perfect sacrifice, I'll burne it too. Allophanes. No Sr. This paper I have justly got, For, in burnt incense, the perfume is not 230His only that presents it, but of all; What ever celebrates this Festivall Is common, since the joy thereof is so. Nor may your selfe be Priest: But let me goe, Backe to the Court, and I will lay'it upon 235Such Altars, as prize your devotion. EPITHALAMION. D, H49, Lec, O'F, S96: om. 1633-69. See note 107 expire,] expire 1633-39 108 by 1633: from 1635-69 121 man. 1669, D: man, 1633-39: man; 1650-54 124 or] our 1669 126 both th'enflaming eyes, A18, B, D, H49, N, O'F, S96, TC: th'enflaming eye, 1633: the enflaming eye, 1635-69 128 Singly, A18, A23, B, D, H49, N, O'F, S96, TC: Single, 1633-69, Lec 129 Yet let A23, O'F: Let 1633-69 141 should'st] should 1669 it. 1635-69: it, 1633 144 Thou, which D: Thou, which, 1633: Thou which, 1635-69 145 Art A18, B, S96, TCC: Are 1633, D, H49, Lec, N, TCD: Wert 1635-69, O'F for] for, 1633 PhaËton. 1635-69: PhaËton, 1633 146 ease, ... eyes 1635-69: ease, ... eyes, 1633 150 see. 1633-69: see; Grolier. But see note 157 stoope, ... us 1633-69: stoope, ... us, 1633 167 more; Ed: more, 1633: more. 1635-69 170 or thought] Or thought 1633 172 sing, 1633: sing: 1635-69 178 you, yours, A23, B, D, O'F, S96 give, 1633: give. 1635-69 179 Art. Ed: Art, 1633-69 194 wouldst] would 1669 200 too; Ed: too. 1635-69: to. 1633 202 being gone; Ed: being gone, 1633-39: being gone 1650-69 207 such. 1635-69: such, 1633 211 seene; Ed: seene. 1633-69 214 eye] hand 1650-69 215 burnt] burn 1669 218 divine. 1635-69: divine; 1633 230 all; 1635-69: all, 1633 Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne. THE Sun-beames in the East are spred, Leave, leave, faire Bride, your solitary bed, No more shall you returne to it alone, It nourseth sadnesse, and your bodies print, 5Like to a grave, the yielding downe doth dint; You and your other you meet there anon; Put forth, put forth that warme balme-breathing thigh, Which when next time you in these sheets wil smother, There it must meet another, 10Which never was, but must be, oft, more nigh; Come glad from thence, goe gladder then you came, To day put on perfection, and a womans name. Daughters of London, you which bee Our Golden Mines, and furnish'd Treasurie, 15You which are Angels, yet still bring with you Thousands of Angels on your mariage daies, Help with your presence and devise to praise These rites, which also unto you grow due; Conceitedly dresse her, and be assign'd, 20By you, fit place for every flower and jewell, Make her for love fit fewell As gay as Flora, and as rich as Inde; So may shee faire, rich, glad, and in nothing lame, To day put on perfection, and a womans name. 25And you frolique Patricians, Sonns of these Senators wealths deep oceans, Ye painted courtiers, barrels of others wits, Yee country men, who but your beasts love none, Yee of those fellowships whereof hee's one, 30Of study and play made strange Hermaphrodits, Here shine; This Bridegroom to the Temple bring. Loe, in yon path which store of straw'd flowers graceth, The sober virgin paceth; Except my sight faile, 'tis no other thing; 35Weep not nor blush, here is no griefe nor shame, To day put on perfection, and a womans name. Thy two-leav'd gates faire Temple unfold, And these two in thy sacred bosome hold, Till, mystically joyn'd, but one they bee; 40Then may thy leane and hunger-starved wombe Long time expect their bodies and their tombe, Long after their owne parents fatten thee. All elder claimes, and all cold barrennesse, All yeelding to new loves bee far for ever, 45Which might these two dissever, All wayes all th'other may each one possesse; For, the best Bride, best worthy of praise and fame, To day puts on perfection, and a womans name. Oh winter dayes bring much delight, 50Not for themselves, but for they soon bring night; Other sweets wait thee then these diverse meats, Other disports then dancing jollities, Other love tricks then glancing with the eyes, But that the Sun still in our halfe Spheare sweates; 55Hee flies in winter, but he now stands still. Yet shadowes turne; Noone point he hath attain'd, His steeds nill bee restrain'd, But gallop lively downe the Westerne hill; Thou shalt, when he hath runne the worlds half frame, 60To night put on perfection, and a womans name. The amorous evening starre is rose, Why then should not our amorous starre inclose Her selfe in her wish'd bed? Release your strings Musicians, and dancers take some truce 65With these your pleasing labours, for great use As much wearinesse as perfection brings; You, and not only you, but all toyl'd beasts Rest duly; at night all their toyles are dispensed; But in their beds commenced 70Are other labours, and more dainty feasts; She goes a maid, who, least she turne the same, To night puts on perfection, and a womans name. Thy virgins girdle now untie, And in thy nuptiall bed (loves altar) lye 75A pleasing sacrifice; now dispossesse Thee of these chaines and robes which were put on T'adorne the day, not thee; for thou, alone, Like vertue'and truth, art best in nakednesse; This bed is onely to virginitie 80A grave, but, to a better state, a cradle; Till now thou wast but able To be what now thou art; then that by thee No more be said, I may bee, but, I am, To night put on perfection, and a womans name. 85Even like a faithfull man content, That this life for a better should be spent, So, shee a mothers rich stile doth preferre, And at the Bridegroomes wish'd approach doth lye, Like an appointed lambe, when tenderly 90The priest comes on his knees t'embowell her; Now sleep or watch with more joy; and O light Of heaven, to morrow rise thou hot, and early; This Sun will love so dearely Her rest, that long, long we shall want her sight; 95Wonders are wrought, for shee which had no maime, To night puts on perfection, and a womans name. Epithalamion &c. 1633-69, A18, N, TCC, TCD Epithalamion on a Citizen. A34, B, O'F, S, S96: do. of the La: Eliz: P: Epithalamion. W 4 bodies 1635-69 and MSS.: body 1633 8 smother, 1650-69: smother 1633-39 17 presence Ed: presence, 1633-69. See note 22 faire, rich, glad, and in A18, N, TC, W: faire and rich, in 1633-69, B, O'F, P, S96 25 Patricians,] Patricians 1633 26 Sonns of ... deep oceans, Ed: Some of these Senators wealths deep oceans, 1633, A18, N, TC: Sonnes of these Senatours, wealths deep oceans W: Sonnes of those Senatours, wealths deepe oceans, 1635-69, B, O'F, S96 (but Senators O'F, S96). See note 29 those fellowships] that Fellowship S96 31 bring. W: bring 1633-39: bring, 1650-69 32 straw'd] strow'd 1669 42 thee. 1635-69: thee; 1633 46 All wayes W: Alwaies, 1633: Alwayes, 1635-69 49 Oh winter dayes A34, B, O'F, P, S96, W: Winter dayes 1633-69, A18, N, TC 53 eyes, 1635-69: eyes; 1633 55 still. W: still, 1633-69 57 nill W: will 1633-69 and rest of MSS.: B inserts not. See note 59 runne the worlds halfe frame, A34, B, S96, W: runne the Heavens halfe frame, 1635-69, O'F: come the worlds half frame, 1633, A18, N, TC 60 put] but 1633 72 puts] put 1669 73 Thy virgins girdle 1633-69, W: The Virgin Girdle B, O'F, S96: Thy Virgin girdle P 74 [loves alter] 1633-69 76 were] wee some copies of 1633, Grolier 78 art] are 1669 86 spent, Ed: spent; 1633: spent: 1635-69 95 maime, 1633, W: name, 1635-69, A18, A34, B, N, P, S96, TC |