To E. of D. with six holy Sonnets.SEE Sir, how as the Suns hot Masculine flame Begets strange creatures on Niles durty slime, In me, your fatherly yet lusty Ryme (For, these songs are their fruits) have wrought the same; 5But though the ingendring force from whence they came Bee strong enough, and nature doe admit Seaven to be borne at once, I send as yet But six; they say, the seaventh hath still some maime. I choose your judgement, which the same degree 10Doth with her sister, your invention, hold, As fire these drossie Rymes to purifie, Or as Elixar, to change them to gold; You are that Alchimist which alwaies had Wit, whose one spark could make good things of bad. Divine Poems. A18, N, TC: In 1635-69 this is the title at head of each page, but the new section is headed Holy Sonnets. To E. of D. &c. so headed 1633-69 but placed among Letters &c., and so in O'F and (but L. of D.) W: removed hither by Grosart. 4 their fruits] the fruit W 6 doe 1633: doth 1635-69 8 six;] six, 1633 maime. W: maime; 1633-69 11 drossie] drosse 1650-54 To the Lady Magdalen Herbert: of St. Mary Magdalen. HER of your name, whose fair inheritance Bethina was, and jointure Magdalo: An active faith so highly did advance, That she once knew, more than the Church did know, 5The Resurrection; so much good there is Deliver'd of her, that some Fathers be Loth to believe one Woman could do this; But, think these Magdalens were two or three. Increase their number, Lady, and their fame: 10To their Devotion, add your Innocence; Take so much of th'example, as of the name; The latter half; and in some recompence That they did harbour Christ himself, a Guest, Harbour these Hymns, to his dear name addrest. J.D. To the Lady Magdalen Herbert: &c. Ed: To the Lady Magdalen Herbert, of &c. Walton's The Life of Mr George Herbert. (1670, pp. 25-6.) See note 4 know, 1675: know 1670 |