[ iii ] Decoration The CONTENT S |
? PARADOXES - A Defence of Womens Incon?tancy:P.1.
- That Women ought to paint:P.6.
- That by Di?cord things increase:P.9.
- That good is more common then evill:P.12.
- That all things kill them?elves:P.15.
- That it is po??ible to find ?ome vertue in Some Women:P.17.
- That Old men are more fanta?tike then Young:P.19.
- That Nature is our wor?t Guide:P.21.
- That only Cowards dare dye:P.24.
- That a Wi?e Man is knowne by much laughing:P.26.
- That the gifts of the Body are better then tho?e of the Minde:P.30.
- That Virginity is a Vertue:P.34.
? PROBLEMES - Why have Bastards be?t Fortune?P.40.
- Why Puritanes make long Sermons?P.42.
- Why did the Divel re?erve Je?uites till the?e latter dayes:P.43.
- Why is there more variety of Green then of other Colours?P.44.
- [iv]
Why doe young Lay-men ?o much ?tudy Divinity:P.45. - Why hath the common Opinion afforded Women Soules?P.47.
- Why are the Faire?t, Fal?e?t?P.49.
- Why Venus-?tar only doth ca?t a ?hadow?P.51.
- Why is Venus-?tar multinominous, called both He?perus and Ve?per:P.54.
- Why are New Officers lea?t oppre??ing?P.56.
- Why does the Poxe ?o much affect to undermine the No?e?P.58.
- Why die none for Love now?P.60.
- Why do Women delight much in Feathers?P.61.
- Why doth not Gold ?oyl the fingers?P.62.
- Why do great men of all dependents, chu?e to pre?erve their little Pimps?P.63.
- Why are Courtiers ?ooner Athei?ts then men of other conditions?P.64.
- Why are ?tate?men mo?t incredulous?P.66.
- Why was Sir Walter Raleigh thought the fitte?t Man, to write the Hi?torie of the?e Times?P.68.
? CHARACTERS - The Character of a Scot at the first ?ight:P.69.
- The true Character of a Dunce:P.71.