Introduction | 1 | The most Ancient Roads | 2 | The Assyrian Roads | 4 | Caligula’s Whim | 5 | Carthaginian Roads | 6 | Grecian Roads | 7 | Roman Roads | 8 | Celtic and Germanic Roads | 13 | Roads in the Dark Ages | 15 | Insecurity of Travelling | 16 | The Norman Barons | 17 | Speed in Travelling | 22 | CÆsar’s Journeys | 23 | Fast Bishops | 24 | Roman Senators | 25 | Wolsey’s Speed | 26 | Lord Peterborough | 27 | Travelling Charges | 28 | Petruchio’s Horse | 29 | Cotton’s Ride | 32 | Tour in Derbyshire | 33 | Speed in Travelling | 37 | Wakes and Fairs | 39 | Roman Compitalia | 39 | The Fairs of the East | 40 | Obstructions to Trade | 41 | Expenses and Retinues | 42 | Ancient Travellers | 43 | The Family Coach | 48 | A Journey to London | 50 | Highwaymen | 53 | The Boston Mail | 54 | Arms and the Men | 55 | The Decay of Beggars | 56 | The Mendicant Orders | 57 | Highway Legislation | 58 | Roadside Inns | 59 | Roadside Meals | 60 | Stage Coaches | 61 | Dangers of the Road | 62 | Voltaire and his Companions | 63 | Running Footmen | 64 | Out-runners | 65 | The Judge and the Bar | 66 | Road-making | 67 | Tolls and Turnpikes | 68 | Miry Roads | 69 | Travelling in Search of a Sister | 70 | Tardiness of News | 72 | Post Chaises | 73 | French Postilions | 74 | The Pedlar | 75 | The Son of Mercury | 76 | The Packman’s Ghost | 77 | Wordsworth’s Pedlar | 78 | A Coachman’s Dirge | 79 | Compensation for Speed | 80 | Goodly Prospects | 81 | The Inns of England | 82 | English Innkeepers | 83 | English Horses | 84 | Old Roads of the Continent | 86 | Ser Brunetto | 87 | Roads of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France | 88 | Roads of Asia | 90 | The March up and down | 91 | The Early Travellers | 92 | The Wilderness of Lop | 94 | Hebrew Travellers | 94 | A Jewish Road-book | 96 | Inns of Cathay | 98 | Tartar Post-houses | 99 | The Khan’s Foot-posts | 100 | The Roads of the Incas | 101 | New Roads | 104 | Work and Pain | 106 | Work and Wages | 107 | Reaction and its inconveniences | 108 | Sydney Smith | 110 | Keeping Troth | 111 | Conclusion | 112 |