MATHAN. At length I have the liberty to speak; I can expose the truth to open day. Some monster's rising in that temple reared! Queen, do not wait the bursting of the cloud. Abner, attended by the high-priest Joad, Was there before the break of day: You know His passion for the offspring of their kings. And who can say that Joad does not intend, In place of them, to substitute the boy By which heaven threatens you. It may perchan Be his own son. ATHALIAH. Mine eyes are opened: I begin to see Clearly into the warnings of the heavens. I wish, however, to be free from doubt: A child is little fit to flourish thoughts, Yet one may make us judge of great designs. I must, dear Mathan, see him—question him. But go yourself, without exciting fears, And cause my Tyrians to arm themselves. |