JOAD, JOSABET, MATHAN, NABAL. JOAD. Where am I? Am I looking at Baal's priest? What, David's daughter speaking to that traitor? And will you tolerate his speech with you? Do you not fear that a profound abyss Will yawning open underneath his feet, So that its flames at once will compass you? Or that these walls will crush you fallen on him? What wants he? Wherefore comes, this enemy Of God, to taint the air we here inhale? MATHAN. This violence gives evidence of Joad. Yet he would show more prudence to respect Has deigned to charge with her commands. JOAD. Well, what's the ill she bids you to announce, What frightful charge may such an agent bear? MATHAN. To Josabet I have made known her will. JOAD. Then quit me, monster of iniquity, Go fill thy measure of all horrid things. God rules to join thee with the perjured race, Achitophel, Abiron, Doeg, Dathan t The dogs which tore the limbs of Jezebel, Waiting to show their fury upon thee, Already, at thy gates, demand their prey. mathan (agitated). Before this day expires—it will be seen Which of us—— He shall be forced— (To Nabal.) But, Nabal, let us go. NABAL. Where wander you? What wildering chaos is The master of your senses? That's your way. |