JOSABET, MATHAN, NABAL. MATHAN. Commissioned by the queen To calm again, and dissipate the anger, Princess, in which heaven placed so sweet a soul, Be not surprised at my addressing you. A rumour, which however I suspect To be a fable, favouring the warnings, Which in a dream she had received, on Joad, Accused of dangerous complots, she was going To pour the floodgates of her wrath. I wish Not here to boast of services to you— I know of Joad's injustice to myself— But for offence I must return good deeds. At length, I come to speak the words of peace. Live, solemnize your feasts without distrust, She only claims a pledge of your submission: It is—I did my utmost to dissuade her— The orphan whom she says that she has seen. JOSABET. Eliacin? MATHAN. Of a vain dream she makes too much ado: But you declare yourselves her mortal foes, If not that child's resigned to me at once: The queen impatiently 'waits your reply. JOSABET. And that on her part is the peace announced. MATHAN. Can you one moment hesitate to grant it? Or is that courtesy too dear for peace? JOSABET. Could Mathan, I was wondering, stript of guile, Have overcome the injustice of his heart; And, fatal plotter of so many ills, Could he be author of a shade of good. MATHAN. Of what do you complain? Come I enraged To tear from you your offspring, Zachariah? What is this other child you love so well? In turn, this great affection marvels me. Is he to you a pearl so precious, rare? Is he a liberator trained by Heaven? Remember, your refusal would confirm JOSABET. What report I MATHAN. That of illustrious origin's the child, Destined to some great project by your spouse. JOSABET. And by that tale, which flatters Mathan's fury— MATHAN. Princess, to think me false belongs to you. Yet still I deem that Josabet, the foe Implacable of falsehood, would resign Her own life even, were it requisite, Rather than life of insincerity Be purchased by the slightest word untrue. Then of that child's descent there is no trace? Darkness profound surrounds his origin! You know not of what parents he was born? From whose hands Joad received him to his arms? Pray speak, I listen ready to believe. Princess, unto the God you serve give glory! JOSABET. Base one, is't well you thus dare speak the name Could His veracity be vouched by you, You, wretched, sat upon the noxious bench Where poison's scattered, falsehood hath the sway; You, nurtured in deceit and treachery? |