THE CHOIR. All the Choir sing. Let all adore our God; the universe Is full of His magnificence! Let all invoke Him ever: His empire was before the birth of time; Sing, and proclaim His benefactions. One voice alone. In vain unrighteous violence hath imposed Silence upon the people praising Him: His name shall never perish. Day unto day proclaims His glory and His power: The universe is full of His magnificence: Sing, and proclaim His benefactions. All the Choir. The universe is full of His magnificence: Sing, and proclaim His benefactions. One voice alone. He gives to flowers their lovely hues, He brings the fruits to birth and ripens them; To these He portions, with judicious care, The heat of day and coolness of the night: The gifts with usury. Another. He bids the sun to animate His works, And light's the power of His own hands; But still His holy law, His spotless law Is richest blessing God has given mankind. Another. O, Mount of Sinai, keep eternally In our remembrance the illustrious day, When on thy flaming summit, in a cloud, Densely enveloped, God into the eye Of mortals caused to shine A beamlet of His glory. O tell me why those lightnings and those flames The floods of vapour, rumblings in the air, The trumpetings, and thunder: Came He to overturn The order of the elements? Came He to shake the earth Upon its old foundations? Another. He came to witness to the Hebrew children His holy precepts' everlasting light; With a love eternal. All the Choir. O law divine, delightful law! O justice, tenderness supreme! What satisfaction, sweetness overflowing, To pledge unto that God our love and faith! One voice alone. He freed our fathers from a cruel yoke; While in the desert, with delicious food He nourished them: He gives to us His law, He gives Himself; and for such benefits He orders us to love Him. The Choir. O justice, tenderness supreme! The same voice. For them He closed the waters of the sea, And from an arid rock made fountains gush; He gives to us His law, He gives Himself; And for such benefits He orders us to love Him. The Choir. O law divine, delightful law! To pledge unto that God our love and faith! Another voice alone. O you, who only know a servile fear, Ingrates, can not a God so good delight you? Is it so difficult unto your hearts, So painful, then, to love Him? The bondsman dreads the tyrant's violence, But love's the portion of a child: You wish that God should load you with His blessings, Without returning Him your love! All the Choir. O law divine, delightful law! O justice, tenderness supreme! What satisfaction, sweetness overflowing, To pledge unto that God our love and faith! |