MATHAN, NABAL, THE CHOIR. MATHAN. Young daughters, go, and say to Josabet That Mathan waits to speak to her in private. One of the daughters of the Choir. Mathan! O God of heaven do thou confound him. NABAL. How now? all flee, disperse without reply! MATHAN. Let us approach. ZACHARIAH, MATHAN, NABAL. ZACHARIAH. Audacious! Whither would you go? Forbear Beyond this place to make advance: it is The holy minister's divine abode. To all profane the law forbids the entrance. Upon this solemn day, the guilty sight Of foul idolatry; and prostrate now Before the Lord, would shrink from being disturbed. MATHAN. My son, her time is ours; be not alarmed; I wish to speak to your illustrious mother. I come here charged with orders from the queen. |