There was much confusion after the battle, for so many things had to be done, and done quickly. The lines had to be advanced and made safe against attack by the wild men. The prisoners had to be carefully guarded until they could be put into the grape juice bottle which was being used as a prison. Then, there were the wounded. Both Teenie Weenies and wild men had to be given the best of care. Just as soon as the battle was over, the injured were gathered up and carried tenderly to the Red Cross field hospital, where the Doctor and his two little nurses dressed their wounds. The Clown and the Policeman carried the wounded into the hospital on tiny stretchers and just as soon as the injured little fellows had medical care, they were put into clean beds. At first the injured wild men were much frightened, but when they were handled so tenderly by the Doctor and his lovely nurses, they became quite contented. The Doctor’s official report to the General gives the best idea of the work of the Red Cross after the battle, and it is printed here, word for word, from that tiny document. TEENIE WEENIE RED CROSS FIELD HOSPITAL Commander in Chief,Report No. 14. Teenie Weenie Army. Sir: I herein give to you a full detailed report of the Red Cross work after the battle of Sabo: Teenie Weenies Injured Sailor—Shot in the right breast with arrow, which was removed after a hard operation, as the point had broken off between the third and fourth ribs. Eleven stitches taken in wound. Patient in bad shape but will recover. Dunce—Shot in hand; slight wound; will be all right in few days. Gogo—Two small wounds in right leg and left arm. Cowboy—Scratch on cheek from spear thrust. Wild Men Injured No. 1—Serious wound in neck from rifle bullet; removed bullet after much work; patient in bad shape. No. 2—Bad bayonet wound in side; will recover. No. 3—Piece of shell removed from back; nineteen stitches taken in wound; will get well. No. 4—Painful scalp wound from being hit on head with butt of gun; five stitches taken in wound. No. 5—Shot in shoulder; not dangerous. I wish to bring to your notice the good work of my staff. I commend them for their earnest and skillful help in taking care of the wounded. The work of bringing in the wounded was promptly done by the Policeman and the Clown in a manner that calls for the highest praise. Tess Bone and Sally Guff, my two excellent nurses, were of the greatest service. Their tenderness in handling the injured was of the highest order. I wish also to bring to your notice the kindness of Peter Meadowlark and Bouncing Ben, the jumping mouse. Peter Meadowlark did much towards keeping the patients in a good frame of mind by his daily songs. Every day he came to the hospital and sang for the wounded. Bouncing Ben kept the sick laughing for hours by his funny handsprings and somersaults. I owe much to these two kind-hearted fellows for the good condition of my patients. Sincerely yours, Surgeon General, Teenie Weenie Army. |