3" class="pginternal">23;
nationality, 33;
present crisis, 29, 33;
Romance languages in, 25;
shape of land, 29-30;
struggle for unity, 20
Berat, 164
Berne, 53, 54
Beskid, 115, 143
Bessarabia, 159;
Rumanians in, 172
Bienne, 49, 50, 51, 55
Bismarck, 329
Black Caps, 284
Black Sea, 218;
Poland and, 120
Blanc, Mont, 52
Blondness in Asia Minor, 286
Bohemia, 56, 341;
culture, 143;
German element at present, 148-149;
German ring about, 141-142, 144;
national consciousness, 148;
nationality, 153;
Slav and Teuton struggle, 143-144;
spoliation, 148
Bohemian and Bohemians, 141-150;
literature, 146, 147, 151
BÖhmerwald, 141, 142
Boleslas, 119
Bolzano, 73, 74
Boshnaks, 189
Bosnia, 181, 182, 189, 190;
German settlers, 190-191
Bosnian Mohammedans, 190
Bosporus, 174, 178, 181, 217-220, 244
Boulogne, 23
Boundaries, linguistic and political, 342;
national frontiers, 328;
natural, 327;
natural and scientific, 332-334;
revisions, 202.
See also Frontiers
Boyana, 196
Brandenburg, 116, 186, 211
Dwellings, Alemannic, 44;
German types, 14;
Italian and German, in northern Italy, 68;
Lithuanians, 105;
Lorraine, 44;
Romansh, 54
Dyrrachium, 200
Eastern Question, 180, 228, 231-233, 248
h-19.htm.html#Page_291" class="pginternal">291, 299, 301
Hochdeutsch, 13
Holland, 29, 30, 33, 329
Holstein, 94, 95.
See also Schleswig-Holstein
Homo alpinus, 323-324
Hungarian, 154-159
Hungarians, 81, 154;
Croatia, 190
Hungary, 131;
debt to Rumania, 168;
defining, 338-340;
Germanization, 156-157;
Germans in, 152;
individuality, 154;
Rumanian problem, 157, 158-159;
sketch-map of Rumanian area, 169;
Slovakian area, 152;
Slovaks, 150, 151
Huns, 176
Huss, 146, 147, 151
Huzuli, 168
Ile-de-France, 9, 11
Ill valley, 38, 40
Illyrian, 86
India, 234, 238, 239, 240, 257
“Ingen,” 36, 44
Ipek, 194, 195, 196
Isarco, 73
Ismailyehs, 298
Istria, Italian in, 77
Istrian peninsula, 76
Italian borderlands, 59-92;
Dalmatian islands, 76;
inhabitants of Italian speech in Adriatic provinces, table, 92;
Istrian region, 77;
map showing boundary between Italian and French, 65
Italic and Celtic, in France, 56
Italy, 59-92;
Austrian frontier claims (with sketch-map), 335-337;
claim on Turkey, 237, 246-247, 256;
foreign linguistic groups, 60;
class="pginternal">307, 308;
reclamation, 239
Metauilehs, 297-298
Metsovo, 160
Metz, 37, 43
Mezzo-Mezzos, 277
Middle German, 13
Midyad, 305
Migrations, 202;
h@58205-h-7.htm.html#Page_83" class="pginternal">83-86;
influence in southeastern Europe, 165;
Rumania and, 167;
southeastern Europe and, 161
Rumania, original element and history, 167;
Russian influence, 172, 173
Rumanian, 159-173;
Albanian and, 165;
Bessarabia, 172;
Latin kinship, 159-161, 162;
map of areas, 166;
Serbia, 188;
sketch-map of, in Bukovina and Hungary, 169;
sketch-map showing parts, 183
Rumanians, 339;
Balkan peninsula, 160;
colonies and groups, 163-164;
Roman customs, 161;
in and about Hungary, 157, 158-159;
Pindus mountains, map, 203
Russ, 16
Russia, 15, 16;
advances southwesterly, 243;
Baltic provinces, 103-108;
Bessarabia and Rumania, 172, 173;
different languages, 18;
Finland and, 101, 103;
German settlements in, 343-344;
Germany and, 330-332;
Jewish segregation, 124;
Jews in Polish provinces, 123;
Poland and, 121;
Polish provinces, table, 139-140;
sketch-map showing classification, 112;
Turkey and, 236, 237, 244-245, 250, 264, 266-267
Russian, 15;
Asiatic influence, 16-17;
blending of dialects, 18;
Finland, 103;
origin of modern, 16
Russians, divisions, 136;
original, 132
Russification, 106, 108
Ruthenia, 16
Ruthenians, 114, 126, 130, 131, 285
Tatar, 16, 101, 102, 166, 167
Tatars, 177;
invasion of southern Poland, 113;
Turks and, 279-280
Taurus, 229-230, 258, 259
Tchan, 284
Temesvar, 188
Teutonic Knights, 104, 105, 118, 119,


Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Most illustrations had a repeated label “Fig. nn”; this duplicate label has been removed.

Some Figures and their captions were printed sideways; these have been rotated to the horizontal in the etext.

The ‘per cent’ columns in TABLE I and II on page 109 were incorrect. The erroneous hundreds digit has been dropped, and the correct results with a total 100.0% are obtained. For example 85.1 replaces the printed 585.1 percentage. TABLE II has been split into two parts for readability.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained: for example, halfway, half-way; tableland, table-land; goodwill, good-will; inclosed; coreland; practise; areal; comitat.

Pg 41: ‘HohkÖnigsberg mountains’ replaced by ‘HochkÖnigsberg mountains’.
Pg 92: ‘Metkovie’ in TABLE II replaced by ‘Metkovic’.
Pg 109: ‘Tota’ in 7th column of TABLE III replaced by ‘Total’.
Pg 110: In TABLE IV three cells misplaced on the ‘Vasa’ heading line moved to the correct place on the next line.
Pg 126: ‘became a thorny’ replaced by ‘become a thorny’.
Pg 135: ‘comprise wealthly’ replaced by ‘comprise wealthy’.
Pg 155: ‘and muncipalities were’ replaced by ‘and municipalities were’.
Pg 158: ‘between the town of’ replaced by ‘between the towns of’.
Pg 265: ‘France the first’ replaced by ‘France in the first’.
Pg 297: ‘and the explantion’ replaced by ‘and the explanation’.
Pg 353: (Pittard) ‘la PÉninsula des’ replaced by ‘la PÉninsule des’.
Pg 355: (Teutsch) ‘SiebengÜrger Sachsen’ replaced by ‘SiebenbÜrger Sachsen’.
Pg 361: ‘Linkelbeek’ replaced by ‘Linkebeek’.
Pg 364: (Spalato) ‘town, lat. 43° 30°,’ replaced by ‘town, lat. 43° 30',’.
Footnote [54]: ‘valÉes italiennes’ replaced by ‘vallÉes italiennes’.
Footnote [98]: ‘Talko-Hryncevicz’ replaced by ‘Talko-Hryncewicz’.
Footnote [200]: ‘Nasetia Srpskikh zrmalia’ replaced by ‘Naselia Srpskikh zemalia’.


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