Introduction xiii
I. The Foundations 1
II. The Boundaries of French and Germanic Languages in Belgium and Luxemburg 19
III. The Franco-German Linguistic Boundary in Alsace-Lorraine and Switzerland 35
IV. Borderlands of Italian Language 59
V. Scandinavian and Baltic Languages 93
VI. The Area of Polish Speech 111
VII. Bohemian, Moravian and Slovakian 141
VIII. The Lands of Hungarian and Rumanian Languages 154
IX. The Balkan Peninsula and its Serbian Inhabitants 174
X. Language Problems of the Balkan Peninsula 192
XI. The Geographical Case of Turkey 221
XII. The Peoples of Turkey 271
XIII. Summary and Applications 314
AppendixA. German Settlements in Russia 343
Appendix B. The Balkan States Before and After the Wars of 1912-1913 345
Appendix C. Classification of Languages Spoken in Europe 346
Appendix D. A Selected Bibliography 348
Appendix E. Key to Place Names 357
Index 367

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