LIST OF PLATES PLATE | | The Total Eclipse of the Sun of August 30, 1905 | | Frontispiece | I. | The Total Eclipse of the Sun of May 17, 1882 | To face page | 96 | II. | Great Telescope of Hevelius | "" | 110 | III. | A Tubeless, or "Aerial" Telescope | "" | 112 | IV. | The Great Yerkes Telescope | "" | 118 | V. | The Sun, showing several groups of Spots | "" | 134 | VI. | Photograph of a Sunspot | "" | 136 | VII. | Forms of the Solar Corona at the epochs of Sunspot Maximum and Sunspot Minimum respectively. (A) The Total Eclipse of the Sun of December 22, 1870. (B) The Total Eclipse of the Sun of May 28, 1900 | "" | 142 | VIII. | The Moon | "" | 196 | IX. | Map of the Moon, showing the principal "Craters," Mountain Ranges And "Seas" | "" | 198 | X. | One of the most interesting Regions on the Moon | "" | 200 | XI. | The Moon (showing systems of "Rays") | "" | 204 | XII. | A Map of the Planet Mars | "" | 216 | XIII. | Minor Planet Trails | "" | 226 | XIV. | The Planet Jupiter | "" | 230 | XV. | The Planet Saturn | "" | 236 | XVI. | Early Representations of Saturn | "" | 242 | XVII. | Donati's Comet | "" | 256 | XVIII. | Daniel's Comet of 1907 | "" | 258 | XIX. | The Sky around the North Pole | "" | 292 | XX. | Orion and his Neighbours | "" | 296 | XXI. | The Great Globular Cluster in the Southern Constellation of Centaurus | "" | 306 | XXII. | Spiral Nebula in the Constellation of Canes Venatici | "" | 314 | XXIII. | The Great Nebula in the Constellation of Andromeda | "" | 316 | XXIV. | The Great Nebula in the Constellation of Orion | "" | 318 |