@g@html@files@41153@41153-h@41153-h-11.htm.html#Page_463" class="pginternal">463. Bretigny, Seigneur de, gift of, Deyverdun, Georges, 56; plays the spinet, 94; death of, 96; inspires Gibbon, 98; society founded by, 68; early diaries of, 77; invites Gibbon to Lausanne, 85, 86; indolence of, 88. Diablerets, Les, 45; dance of Wotan on, 217. Diodati, Villa, Byron at, 139. Dissentis, 422. Dol, town of, 26. DÔle, la, 178; Goethe’s ascent of, 295-307. Dolomites, the, 9, 401. Dom, the, 353. DonnerbrÜhl, 411. Dorannaz, 108. Douglas, Lord Edward, death of, 355; body lost, 356. Dranse, La, 162, 180; valley of, 183; cone of, 193, 342; overflow of, 346; robbed by the RhÔne, 348. Druidical rites, 105. Ducommun, Abel, Rousseau’s master, 237. Dufour, General, places plaques on le Niton, 65; reckons heights, 66. Duluth, compared in latitude to Lausanne, 112. Dumas, Alexandre, PÈre, quoted, 103. Duvillard, map of, 260. Ecluse, Fort l’, 305. Edelspitze, the, 353. Education of Rousseau, 236; of French children, 237. Egli, Emil, discovers 9th century MS., 340. Eiger, the, seen from Bern, 413. “Ekkehard,” 434. Elephants cross the RhÔne, 385; pass the Alps, 391. Eliot, George, portrait of, at Geneva, 260. Elton, Sir Charles Abraham, translator of Silius Italicus, 394. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, parodied, 36; on travel, 326. “Emile,” shocks Calvinists, 233, 466. Emmenthal, 150. Enoch, Louis, Regent of Geneva University, 251. EntebÜchel, remains at, 440. Enville, Duc d’, studies glacial action, 372. Epaune, destruction of, 206, 266; describes sunset, Maria Theresa tries to engage Dr. Tissot, 314. Marsens, RenÉe de, 259. Rochers Rouges, 273. Rock-falls, 185, 193, 291. Rodolphe, Duke of Hapsburg, invades Vaud, 123. Rogers, Samuel, on Lake Leman, 169; on Rousseau, 238; on the Hospice of St. Bernard, 395-399. Rohan, Duke of, buried at Geneva, 213. Rolle, 289; road of the, 444; waters of, 312. Rome, Gibbon’s journey to, 83. Ropraz, ChÂteau de, 48. Roquemaure, 382. Rosa, Monte, 359. Rosenberg, Lieutenant-General, bivouacs on Alps, 422; drives French, 423; protects the Russian rear, 425; master-stroke of, 429. Roset, Michel, reads Ordre du CollÈge at Geneva, 257. Rossberg, 309. Rosstock, the, 425. Rothhorn, the, 352, 361. Rothschild, ChÂteau, 269. Rousseau, Isaac, character of, 235; duel with Captain Goutier, 236. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, influence of, 52, 119; memories of, 121, 135; mentioned in Byron’s sonnet, 137; criticized by “Dora d’Istria,” 149; “FraternitÉ cup,” invented by, 183; Ile Rousseau, 197; lover of Nature, 222, 228; invitation to Switzerland, 225; description of sunrise, 227, 466; recipe for mountain-climbing, 229; apostrophe to Lake Leman, 230; farewell, 231; silences Saint-Lambert, 232; criticizes Voltaire, 233; books burned, 234; birth-place marked, 235; education of, 236; converted to Catholicism, 239; writes “Narcisse,” 242; at Vevey, 245; at Geneva, 245; driven out of NeuchÂtel, 246; describes the Escalade, 266; influence of, 282; track of, 222; at Coppet, 280-286. StaËl-Holstein, Baron de, marries Mlle. Necker, 281. Stalden, 352, 368. Stamepfli, Jacob, arbitrator of Geneva claims, 248. Staubbach, the, 200, 452; described by Byron, 456, 457. Stockalper, Kaspar, builds canal, 166. Stockhorn, the, 108. Stoves, tiled, 8, 39. Strassbourg, mourning in, 417. Sudois, Le, wind on Lake Leman, 195. Sugana, Val, 444. Sully, Duc de, scheme of, 213. SuvÓrof, Field-Marshal, passage of the Alps, 420-430. Swiss, characteristics of the, 47; freedom of, 167. Symonds, John Addington, 444. Talent, the River, 401. Tanay, lake of, 163. “TancrÈde,” played at Coppet, 283. Tartarin de Tarascon, 30; at Chillon, 128, 129. TÄsch, village of, 353. TÄschhorn, the, 352. Taugwalder, guides, 355. Taurus, Mont, fall of, 187. Tavernier, J. Baptiste, builds chÂteau at Aubonne, 289; on Switzerland, 223, 224. Tell, William, a myth, 129, 451. Tendre, Mont, 49, 178. TeneviÈre, described, 161. Tennyson, Alfred, quoted, 117; on Monte Rosa, 367. Territe, 121. TÊte Noire, described, 370, 371. Tevent, Hill of, 352. Thebaean Legion, 340, 341. Theodorus, Bishop, 347. ThÉodule glacier, 359; pass, 347. ThiÈle River, 401. Thonon, wines of, 182; beauty of, 183. Thun, 460. Thun, Lake of, 413, 456. Ticknor, George, at Coppet, 281. TinÈre, torrent of, Transcriber’s Note:Author's spelling and punctuation retained. |