Preface v
I. Uncle and Niece 1
II. Just a Common Voyage 8
III. A Roundabout Tour 25
IV. Home at Lausanne 37
V. Gibbon at Lausanne 74
VI. Around the Lake Leman 101
VII. A Digression at Chillon 122
VIII. Lord Byron and the Lake 136
IX. A Princess and the Spell of the Lake 149
X. The Alps and the Jura 160
XI. The Southern Shore 173
XII. Geneva 197
XIII. Sunrise and Rousseau 216
XIV. The City of Rousseau and Calvin 232
XV. Famous Folk 269
XVI. The Ascent of the DÔle 290
XVII. A Former Worker of Spells 311
XVIII. To Chamonix 322
XIX. A Detour to Zermatt 350
XX. The Vale of Chamonix 364
XXI. Hannibal in Switzerland 382
XXII. ZÜrich 400
XXIII. At ZÜrich with the Professor 414
XXIV. On the Shores of Lake Lucerne 445
XXV. Lausanne Again 454
Bibliography 469
Index 471


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