
Abraham, George D.: The Complete Mountaineer

Abraham, George D.: Mountain Adventures at Home and Abroad

Agassiz, Louis: A Journey to Switzerland and Pedestrian Tours in that Country

Anteisser, Roland: Altschweizerische Baukunst

Auvigne, Edmund B. d’: Switzerland in Sunshine and Snow

Bauden, Henry: Villas et Maisons de Campagne en Suisse

Bernowilli, A.: Balci Descriptio Helvetiae

Bonstetten, Albrecht von: Editor Descriptio Helvetiae

Burnet, Gilbert: Bishop of Salisbury. Travels or Letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland

Collings, Henry: Switzerland as I Saw It

Cook, Joel: Switzerland, Picturesque and Descriptive

Coolidge, W. A. B.: Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide-Books

Cooper, James Fenimore: Excursions in Switzerland

Dauzat, Albert: La Suisse moderne

Dumas, Alexandre: La Suisse

Edouard, Desor, and Favre, Leopold: Le bel Âge du bronze lacustre en Suisse

Elton, Charles Isaac: An Account of Shelley’s Visits to France, Switzerland and Savoy in 1814 and 1816

Ferguson, Robert: Swiss Men and Swiss Mountains

Gribole, Francis: The Early Mountaineers

Guerber, HÉlÈne Adeline: Legends of Switzerland

Guillon, Louis Maxime: Napoleon et la Suisse

Hasler, Fr. and H.: Galerie berÜhmter Schweizer der Neuzeit. In Bildern mit biographischem Text von Alfred Hartmann

Havergal, Frances Ridley: Swiss Letters and Alpine Poems

Heer, J. C.: Album der Schweiz: 450 Bildern ... Nach Schilderungen. Edited by Alexander B. Freiherr von Bergenroth

Howard, Blanche Willis: One Year Abroad

Howells, William D.: A Little Swiss Sojourn

Istria, la Comtesse Dora d’ (Princess Helena Koltsova-Masalskaya): La Suisse Allemande et l’ascension du MÖnch

Kuhns, Levi Oscar: Switzerland, Its Scenery, History and Literary Associations

Lerden, Walter: Recollections of an old Mountaineer

Lubbock, Sir John: The Scenery of Switzerland

LeDuc, Violet: Mont Blanc

MacCrackan, William D.: Romance and Teutonic Switzerland

Mummery, A. F.: My Climbs in the Alps and the Caucasus

Orelli, Johann Caspar von: Editor Inscriptiones Helvetiae, Collectae et explicatae

Rey, Guido: The Matterhorn. Translated by J. E. C. Eaton

Rickmers, W. Rickmer: Ski-ing for Beginners and Mountaineers

Rhys, Isobel L.: The Education of Girls in Switzerland and America

Rook, Clarence: Switzerland, the Country and its People

Saitschik, Robert M.: Meister der Schweizerischen Dichtung des 19. Jahrhunderts

Scheuber, Joseph: Die mittelalterlichen ChorstÜhle in der Schweiz

Schneider, Albert: Die neuesten rÖmischen Ausgrabungen in der Schweiz

Sennett, Alfred Richard: Across the Great Saint Bernard

Stephen, Leslie: The Playground of Europe

Stock, E. Elliott: Scrambles in Storm and Sunshine among the Swiss and English Alps

Stoddard, Frederick Wolcott: Tramp through Tyrol

Symonds, John Addington: Our Life in the Swiss Highlands

Tyndall, John: Hours of Exercise in the Alps

Umlauft, F., P. H. D.: The Alps. Translated by Louisa Brough

Usteris, Martin: Pilatus und St. Dominick unter Benutzung einer Handschrift

Webb, Frank: Switzerland of the Swiss

Whymper, Edward: Scrambles Amongst the Alps

Wood, Edith Elmer: An Oberland ChÂlet

Zsigemondy, Dr. Emil: Im Hochgebirge: Wanderungen

—— Annuaire du Club Alpin FranÇais

—— Geschichte der Vermissungen in der Schweiz, als historische Einleitung zu den Arbeiten der schweiz. geodÄtischen Commission

—— MusÉe cantonal vaudois. AntiquitÉs lacustres. Album publiÉ par la SociÉtÉ d’histoire de la Suisse romande et la SociÉtÉ academique vaudoise, avec l’appui du Gouvernement vaudois


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