Table of Contents

I. How Doesticks came to think of it, 13
Hears a voice—Determined.
II. Doesticks satisfies Philander, 18
Writing a book.
III. Niagara, 25
IV. Doesticks on a Bender, 26
Feels sublime—Laboring under difficulties.
V. Seeking a Fortune—Railroad Felicities, 33
Leaves Home—Arrives in Gotham.
VI. Seeing the Lions—Barnum's Museum, 40
Talks to Philander—Admires the Fountain—Visits Barnum's—Sees a Free Fight.
VII. Model Boarding Houses, 49
Finds a Boarding House—Has another home—Content.
VIII. Potency of Croton Water, or an Aqueous Quality Hitherto Unknown, 57
Croton Water—Doesticks at Burton's—At Home.
IX. Modern Witchcraft, 64
Doesticks Reflections—Visits a Fortune Teller.
X. City Target Excursion, 73
Becomes a Military Man—Describes his Company—Attends the drill—Wins the prize.
XI. A New Patent Medicine Operation, 84
Patent Balsam—Receives Testimonials—Shows how it works—Sells for cash.
XII. Running with the "Masheen," 92
Goes to a Fire—Displays his Courage—Gets into a row—Makes his will.
XIII. Street Preaching—A Zealous Trio and a Religious Controversy, 102
In Rhode Island—Hears Gabriel—Shows what can be done.
XIV. Disappointed Love, 110
Sees Calanthe Maria—Becomes Devoted—In Extacies—Learns his Folly—Love dissipated.
XV. Modern Patent Piety—Church-going in the City, 120
Goes to Church—Hears the organ—Looks about him—Conclusions.
XVI. Benevolence run mad—Charitable Cheating, 131
Goes to a Ball—Attends a Fair—Solicited—Makes an investment—Meditates.
XVII. Millerite Jubilee—How they didn't go up, 140
Sees the Millerites—Cogitates—Offers a resolution.
XVIII. The Great "American Tragedian," 148
Visits the Theatre—Observations—Awe-stricken—Touched to the heart.
XIX. "Side Shows" of the City, 159
Descriptions—Suggestions—Sees Bowery Sights—Describes the animals.
XX. New Year's Day in New York, 169
Sleeping Friend—New Year's Calls—Observes the Callers—Hears the music—Good Night.
XXI. Amusement for the Million—A 2.40 Sleigh Ride, 180
With a fast nag—In a crowd—Enjoys the ride—Upsets—Speaks of the girls.
XXII. Cupid in Cold Weather—Valentine's Day, 193
Opinion of Valentines—Receives some.
XXIII. The Kentucky Tavern, 200
In Kentucky—At Breakfast—Return to Michigan.
XXIV. The River Darkies,<

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