| PAGE | PART I. | Ass and his Master | 25 | Ant and Caterpillar | 52 | Bee and the Fly | 11 | Bear and the Bees | 31 | Bear and Two Friends | 33 | Belly and the Limbs | 37 | Beggar and his Dog | 61 | Blind Man and Lame | 47 | Boy and the Nettle | 60 | Butterfly and the Rose | 4 | Clock and the Dial | 5 | Country Maid and the Milk-Pail | 8 | Daw with borrowed Feathers | 40 | Dog and the Crocodile | 23 | Eagle and the Crow | 27 | Eagle and the Owl | 43 | Fortune and School-boy | 36 | Fox and the Bramble | 3 | Fox and the Stork | 63 | Genius, Virtue, and Reputation | 15 | Hermit and the Bear | 18 | Huron and Frenchman | 12 | Industry and Sloth | 16 | Jupiter’s Lottery | 54 | Lion and the Gnat | 22 | Lion, Bear, Monkey, and Fox | 48 | Lion and the Ass | 29 | Lion, Tiger, and Fox | 28 | Miller, his Son, and Ass | 1 | Mock-bird | 51 | Oak and the Willow | 32 | Partial Judge | 20 | Passenger and Pilot | 19 | Sick Lion, Fox, and Wolf | 45 | Snipe Shooter | 56 | Spider and Silkworm | 10 | Sun and the Wind | 59 | Tortoise and Two Crows | 7 | Trees and the Bramble | 65 | Trumpeter | 30 | Two Horses | 49 | Two Dogs | 57 | Trouts and Gudgeon | 58 | Two Lizards | 53 | Wasps and the Bees | 35 | Wolf in Disguise | 24 | Wolf and the Lamb | PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY EDINBURGH AND LONDON |   |