ACT I. (2)


[340] So, in Ben Jonson's "Catiline," act ii. sc. 3—

"But you think, Carius,
'Tis covetise hath wrought me: if you love me,
Change that unkind conceit."

In the "Alchymist," act ii. sc. 3—

"Why, this is covetise!"

And in "Pierce Penilesse his Supplication to the Divell," p. 29: "Under vellany I comprehend murder, treason, theft, cousnage, cut-throat covetise, and such like."

[341] Foyld'st, first and second edition.

[342] [Old copies, we.]

[343] Seldom. It is a word often used by ancient writers. See Mr Steevens's note on "Coriolanus," act ii. sc. 1. Again, in Churchyard's "Worthiness of Wales," 1587—

"So many springs that sield that soil is dry."

[344] What pleases us best. So in "King Lear," act ii. sc. 1—

"His face likes me not."

In the "Maid's Tragedy," act ii.—

"What look likes you best."

In "The Woman-Hater," act i. sc. 3—

"If I can find no company that likes me."

In "Euphues and his England," 1582, p. 16: "Enquire no farther than beseemeth you, least you heare that which cannot like you." And ibid., p. 92: "This liked them all exceedingly. And thus Surius with a good grace and pleasant speech began to enter into the lists with Camilla."

[345] Æmonia, where Pharsalia was.—S. P.


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