
The Desert Scene, 1
The Sonoran Desert and the Monument, 3
Climate: The Vital Factor, 9
Rocks: Foundation and Soilmakers, 13
Plant and Animal Zones, 19
Desert Plants, 23
Succulents, 25
The Saguaro—Monarch of the Monument, 27
Other Common Cactuses, 33
Non-Succulents, 36
Perennials, 36
Ephemerals, 42
Major Plant Communities of Saguaro, 49
Plants of the Hills and Mountains, 55
Oak-Pine Woodland, 55
Ponderosa Pine Forest, 58
Animals and How They Survive, 61
Invertebrates, 62
Amphibians, 64
Reptiles, 64
Birds, 66
Mammals, 72
The Rhythms of Nature, 79
The Impact of Man, 83
Appendix, 87
Suggested Reading, 87
Common and Scientific Names of Plants, 89
Reptiles and Amphibians of the monument, 92
Birds of the monument, 94
Mammals of the monument, 97

Brittlebush display along Cactus Forest Drive.


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