Probably because of its large and prominent jaws, the solpugid, Eremobates sp., which is closely related to the spiders, is greatly feared. Solpugid or sun Spider “Anything so ugly MUST be poisonous,” seems to be the principal basis for its unhappy reputation. It is often found inside buildings where it has gone in search of insect prey, and Mexican families living in adobe houses with dirt floors are reported to be terrorized by it. In Mexico and in many parts of the Southwest it is known as niÑa de la tierra or child-of-the-earth. The range of the solpugid or sun spider is by no means limited to the desert, but its reputation as a poisonous creature seems to be much worse in the Southwest than elsewhere. The solpugid not only is perfectly harmless to man but does not rely on poison in capturing its prey, as it has no venom glands whatever. |