This booklet is published in cooperation with the National Park Service by the The Association lists for sale many excellent publications for adults and children and hundreds of color slides on Southwestern subjects. We recommend the following items for additional information on the Southwest and the National Park System: YOUR NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM IN THE SOUTHWEST. IN WORDS AND COLOR. Jackson. 500 word articles on each National Park Service area in the huge Southwest Region, with full-color photograph for 54 of the 56 areas listed. Most authoritative treatment possible, by 32-year former career N.P.S. employee, with every text checked for accuracy by Regional Office and each area’s superintendent. Also contains “How to Get There” appendix. 64 pages, 56 full-color illustrations, color cover, paper.$1.95 100 DESERT WILDFLOWERS IN NATURAL COLOR. Dodge. Descriptions and full-color portraits of 100 of the most interesting desert wildflowers. Photographic hints. 64 pp., full-color cover, paper.$1.50 100 ROADSIDE WILDFLOWERS OF SOUTHWEST UPLANDS IN NATURAL COLOR. Dodge. Companion book to author’s 100 Desert Wildflowers in Natural Color, but for higher elevation flowers. 64 pages and full-color cover, paper.$1.50 FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS. Dodge and Janish. More than 140 of the most interesting and common desert plants beautifully drawn in 100 plates, with descriptive text. 112 pp., color cover, paper.$1.00 FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MESAS. Patraw and Janish. Companion volume to the Desert flowers booklet, but covering the plants of the plateau country of the Southwest. 112 pp., color cover, paper.$1.00 FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS. Arnberger and Janish. Descriptions and illustrations of plants and trees of the southern Rocky Mountains and other Southwestern ranges above 7,000 feet elevation. 112 pp., color cover, paper.$1.00 MAMMALS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS (formerly Animals of the Southwest Deserts). Olin and Cannon. Handsome illustrations, full descriptions, and life habits of the 42 most interesting and common mammals of the lower desert country of the Southwest below the 4,500-foot elevation. 112 pp., 60 illustrations, color cover, paper.$1.00 MAMMALS OF SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS AND MESAS. Olin and Bierly. Companion volume to Mammals of Southwest Deserts. Fully illustrated in exquisitely done fine and scratchboard drawings, and written in Olin’s masterfully lucid style. Gives description, ranges, and life habits of the better known Southwestern mammals of the uplands. Color cover, paper$2.00 Cloth$3.25 SPMA and NPS logos Write For Catalog 12th Edition (Revised) 8-70—20M |