I. Hans and Gretel13 II. Holland18 III. The Silver Skates28 IV. Hans and Gretel Find a Friend34 V. Shadows in the Home42 VI. Sunbeams50 VII. Hans Has His Way55 VIII. Introducing Jacob Poot and His Cousin59 IX. The Festival of Saint Nicholas66 X. What the Boys Saw and Did in Amsterdam76 XI. Big Manias and Little Oddities86 XII. On the Way to Haarlem94 XIII. A Catastrophe98 XIV. Hans102 XV. Homes108 XVI. Haarlem, The Boys Hear Voices116 XVII. The Man with Four Heads123 XVIII. Friends in Need129 XIX. On the Canal137 XX. Jacob Poot Changes the Plan144 XXI. Mynheer Kleef and His Bill of Fare152 XXII. The Red Lion Becomes Dangerous156 XXIII. Before the Court169 XXIV. The Beleaguered Cities173 XXV. Leyden180 XXVI. The Palace and the Wood187 XXVII. The Merchant Prince, and the Sister-Princess190 XXVIII. Through the Hauge204 XXIX. A Day of Rest212 XXX. Homeward Bound216 XXXI. Boys and Girls220 XXXII. The Crisis227 XXXIII. Gretel and Hilda234 XXXIV. The Awakening241 XXXV. Bones and Tongues245 XXXVI. A New Alarm249 XXXVII. The Father's Return254 XXXVIII. The Thousand Guilders259 XXXIX. Glimpses265 XL. Looking for Work269 XLI. The Fairy Godmother275 XLII. The Mysterious Watch281 XLIII. A Discovery290 XLIV. The Race299 XLV. Joy in the Cottage316 XLVI. Mysterious Disappearance of Thomas Higgs325 XLVII. Broad Sunshine328 XLVIII. Conclusion334