
Adonis lupine Lupinus excubitus 34
Agave Agave scabra 14
Arizona-poppy Kallstroemia grandiflora 41
Barrel cactus Ferocactus wislizenii 53
Beavertail cactus Opuntia basilaris 55
Bird-of-paradise-flower Caesalpinia gilliesii 32
Bladderpod Lesquerella gordonii 24
Blue palo-verde Cercidium floridum 31
Brittle-bush Encelia farinosa 87
Broom baccharis Baccharis sarothroides 85
Buffalobur Solanum rostratum 68
Canaigre Rumex hymenosepalus 17
Catclaw-acacia Acacia greggii 27
Ceniza Leucophyllum frutescens 72
Chaenactis Chaenactis fremontii 94
Claretcup echinocereus Echinocereus triglochidiatus 49
Common reed Phragmites communis 2
Coyote-melon Cacurbita palmata 80
Creosotebush Larrea tridentata 40
Crown-beard Verbesina encelioides 89
Dalea Dalea fremontii 36
Desert baileya Baileya multiradiata 92
Desert beardtongue Penstemon pseudospectabilis 73
Desert dandelion Malacothryx glabrata 97
Desertlily Hesperocallis undulata 4
Desert-mallow Sphaeralcea ambigua 42
Desert mariposa Calochortus kennedyi 7
Desertstar Monoptilon bellioides 82
Desert-willow Chilopsis linearis 77
Desert zinnia Zinnia pumila 86
Douglas coreopsis Coreopsis douglasii 90
Douglas groundsel Senecio douglasii 95
Engelmann pricklypear Opuntia engelmannii 56
Evening-primrose Oenothera brevipes 22
Evening-primrose Oenothera trichocalyx 61
False-mesquite Calliandra eriophylla 26
Field bind-weed Convolvulus arvensis 63
Fishhook cactus Mammillaria microcarpa 54
Five-stamen tamarisk Tamarix pentandra 43
Fleabane Erigeron divergens This booklet is published in cooperation with the National Park Service by the
which is a non-profit distributing organization pledged to aid in the preservation and interpretation of Southwestern features of outstanding national interest.

The Association lists for sale many interesting and excellent publications for adults and children and hundreds of color slides on Southwestern subjects. These make fine gifts for birthdays, parties, and special occasions, and many prove to be of value to children in their school work and hobbies.

May we recommend, for example, the following items which give additional information on the Southwest?

FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS. Dodge and Janish. More than 140 of the most interesting and common desert plants beautifully drawn in 100 plates, with descriptive text. 112 pp., color cover, paper $1.00

FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MESAS. Patraw and Janish. Companion volume to the Desert flowers booklet, but covering the plants of the plateau country of the Southwest. 112 pp., color cover, paper $1.00

FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS. Arnberger and Janish. Descriptions and illustrations of plants and trees of the southern Rocky Mountains and other Southwestern ranges above 7,000 feet elevation. 112 pp., color cover, paper $1.00

MAMMALS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS (formerly Animals of the Southwest Deserts). Olin and Cannon. Handsome illustrations, full descriptions, and life habits of the 42 most interesting and common mammals, members of the strange animal population of the lower desert country of the Southwest below the 4,500-foot elevation. 112 pp., 60 illustrations, color cover, paper $1.00

MAMMALS OF SOUTHWEST MOUNTAINS AND MESAS. Olin and Bierly. Companion volume to Mammals of Southwest Deserts. Fully illustrated in exquisitely done line and scratchboard drawings, and written in Olin’s masterfully lucid style. Gives descriptions, ranges, and life habits of the better known Southwestern mammals of the uplands. 1961.

Color cover, paper $2.00

Cloth $3.25

POISONOUS DWELLERS OF THE DESERT. Dodge. Invaluable handbook for any person living in the desert. Tells the facts about dangerous insects, snakes, etc., giving treatment for bites and stings and dispels myths about harmless creatures mistakenly believed poisonous. 48 pp. $0.60

Write For Catalog

Box 1562—Gila Pueblo, Globe, Arizona

Mother Nature’s Cinderella story—flower-time in The desert—unfolds in this beautiful book. Captured by the magic of the color camera and described in lucid prose, 100 desert wildflowers are vividly portrayed here. Every color, from brilliant to delicate, is faithfully reproduced. This book will be a treasured photo album for those who have known the desert in bloom and a splendid introduction to the not yet initiated.

Natt N. Dodge, author of Poisonous Dwellers of The Desert, Flowers of the Southwest Desert, and co-author of The American Southwest, as well as contributor to Arizona Highways, New Mexico Magazine, Sunset, and many other national and regional periodicals, has parlayed an encyclopedic knowledge of the Southwest and years of photographic experience into this truly magnificent book.

Cactus flowers
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