LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR EDWARD ARTHUR FANSHAWE, K.C.B., was born April 4th, 1859. He joined the Royal Artillery at the time of the Afghan War of 1878, taking part in that campaign and winning a medal. He again saw service in the Soudan in 1885, and won a medal with clasp and a bronze star. He was promoted Captain in 1886, Major in 1896, and Colonel in 1908. In 1909 he was made (Temporary) Brigadier-General, commanding the Royal Artillery, 6th Division, Irish Command, and later he commanded the Royal Artillery in the 5th Division of the same command. In 1913 he commanded the Royal Artillery in the Wessex Division of the Southern Command. In September, 1914, he was promoted Brigadier-General of the Royal Artillery, and held that position until he became Major-General in June, 1915. He was promoted Lieutenant-General (Temporary) in July, 1916. Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Fanshawe has received distinguished mention in despatches, and, in addition to his promotions, has had bestowed upon him first the C.B. and later the K.C.B. Fanshawe LIEUT.-GEN. SIR E. A. FANSHAWE
The Western Front Drawings by MUIRHEAD BONE "They illustrate admirably the daily life of the troops under my command." —F.M. Sir Douglas Haig, K.T.
Mr. Muirhead Bone's drawings are reproduced in the following form, apart from "The Western Front" publication:—
BRITISH ARTISTS AT THE FRONT Continuation of "The Western Front." The sequel to the monthly publication illustrated by Mr. Muirhead Bone will be issued under the title of "British Artists at the Front." In size, quality of paper and style this publication will retain the characteristics of its predecessor. The illustrations will be in colours, and will be provided by various artists who have been given facilities to make records of the War. Part I will be illustrated by Mr. C. R. W. Nevinson, and Part II by Sir John Lavery, A.R.A. An illustrated Catalogue referring to the above publications will be sent on application to "Country Life," Ltd., 20, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. Contents of Part I.
Large Reproductions of some of these Portraits may be obtained, price 2/6 each. Uniform with this publication. Admirals of the British Navy Portraits by FRANCIS DODD EACH PART 5/- NET. Contents of Part I.
Contents of Part II.
Hudson & Kearns, Ltd., Printers, Hatfield Street, London, S.E. 1. Transcriber's Notes: Punctuation and spelling standardized when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise unchanged. Simple typographical errors remedied; most retained. In Advertisements, Black Letter honorific abbreviations are shown here in boldface. When originally published, the Tables of Content were on the back covers. In this eBook, each has been moved to the beginning of the Part it references. |