Pages vi, xxiv, 110, and 532 are blank in the original. The abbreviations B. C. and A. D. have been spaced throughout the text for consistency. The anchors for footnotes [44:3] and [112:2] are missing in the original and have been added by the Transcriber. Footnote [288:5] reads as follows: "Williams' Hinduism, pp. 119-110." The page references are in error, but Transcriber has left the note as printed. Some of the words in Footnote [560:2] are cut off in the page scan. Unclear words have been extrapolated from context. Footnote [564:5] is printed "John, Bishop of Constantinople, who died". Whatever text is intended to follow is missing from the original. Transcriber has added an ellipsis to indicate missing text. In Chapter XXXIX., there are two consecutive sections numbered 6. They have been left as in the original. 6. _He was born in a Cave._ 6. _He was ordered to be put to death._ The following corrections have been made to the text: Page xii, under Bell (J.): in 2 vols. London: J. Bell, 1790.[period missing in original] Page xii, under Blavatsky (H. P.): by H. P. Blavatsky,[original has period] in 2 vols. Page xv, under Hardy (R. S.): A Manual of Buddhism in its Modern Development.[period missing in original] Page xvi, under Higgins (Godfrey): London: Longman, Rees,[comma missing in original] Orne, Brown & Longman. Page xviii, under Lillie (Arthur): London: TrÜbner[original has Trubner] & Co. Pave xviii, under Mary (Apoc.): The Gospel of the Birth of Mary, attributed to St. Matthew.[original has comma] Page xviii, under Maurice (Thomas): compared with those of Persia, Egypt[original has Egyp-] Page xviii, under Montfaucon (B.): Second edit.[period missing in original] Paris: 1722. Page xxii, under Taylor (Robert): Evidences, and Early History of Christianity[original has Chiristianity] Page xxii, under Taylor (Robert): Boston:[original has semi-colon] J. P. Mendum, 1876. Page xxiii: Beausobre's[original has Beausobres'] Histoire Critique de ManichÉe et du Manicheisme Page xxiii: Sir John Malcolm's[original has Malcom's] History of Persia Page 3: closed up the flesh instead thereof."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 10: it was in a gentle slumber."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 11: the power of the resurrection."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 23: in his "Ancient Fragments," the[original has "The] history Page 32: Agni, the[original has the the] Hindoo god Page 52: "[quotation mark missing in original]The whole multitude of the people Page 66: Chambers's EncyclopÆdia[original has EncylopÆdia] Page 82: this founder of civilization[original has cizilization] has a Solar character Page 89: as Pharaoh's[original has Pharoah's] daughter did with the child Page 107: "[original has single quote]The student of Pagan religion Page 102: Xisuthrus[original has Xisthrus] (who is the Chaldean hero) Page 109: (Joel,[original has period] iii. 6) Page 141: birth of great men[original has greatmen], such as Abraham Page 146: mankind by persuading[original has pursuading] them to eat Page 149: apocryphal Gospel called "[quotation mark missing in original]Protevangelion" Page 176: applied himself to practice asceticism[original has ascetcism] Page 181: folly it is to expect salvation[original has savlation] Page 182: temple of the Laphystian[original has Laphystan] Jupiter Page 245: who appear before him as the judge.[original has extraneous quotation mark] Page 247: all things were created by him."[original has single quote] Page 282: Jesus was pierced with a spear.[282:4][period and footnote anchor missing in original] Page 283: 36. "[quotation mark missing in original]And after six days Page 284: fix his heart and thoughts on God alone."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 287: Aristotle[original has Aristote] a picker-up of ethics Page 298: [original has extraneous quotation mark]Well authenticated records establish Page 299: "[quotation mark missing in original]When the time came Page 300: Gautama Buddha taught that all men are brothers;[semi-colon missing in original] Page 301: before the practice of shaving the head[original has dead] Page 302: "[quotation mark missing in original]We know that the Fo-pen-hing was translated Page 302: "[quotation mark missing in original]These GÂthas were evidently composed Page 302: "[quotation mark missing in original]It would be a natural inference Page 303: around the idea of a Chakravarti[original has Chakrawarti] Page 308: "[quotation mark missing in original]For you either know, or can know Page 312: the flesh and bones of Vitziliputzli[original has Vitzilipuzlti] Page 313: It suggests itself to our mind that[original has that that] this style Page 321: he saw some one undergoing baptism by aspersion.[original has extraneous colon] Page 322: blessing from the Saviour Quetzalcoatle[original has Quetzacoatle] Page 330: worshiped a Virgin Mother and Son,[original has period] who was represented Page 334: title of "Queen of Heaven."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 340: It is placed by MÜller[original has Muller] Page 342: it is the hieroglyph[original has hierogylph] of goodness Page 343: also the symbol[original has symobl] of the Babylonian god Bal Page 351: I. E. E. S.[period missing in original], was a monogram of Bacchus Page 393: no work should be undertaken."[quotation mark missing in original] Page 399: Thames River god officiates[original has officates] at the baptism Page 405: Cardinal Baronius[original has Baronias] Page 405: emblems of either the Linga[original has Lingha] or Yoni Page 407: "[quotation mark missing in original]To the emperor,—a mere worldling Page 416: unruly evil, full of deadly poison."[quotation mark missing in original] Page 443: Whose judgment stronger grows, acts always right."[closing quotation mark missing in original] Page 447: crowds which usually[original has unsually] fill the apartments Page 449: doubt was that Sopater the philosopher[original has philospher] Page 459: for there[original has their] being four Gospels Page 460: may be found to-day[original has to day] in our canonical New Testament Page 464: concerning the genuineness[original has genuiness] of writings Page 467: the light approaches.'[single quote missing in original]" Page 479: birth of the god Sol, the beneficent[original has benificent] Saviour Page 487: crucified in the heavens for the salvation of man."[quotation mark missing in original] Page 507: Thus under a varied appellation[original has appelation] Page 510: Did not Damus[original has Damis], the beloved disciple of Apollonius Page 512: "[quotation mark missing in original]For many deceivers are entered Page 535: [original has extraneous quotation mark]In the mythology of Finns Page 538: the Hiong-nu, and the Japanese?"[quotation mark missing in original] Page 540: "[quotation mark missing in original]The Tunguse, Mongolians, and a great part Page 540: "[quotation mark missing in original]It is very certain that thousands Page 552: Max MÜller, the[original has The] Rev. George W. Cox Page 557: most widely known[original has extraneous comma] characters Page 559: HephÆstos[original has HesphÆstos] as the young, not yet risen Sun Page 564: our Christian ancestors before Eusebius[original has Esuebius] Page 569: Æolus[original has Æolis] Page 570, under Ascension: of Zoroaster, 216[comma and page number missing in original] Page 570, Atonement: the doctrine of,[comma missing in original] taught before the time Page 571, under Black God: the, crucified, 201.[original has comma] Page 572, under Carnutes: the, of Gaul, 198;[original has comma] the Lamb of, 199. Page 572, under Christ (Jesus): not identical with the historical Jesus, 506.[period missing in original] Page 573, under Claudius: Roman Emperor, 126;[original has comma] considered divine, 126. Page 573, under Conception: of Fo-hi[hyphen missing in original], 119 Page 575, under Eclipse: of Julius CÆsar,[comma missing in original] 207 Page 575, under Essenes: and the TherapeutÆ[original has Therapeute] Page 575, under Females: fasted forty days before marriage, 179.[original has semi-colon] Page 576, under Germans: under the name of Hertha, 334,[original has hyphen] 477 Page 577: HÂu-Ki[original has Han-Ki] Page 578, IÖnah: Juno[original has Juna], suspended in space Page 579, under John the Baptist: the day of the Summer[original has Sumner] Solstice Page 579: under Judge of the Dead, Aeacus[original has Æeacus] Page 580, under March 25th: honor of the Christian[original has Christain] Virgin Page 581, under Messiahs: time of Jesus, 196,[original has semi-colon] 519 Page 582: Nebuchadnezzar[original has Nebuchadonazar] Page 582: Nutar[original has Nuter] Nutra Page 583, under Parthenon, the, at Athens[original has Atheas] Page 584, under Portuguese: mountain in Ceylon, Pico[original has Peco] d' Adama Page 584: under Protogenia, mother of Aethlius[original has Æthlius] Page 584, under RÂ: born from the side of his mother[original has mothe.] Page 584: Raam-ses[original has Raam-sees] Page 585: Rosicrucians[original has Rosi-crucians] Page 585, under Scandinavians, Beneficent[original has Benificent] Saviour Page 585, under Second Coming: of Kalewipoeg[original has Kalewipeog] Page 586, under Simon Magus: professed to be the "Word of God,[original has semi-colon]" the "Paraclete," or "Comforter," 164 Page 586, under Tacitus, the allusion to Jesus in, a forgery, 566-568.[page number references missing in original] Page 587, under Tao-tse: formed by Lao-Kiun[original has Lao-Kuin] Page 588: under Yadu: Vishnu[original has Vishna] became incarnate in the House of, 113 Page 589: Zarathustra[original has Zarathrustra] (see Zoroaster). Page 589, under Zend-Avesta, signifies the "Living Word,[original has semi-colon]" 59 Page 589: Zerubabel[original has Zeru-babel] Page 589, under Zeupater[original has Zeu-pater]: the Dyaus-pitar [original has Dyans-pitar] of Asia Footnote [23:6] Bhat, Maha and Thamaz.[original has extraneous quotation mark] Footnote [28:1] the Deluge of Noah and Xisuthrus[original has Xisuthus] Footnote [45:5] Indian Antiquities[original has Antiqities] Footnote [45:8] See Child's Prog.[period missing in original] Relig. Ideas Footnote [46:4] vol.[original has extraneous comma] i. pp. 175, 276. Footnote [70:4] See Chambers's EncyclopÆdia, Art.[period missing in original] "Hercules." Footnote [80:2] En Gallois Jon, le Seigneur[original has Seignenr], Dieu, la cause prÉmiÈre. Footnote [82:7] (Rev. S. Baring-Gould: Curious Myths, p. 367.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [92:5] vol. ii. ch. v. and vi.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [98:1] by the Rev. Dr. Giles, 2[original has extraneous period] vols. Footnote [98:1] "The Bible for Learners" (vols. i. and ii.), by Prof. Oort[original has Oot] Footnote [101:2] See Westropp[original has Westopp] & Wakes, "Phallic Worship." Footnote [119:1] See Asiatic[original has Asiastic] Res., vol. x. Footnote [134:3] to which[original has Which] the reader is referred. Footnote [167:2] Anacalypsis, vol. i. 130, 13-,[dash represents a digit missing in original—original also has period instead of comma] Footnote [177:2] Chambers's Encyclo.[original has Enclyclo.] art. "Zoroaster." Footnote [183:2] redeeming love, pays it all."[original has single quote] Footnote [192:3] See Æschylus' "Prometheus Chained.[original has comma]" Footnote [195:2] Malcolm[original has Malcom]: Hist. Persia, vol. i. Footnote [199:3] Fergusson's Tree and Serpent Worship.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [229:1] receive the reward (of heaven)."[quotation mark missing in original] Footnote [249:1] "[quotation mark missing in original]In the beginning was the WORD Footnote [251:2] Prog. Relig. Ideas,[original has period] ii. p. 267. Footnote [271:2] Contra Celsus[original has Celus], bk. 1, ch. lxviii.[period missing in original] Footnote [281:11] Matt. xxvi. 6-7[hyphen missing in original]. Footnote [283:13] the second member of the Tri-murti[original has Tri-mutri] Footnote [284:17] Quoted from Williams' Hinduism,[comma missing in original] pp. 217-219. Footnote [293:2] See Bunsen's[original has BÜnsen's] Angel-Messiah Footnote [308:5] "[quotation mark missing in original]De Tinctione, de oblatione panis Footnote [319:5] (Aug.[original has comma] Temp. Ser. ci.) Footnote [319:7] stipatum me religiosa cohorte,[original has period] deducit ad proximas balucas Footnote [321:4]
Footnote [328:4] pp. 47, 48,[comma missing in original] and Higgins' Anacalypsis Footnote [332:6] Fergusson's[original has Ferguson's] Tree and Serpent Worship Footnote [332:9] Stuckley: Pal. Sac. No. 1,[comma missing in original] p. 34 Footnote [338:2] In Montfaucon[original has Montefaucon], vol. i. plate xcv. Footnote [342:4] See Colenso's Pentateuch Examined,[comma missing in original] vol. Footnote [349:9] See Basnage[original has Basuage] (lib. iii. c. xxxiii.) Footnote [362:5] (EncyclopÆdia Brit., art. "Christmas.")[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [373:3] I. John, v. 7. John,[comma missing in original] i. 1. Footnote [376:4] Monumental Christianity, p. 65,[original has period] and Ancient Footnote [392:2] See Prog.[period missing in original] Relig. Ideas, vol. i. p. 216. Footnote [393:1] (Dunlap's Spirit Hist., pp. 35, 36.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [410:3] (Mosheim, vol. i. cent. 2, p. 202.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [419:1] (Smith's Bible Dictionary, art. "Alexandria.")[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [420:4] John, xii.[original has comma] 6; xiii. 29. Footnote [423:4] indolent fraternities' of India."[original has single quote] Footnote [425:1] (Eusebius: Eccl. Hist., lib. 2, ch. xvii.)[closing parenthesis missing in original] Footnote [435:2]
Footnote [435:6] Giles' Hebrew and Christian Records,[comma missing in original] vol. ii. Footnote [478:1] (Goldzhier, pp. 158[original has 158, 158]. Knight, pp. 99, 100.) Footnote [483:3] whole aggregate of existences."[quotation mark missing in original] Footnote [486:3] three of[original has o] the mysteries Footnote [489:3] ([parenthesis missing in original]Quoted by Wake: Phallism, &c., p. 43.) Footnote [505:3] over the shoulders of Bellerophon[original has Bellerphon] Footnote [507:2] are the celebrated I. H. S.[original has I. S. H.] Footnote [517:1] thinks that Josephus'[apostrophe missing in original] silence on the subject Footnote [529:3] in what sense does[original has dose] Christianity Footnote [535:3] See Fergusson's[original has Ferguson's] Tree and Serpent Worship Footnote [546:2] Williams'[apostrophe missing in original] Hinduism Footnote [547:2] P.[original has p.] 118. Footnote [562:4] Book iv.[period missing in original] ch. i. in Anac. Footnote [562:5] P.[original has p.] 6. Footnote [563:1] MÜller's[original has MÛller's] Chips, vol. ii. p. 260. Footnote [566:1] writers of antiquity, on account[original has acount] of Either a period has been added or a comma has been changed to a period after the word "Ibid" in the following footnotes: [36:9], [73:7], [74:8], [91:6], [91:10], [94:2], [94:3], [94:6], [96:6], [99:1], [170:5], and [193:11]. Either a period has been added or a comma has been changed to a period after the word "vol" in the following footnotes: [145:1], [215:6], [403:10], [435:6], [469:1], and [505:3]. Either a period has been added or a comma has been changed to a period after "p" or "pp" in the following footnotes: [12:1], [145:1], and [478:1]. |