BOOK I—SIN CHAPTER PAGE I. The Woman in Yellow3 II. Cleo Enters26 III. A Beast Awakes39 IV. The Arrest46 V. The Rescue58 VI. A Traitor's Ruse71 VII. The Irony of Fate78 VIII. A New Weapon85 IX. The Words that Cost93 X. Man to Man98 XI. The Unbidden Guest109 XII. The Judgment Bar116 XIII. An Old Story130 XIV. The Fight for Life139 XV. Cleo's Silence142 XVI. The Larger Vision145 XVII. The Opal Gates158 XVIII. Questions163 XIX. Cleo's Cry171 XX. The Blow Falls174 XXI. The Call of the Blood182 BOOK II—ATONEMENT I. The New Life Purpose195 II. A Modern Scalawag199 III. His House in Order211 IV. The Man of the Hour217 V. A Woman Scorned222 VI. An Old Comedy235 VII. Trapped247 VIII. Behind the Bars259 IX. Andy's Dilemma262 X. The Best Laid Plans278 XI. A Reconnoitre284 XII. The First Whisper294 XIII. Andy's Proposal299 XIV. The Folly of Pity307 XV. A Discovery319 XVI. The Challenge329 XVII. A Skirmish335 XVIII. Love Laughs340 XIX. "Fight It Out!" 346 XX. Andy Fights355 XXI. The Second Blow365 XXII. The Test of Love372 XXIII. The Parting388 XXIV. Father and Son399 XXV. The One Chance414 XXVI. Between Two Fires420 XXVII. A Surprise423 XXVIII. Via Dolorosa428 XXIX. The Dregs in the Cup438 XXX. The Mills of God449 XXXI. Sin Full Grown454 XXXII. Confession456 XXXIII. Healing461